

Viggo, son of Hephaestus (Goddess of forging in Orario) and Kain (Ancient Scion of Balance), was born as a demi-god. However, with a defeat and the inability to strive for a goal in life, he is sent to train with a furious master. Accompany Viggo on his path to becoming a god. "Don't be sorry, be better". This fanfic was born as a Spin-Off of the Original fanfic "Suerte y Perseverancia" also written by me and currently in broadcast. Clarifications: I have been accused of being sadistic with my readers, but I will deny such observations. What happens is that I don't give all things on a silver platter to my protagonists; everything is won. On the other hand, sometimes it just happens that situations do not go as you want. However, that is where the magic of a protagonist lies, in knowing how to move within the parameters and look for solutions with the tools he already has. Believe me, I will never screw my protagonists if it is not to make them better and more powerful. PS: THE IMAGE IS ONLY REFERENTIAL.

AOoBeligerante · Anime & Comics
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331 Chs

Deity 2.312

After his meeting with the goddesses, Viggo came down from the second floor and met the members of the Bishamon family. Erica and Sigfried passed by Viggo giving a brief greeting. Both with knight armor and great sword. Erica was an adult and stood out with such a weapon for her refined build. However, Sigfried was still a child and that sword looked disproportionate to him.

On the other hand, behind Erica and Sigfried came Sakura and Ana, both purple-haired twins. Sakura wore it up to her shoulders and Ana wore it up to her ankles. The two wore dark clothes underneath and purple armor made by the goddess Hephaestis herself.

—Hello— said Viggo, moving towards Sakura and Ana.

Sakura smiled tenderly, but Ana stared at him coldly. Both advanced to Viggo swaying sensually her hips. It was one of the knowledge areas that remained in them from her days as an apprentice hetera.

Sakura approached Viggo without worrying about anything, hugged him, and looked up with a beautiful smile. On the other hand, Ana stayed one meter away from Viggo and folded her arms.

Viggo kissed Sakura, soft, slow, and sensual. Then he looked at Ana, who was still looking at him seriously and her arms crossed. On the sides stood two long daggers hanging from her waist. Viggo looked at Sakura, she turned away, and Viggo advanced to Ana. He stopped a few inches away from her and looked at those purple eyes.

—What's going on?— asked Viggo, in a soft, thick voice.

—Is that woman gone yet?— asked Ana, in a soft, sensual voice.

—Athena?— asked Viggo.

Ana frowned and nodded a few times in a gentle gesture.

—No, she's not gone— replied Viggo —she's talking to Bishamon, what is the problem?—

Ana looked down and shook her head.

Viggo brought his right hand to Ana's chin and raised her face —tell me, what's going on? We have never had secrets between us. At least, that's what I remember—

Ana smiled, stood on tiptoe, and hung on Viggo's neck. She kissed him with all the passion there was and pushed her lips away —silly, you know there are no secrets. It's just that I don't like that woman—

—Athena?— asked Viggo.

Ana nodded with a helpless expression, as if afraid of Athena.

Soul tendency, Viggo thought. It was one of the reasons Kiara gave Viggo to talk to Ana. At the time she seemed calm, and it did not matter if Viggo summoned a goddess. However, now Ana seemed self-conscious and fearful.

—Shall we go for a walk?— asked Viggo —I have something amazing that I would like to show you—

—What is it?— asked Ana, still with that look full of concern.

Viggo smiled and said —Well, it would be a bit troublesome here, we'd better do it outside, on the street—

Ana stared at him, nodded, and Viggo smiled. The latter held out his hand to Sakura and she took it. That way, the three of them walked like in the old days. With Viggo in the middle, Sakura on the left and Ana on the right. Many things had changed. To begin with, the three of them had ceased to be children. Viggo had grown a lot while Sakura and Ana had taken on more feminine forms. The three of them had gone on a long way together. Viggo was going to be king of the gods in a few days and everyone had accepted it, even though they did not know for sure what it meant and that it would change with that.

Sakura, Ana and Viggo took to the streets. It was a bit ironic, since this sector of Orario had the best streets in the whole city, but they barely walked one or another carriage. Not to mention people on foot. The only ones in kilometers were the adventurers of the Bishamon family.

Viggo let go of Sakura and Ana's hands, walked to the cobblestone street, and raised his right hand to waist height. He opened his hand and from the ring on his index finger, a kind of hexagonal medal came out. Viggo looked at Sakura and Ana, smiled slyly, channeled mana to the medal, and threw it into the air.

Ana and Sakura looked at Viggo. Ana confused and arms crossed. Sakura with a smile on her lips and her hands on her lap. They both watched the medal spin in the air and slowly emit a magical glow of light until it exploded into an aura and took the form of a huge lion. The rune beast fell on the street and let out a loud roar. Ana and Sakura were speechless. They approached and Viggo stared at them, arms crossed and a huge smile on his face.

Ana looked at the great lion with a beautiful mane made of turquoise energy. Too beautiful, it almost looked like a mirage, but the cobblestones crushed under its legs as an effect of its great fall, told her that it was real —What is this, Viggo?— she asked.

