
Viking With A Modern System

Marq is a well known author who lives a simple life. He feeds the homeless, volunteers and donates large sums of money to charity that is until his life comes to an unforeseen stop. Now floating in-between the plane of life and death Marq must pave a future for himself.

TsunamicSaucer · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Battle For Lake Bog

Looking at the stats of this enormous Beargator Erik couldn't help but want to run away in fear. He knew he didn't have the time to run away and come back when he was stronger. This was basically his one and only chance to get the DragonLeef from Lake Bog. Just like that he gritted his teeth and yelled," EVERYONE GET OUT OF HERE AND LET THE JARL KNOW WHATS GOING ON."

Ragnar was opposed to this but what could he do to help out this insanely strong three year old. The other children were frozen in fear and so was Ragnar. The aura that this beast gave off was enough to make one soil themselves and cry for their mother.

Even though he was terrified he turned to the others and mad them all run away and just like that it was Erik and the enraged mother Beargator.

Erik then activated the Enhanced Stealth Skill and disappeared from the bears eyes. While this left the bear confused he asked VICKI, "If there were any skills he could purchase after slaying the Infant Beargator."

VICKI said, {There are several skills that you can purchase sir.} After, saying that she listed a bunch of skills but there was only one skill he was interested in and it was Boost and it boosted one selected stat at the cost running out after thirty seconds.

"VICKI purchase the Boost skill." said Erik.

{Confirmed the purchase of the Boost skill sir.} responded VICKI.

Now, Erik was ready to battle this deadly creature.

He dashed at the beast at full speed and readied his dagger and just when he reached the Beargator and went for the instant kill in the brain of the beast he activated Boost. As he struck the beast it dodged the fatal attack and now had a gash reaching down the side of of entire front right leg.

ROOOOAOOOOOOORR!! it screamed in pain.

Erik now unable to reactivate the stealth skill for another sixty seconds. The bear now charged him into but at half of its speed stat. Now, he dodged gracefully from the heavy attack that the bear has unleashed in its rage.

Erik now had fifteen seconds of Boost left so he quickly turned around and slashed the inner thigh of the beast half way through.

SCREEEEEEEEEE!! it roared as it fell to the ground.

It now looked at Erik full of Rage and made itself stand up with a determination to kill Erik. He now charged him again. This time was different it was faster a lot faster and now it did its' heavy strike again and Erik still dodged but it was smarter than that, it kicked him in the air and twenty meters away.

Erik now being unable to move now looked at the bear who was waiting for him to do something. Erik now filled with hate coughed up blood and now fell unconscious.

{Protecting host until host wakes up} was the last thing he heard before everything went blank.

[Welcome back to the Void] said a familiar voice.

Erik opened his eyes and cursed himself for once again he was surrounded by the shadowy figures of the Embodiment.

[Do not be alarmed for you are not dead yet Marq] said the second.

[This is the only way we were able to talk to you.] said the three.

Erik who had not heard the name Marq in three years was astounded at what they were saying.

"Why was there Beargators there people had traveled to that lake daily and they were never attacked.

[That is because that infant Beargator had just been born and saw a group of small children as easy prey and once it died the mother finally decided to show itself to avenge its child.] said the third.

Once, again Erik was furious with his luck and now was filled with Rage and Anger.

[Yes that is what we wanted to see from you an unbridle bloodlust and hatred for all things.] they said in unison.

[Channel the anger from the mugger who so haphazardly took your peaceful and serene life from you a person who cared for all and now this animal that is stopping you from healing your mother you must CRUSH THEM ALL.] said the first.

[For this is the origin story of Erik the Maðr goð and you must survive at all cost.] retorted the third.

Erik thought long and hard at all that had gone wrong in this life and his previous. His mother and father abandoning him at the orphanage, his books not selling and then his death after trying to right the wrongs the world had done to him. Now in this life his mother was dying from a common cold like sickness. He couldn't help but feel nothing but hatred for all those who had gotten away with doing wrong to him.

[Yes channel that anger and go defeat that which has done wrong to you.] they said as he disappeared.

Now opening his eyes his vision was red and there was a bear trying to get to him but was being blocked by an invisible force.

{Bloodlust skill has been activated the master will now have all stats doubled and and skills cooldowns are now zero}

Erik stood up and picked up his dagger while getting ready to tell VICKI to drop the barrier. He readied his stance and told VICKI to drop the barrier. He then dashed over to the bear. First, he had to immobilize it so he stuck the other two legs with gashes straight down and with that the bear fell to the ground with a loud earth shattering boom.


Now it was frantically looking around for a means to escape but before it could Erik stuck his dagger through both eyes and its tail, once again the bear let out a ear bursting screech. Now that it was fully immobilized Erik stood over it and delivered the final killing blow. Now nothing but notifications from VICKI were going off in his head.

{Host had gained +75 to all stats, +15 System Points and acquired the Summon Skill.}

{Host has gained the Beargator Summon}

{Host has successfully defeated the Beast of the Bog}

{Showing Host Stats Now}

Name: Erik

Age: 3

HP: 195/195

Intelligence: 130

Strength: 180

Speed: 125

Durability: 116

System Level: 1

System Points: 19

Skills: Enhanced Strength, Speed, Intelligence, Durability, Perception, Awareness, Stealth, Bloodlust and Summon

Just as VICKI had finished reading his stats the Jarl and several other Viking had arrived and were now in shock at the scene that was before them. A full gown Beargator and an Infant was dead before their eyes and at the epicenter of it all was three year old Erik.

Erling ran over to his son and picked him up and said," My son has done something many of us couldn't do alone and only at the age of three."

"What happened here my boy." he asked Erik

There was a newborn Beargator here who saw us children as easy prey and I slayed it with ease then the mother showed itself and I almost lost but I landed a few strikes to immobilize it and finished it off." said Erik

"I see and are you unharmed." said Erling.

"I am not I was launched backwards and landed on my back," said Erik.

"I see now lets go home and get you treated by Sigurd." said Erling.

"Wait!" said Erik

He then ran over to the Lake and secured his mission objective the DragonLeef. They then started walking home while Erling carried Erik on his shoulders.

Chapter releases are on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Sorry for the chapter release so late.

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