
Vikings Vs Vosigoths

Chapter 12 – The Visigoths

Now this happened in a tavern somewhere in Normandy a discussion between thieves the head thief said "in real life the romans didn't had a good king also the empire rose again and that was not the roman emperor Caligula that's something they add him the stories it was a general in Rome not the current new crown emperor but they conquered it mostly themselves and the empire stretched even more parts "said the head thief himself the mysterious one and John came in the tavern and said " are you doubting me thief and he said " who are you the man said " Rollo the 3rd himself and chief earl is here the thieves shook with fear and the chief earl came and said " bring me the best wine "

The Vikings after decades called off the empire and made their civilization more prosperous and were one feared by everyone around the world and the Mongols and Gaels never invaded Viking Villages, the Germans were ripped off the areas permanently, the Picts and Celtic Warriors surrendered, Romans never invaded Viking areas and Carthage collapsed among the kingdom of Akkad, Hattie and Hyksos along with Assyrians and Scythians declared Egypt as enemy after the massacre caused by the Vikings for the ambush.

As for the romans the city itself became lawless and chaotic chocking under its own breath the empire split itself into 7 to 8 parts and as for the Mongols they involved into wars with other peoples of their local areas.

Sparta and Argos prospered more among Greeks and all our allies had some perks and our trade and business too prospered and no power including the ones of Athens and Thebes dared to revolt or rebel against us and no invader was seen I mean some did some didn't we rested and the dead were properly remembered and honored properly and the Finnish tribes revolted once more and they were put down but after a hard time and then the empire in the end prospered and after time we called the empire off proud of ourselves and that we proved the world we weren't barbaric and uncivilized.

As we sat by earl john and earl ivar and other earls and were back at rune kingdom as we called it, all the Norse, those who worshipped Odin and Asgard or Njord or Vanaheim, earl Fjord came in telling the Visigoths and Franks are marching and the British Isles and some Irish too, not the ones who surrendered and gave gifts plus Mongol Chieftains are also approaching, the peaceful fire was stopped the Nordics who were enjoying the festival honoring Tyr our God of Courage, War, Strength and Justice was stopped and we were told of the upcoming, we drew arms, Brothers and Sisters, " FOR TYR " we yelled and then I stepped up with Lagartha and I cut my palm up and called the thing with the earls present.

Our Chief Earl, John resided at the Centre and said "kept the Visigoth Tribe long enough, do proceed with the meeting "and then Magni points out "best way for us is to divert them into attacking the Picts and Irish and those of the British Isles and let the Germans and Celts fight and fir the Mongols, they would have a war plan too, they would definitely hide and ambush we keep a lot of ourselves on the outskirts of the Totenberg area and other lot far behind them so they can't see more of ours coming and Modi and Evoir would be the commanding ones fending them off whilst I and Ezio handle the upcoming the Irish and Briton Isles and Scotsmen along with the Franks and Visigoths of the Germanic Tribes, some of us have unusual names for reasons being that going to another world they chose different names acting as Mercenaries for people also John once worshipped Greek Gods and met some but they're gone now this is the place of the Nordic Gods and he worships them now.

Bjorn, another earl came by and said "we have our arms ready and we always knew that only a few of Gaels and Germans are trustworthy, may Odin bless us, we have a war to fight now "and before the war we, earls went to a sacred cave and worshipped our benevolent Odin asking for wisdom, he who had once sacrificed his one eye for knowledge and then we marched, men and women alike and the declaration of the coming of war happened, we marched on the forests and then out of nowhere, the Germans came running, Visigoths and Franks, came running and then I ordered " SHIELDS " and we both sides formed a shield wall and clashed and then John took his axes and ran towards a Visigoth, hitting him on a tree and then I took my hidden blades and I hit another Visigoth and then speared a Frank into the tree and hit hard knocking him down and then I ran and jumped from a tree and into another Visigoth, The Visigoths wore red armor and golden Shields whereas The Franks took a shield with blue color and yellow strips among green armor and the franks threw spears, John threw a few stones and axes taking out most of the Germanic Peoples and then Evior took a Visigoth and pushed him into other Visigoths and then one by one killed them grounded and struck some unconscious and then joined back into the war and then a whistle blow later, the berserkers were set loose and the Germanic People were attacked again and then Shield maidens though most stay at home and to most peoples it's not deemed moral but some fell and the rest killed Visigoths and then I took a fallen Germanic Visigoth axe and ran through another Visigoth and then shot and impaled a horse rider and we brought out chariots pulled out by horses and our beasts attacked and chewed out the fallen off Germanic Visigoths and Franks.

John said "let's go Vikings "and then the day ended and the Visigoths and Franks ran and we ran after them and with our spears killed even more of them and hounding them into their villages and then by the time we reached their villages, only to see the Mongols and another tribe and then seeing the Germanic Children being taken as slaves and then I took my axe and threw it on a Mongol and then we attacked the Yellowish Horseman and pulled them off the horses, killing them all off as they would come after us and also nobody would suspect that the Nordic Warriors did this, with a spear impaled the front man and during the mayhem, I took another Mongol man and kicked his legs breaking them and struck my hidden blades, killing him and then 2 more and then Mongols were dropped and Visigoths too with Franks but one of the Mongols killed the slaved children and women by burning the cage and out of nowhere, an arrow struck him and killed him saving a few survivors but Visigoths killed their own to which John took a bow and shot the front Visigoth and another attack on them and Franks and the last ones were rounded up and killed one by one and the villages were left this time and then we left the Germanic Villages, leaving the Grass filled with blood and the enslaved were freed and some came with us to live