—We did it with Rosewisse— Viggo said with a broad smile.

Sakura also approached the lion, but just like her sister stopped a few meters away and looked at Viggo —Rosewisse and you?— she asked with a playful smile.

—Well, it was more her than me, but I can say it was a joint effort— Viggo said proudly.

Sakura shook her head as she smiled and looked at the huge rune lion in front of her —Can I touch it?—

—Sure— said Viggo, approached them and brought them closer to the runic lion which, on its four legs, was as tall as Viggo.

Ana and Sakura noticed that, when approaching the runic beast, it was not like a normal animal. It was as if a thousand magic points came together to form the beast.

Viggo stopped in front of the runic lion and let go of Sakura and Ana's hands. He touched the side where the ribs should go. Then he looked at Sakura and Ana and gestured for them to try.

Sakura and Ana put their hands closer, and it was a disappointment as it wasn't like a real animal. It didn't even emit heat or cold. It was, as they saw, the union of many energy points like tiny marbles.

—Can it hurt?— asked Sakura.

—Of course, it can do harm, tear flesh, scratch and climb, hunt, and other things, but it's like a puppet— replied Viggo —it doesn't have a conscience of its own. He is just there and follows the orders of the rider linked to the medal. It doesn't get tired, it doesn't need to be fed, sleep or anything like that. The only problem is that it needs a continuous supply of mana—

—How much mana do you need?— asked Ana, she pulled her hand away from the runic beast and looked Viggo in the eye.

Viggo looked back at her and replied —to function for an hour, at least all the mana of a level 3 mage—

—That's a lot! I couldn't even get it running for a couple of minutes—

—Well— Viggo said with an awkward smile —we're working on that with Rosewisse—

—I want a deer, big, like this boy and long antlers— Sakura said, looking at Viggo. The latter smiled; he liked Sakura for her optimism.

Viggo looked at Ana and asked —What would you like?—

—I don't know? A horse would be fine— Ana replied shyly.

Viggo smiled when he saw that pretty face framed in those long purple hair —well, a deer and a horse. Once we perfect a form of external mana supply, I will deal with the order of both. Now, are you interested in taking a walk?—

—Where are you going?— asked Sakura.

—I'm going to find Tsubaki and Kenshin. The boy went to work with his mother—

—Isn't that dangerous?—

—Yes, but try to convince Tsubaki that it is not—

Viggo and Sakura grimaced uncomfortably as they remembered the brunette woman from the Far East. Arguing with her was like fighting with a wall. You never got anywhere.

Viggo rested his hands on the runic lion's back and jumped up and sat on his back. Then it's Sakura's turn. Viggo held out a hand, Sakura shook her hand, he pulled her, and she jumped. Once Sakura sat behind Viggo, it was Ana's turn.

Once the three of them were sitting on the back of the runic lion, Viggo led with his mind to the beast, and they advanced down the street.

Sakura looked at the street from the runic lion's back as she hugged Viggo by the waist and said —It feels like riding a horse, but without a saddle. A little awkward, but after you get used to it it's not so bad—

—Yes, it's not that uncomfortable— said Viggo —this is just the initial prototype. Over time changes and improvements will come. Perhaps in the future runic mounts will not even resemble this. Rosewisse's goal is to create a kind of eagle that can transport me. She's always complaining that I'm too big and she can't take me flying anymore—

—In that case— said Ana, behind Sakura as she hugged her sister by the waist —Wouldn't it be better if she made you wings?—

—I told her the same thing— Viggo replied in front of the runic lion —but she told me one thing at a time. We already discovered that we could make beasts with magic. You must see the scope, the costs, and the change that this could generate. Also, the dangers in the short and long term. At the same time, innovate and improve what we have done. Creating wings runes would be great, but right now it's a bit complicated—

Viggo directed the runic lion with his mind and guided it through the streets attracting attention. Whether the beast was made of magic, it was huge, or it had a fierce appearance. People stared at them, and the children went crazy pointing at the runic lion. Viggo smiled pleased with the reception the runic beast had.

Then what Viggo was looking for happened. Passers-by looked at his eyes and saw the golden brilliance of his divinity. They looked at Viggo and muttered "the king of the gods" Then the figure of Viggo on the runic mount took on another aspect, more divine, nobler, bigger, and stronger. The looks went from admiration and fascination to respect and reverent awe. No one understood what the king of the gods was, but they understood that a king reigned over his people. In that case, Viggo would rule over gods and mortals.

—Come on, don't be stupid— said a small-time adventurer dressed in dirty old leather armor —it's ridiculous that a brat who still can't wash his face is going to rule us—

Viggo stared at him from the runic mount and the adventurer looked back at him as if to show that he was not afraid of him. However, seeing the gold in his eyes, he felt a reverent fear and bowed his head as if he feared being burned for looking God in the eye.

Viggo continued to advance and just as Hitomi, Bishamon and Athena had planned, his legend grew within Orario.

On that day there was not a home, cave or group that did not murmur the name of the king of the gods. Everyone muttered wondering what would happen to Orario from now on? And what would become of the gods?

Mysticism only grew around the figure of Viggo.