
Vigilant Myst (Archived)

Cyberpunk-Based This is a story about a mercenary who has no understanding of how he ended up in the dumpsters, with a little help and guidance by his mercenary friends, Mayne and Bolt. This mercenary has no purpose neither no mission relating to understanding his past. All that matters is that he makes a name for himself in the futuristic city of Nomalan. Throughout his life, he makes allies, makes enemies and pisses off the higher ups with what he does. Actions that oddly sound familiar to a former vigilante. This story takes place in the UNDERDOGS universe.

MrRejex · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
60 Chs

Optimal and Silver 4

Melanie was surprised by what she saw in Ted, her mind began to lose control and she fell unconscious "Melanie?" She became conscious and found herself in her aunt's car "what happened?" Melanie had trouble remembering what happened or how she ended up in her aunt's car, she heard two people talking behind the car and tried to listen to their conversation but she was spotted by her aunt "Melanie!" Rexx ran to where Melanie was and told her "You need some rest sweetie, don't worry, I found a room that we can stay in temporarily and after that, we can leave." Melanie didn't listen to her aunt and focused on the boy who walked away "Who is that?" Rexx looked at where Melanie was pointing and responded "Just an acquaintance." Melanie didn't know whether or not her aunt was lying as she has seen him before. Ted watched behind a dumpster that was in front of Rexx's car as Melanie was finally awake, he watched as Rexx entered her car and bid farewell to her. Ted clenched his fist with depression as he never told Melanie how much he was in love with her. "Shame." Ted turned around to find Klaus hanging on top of the giant pipes "You could have told her that you were in love but... You let it slip." Klaus jumped from the giant pipe and onto a broken car "What do you want Klaus?" Klaus commented on why Ted was acting cold "It's none of your business... And I'll ask again, What do you want?"

"Just wanted to see how my favourite mercenary was doing... It's not like I do this every day and you... You've interested me... And that's why I came here for your service." Ted looked skeptical "You are?" Klaus walked a distance away from Ted "Oh, I know what you are thinking, why would I waste my time and energy on asking for your assistance?" Ted wasn't thinking that "Although I am a genius, this is one job that requires another so the only question is: Will you help me?" How Klaus asked the question in an eerie manner made Ted immediately regret his decision "I'm in, what's the job?" Klaus showed Ted a map "Troy Mogwai will be in Nueline for a week or two to negotiate a deal with the Nueline government." Ted looked at Troy Mogwai's info and noticed how he looked like Ted for unknown reasons. "As much I love to make others suffer, I will not let my home be destroyed even more by a bippy tard." Ted asked, "what does this have to do with me?" Klaus showed Ted Troy's picture "you look like him so you'll act like him." Ted saw this idea as ridiculous and risky. "But come on! It's not like there's a body double and... Wait." Klaus noticed a small bug on Ted's back neck that was competently sheltered, he took the big out and Ted's face began to shift from looking like Troy Mogwai into a face that looked similar to a legend, Klaus couldn't believe what Ted's face looked like but he knew that he found a way to fool everyone. He focused on Ted's face and noticed how he looked like a man that lived in the abandoned district of Normalan, "who is he?" Klaus responded "Don't know him too well, shit, he got me and this other guy into doing this mercenary business. The only thing I know about him is that he has a wife and rarely comes out of his house. And I always questioned why he lives in an abandoned district but then again, he can be traced everywhere so he will be done for. But for now, let's focus on the mission." While Klaus wanted Ted to forget what he said, Ted wanted to know more about this mystery man. "Fucking hell!"