
Vientos De Esperanza

Después de vivir años sin la precaución del mundo exterior, Candice "Candy" White tendrá que aprender cuáles son las intenciones de las sociedades más allá de los valles de su tierra sagrada. Cuando llega el momento de formar parte de una familia, finalmente, rápidamente se da cuenta de que, más allá de lo dicho, una mujer fea lo espera a puerta cerrada. El destino puede cambiar tu vida o hundirte en la desgracia. Lea para descubrir el destino de una niña a punto de encontrar el motivo de su abandono ... Algunos aspectos de esta historia no me pertenecen. Pertenecen a Mizuki La mayoría de los personajes y algunas escenas pertenecen a su creador y escritor. Todo lo demás me pertenece.

theboyinhisdreams · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Hidden Secrets

The unexpected act erased any intent of uttering a word. For the first time in a long time, sanity latches on to the present. Comfort concerns faded like rain over a storm. The impassiveness of the washroom compared to my expressionless countenance stared back at me and sought an answer.

In those brown eyes lived the tenderness of an eternal home, as if it were wood that burns a golden flame yet faultlessly pure.

I couldn't help imposing the chain on my chest and entwined the precious jewel between my fingers. Its flicker adorned by the glints of the sun pressed a more glorious feeling to the heart. This delicate stone led me down unfamiliar paths as memories of belonging. But why did I feel so compelled by it to assume that everything in life had changed for the better? That the lines of prosperity were the prior commitment to something already existing for my happiness. The necklace was something I had seen before, inside that box Tom showed me the other day. But why was he giving me this? Why did Tom provide me with something so crucial to his past? Why does he keep distinguishing me from someone else? What makes me so unique?

"Interesting, who would have thought that all it took to have you so speechless was a kiss." He whispers in my ear, staring at my reflection. I didn't want to recognize I was intimidated by him, but the implication of his gaze tormented me, proving it otherwise. At what point did I let myself stand vulnerable when it came to Tom? Why did his voice sound so stern and dangerous when it used to be an annoyance? Whatever it is, I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of feeling superior, especially me. In life, you need to defend yourself, or you'll get trampled.

"Could you please leave?"

"Why would I?" He questions.

"Get out of here before I break your face," I let out while pressing myself against the bathroom counter.

"I don't want to," He smiles, scoffing at the situation.

"Go away." I tried to shove him, but he merely shifted away, throwing me off balance. Why did he have to be like this? I reckoned we had solved our problems.

"Don't drive me, away Candy. After what happened yesterday, I can't keep lying to myself." He rests his head on my shoulder. What did yesterday's event have to do with anything? I gave him a simple gift for the love of God.

"Go away," I implored.

"See, I anger you already; forgive me, I didn't mean to embarrass you. Or maybe you're mad because you're embarrassed. Which one is it, Candice?"

"If you were as smart as you say, you wouldn't be here!" I assured him before establishing a distance between us.

"You did not answer my question?" He issues as if it were an obligation to respond.

"Because I do not want to!"

"Is it because you know it's true?" He affirms with great confidence. For the love of God. What right does he have to determine what I am feeling or not?

"If you were as angry as you pretended to be, I'd already had a black eye and cracked ribs." Tom shortens the distance with each word, "So why don't you do it? Why am I still here? Could it be that I've finally found your weakness?" His words cornered me, letting a sense of fear wash over me. Have courage, Candice; don't let him manipulate you.

"Please go," I begged, trying to drive him away, but it all worsened when Sister Lane entered, finding us inside.

"What's going on here? Why was the door shut?" Looking at the situation, it did seem unusual that I was standing there with an unbuttoned blouse, along with Tom and a closed door. For a minute, I'd forgotten I was half-decent when I began to try on the dress.

"Are either of you going to explain what you were doing?" Whatever was going through her mind had her on the brink of a heart attack.

"What would we be doing? Tom was the one who..." I tried to clarify, but Tom decides to intervene.

"Forgive me, sister, but this is all a big misunderstanding. I only came to use the bathroom, and when I came in, I didn't realize it was busy. I would have noticed if they had closed the door rather than leaving it open." Unbelievable, he twisted the situation, making me look bad. I swear he will pay for this. I did not have to peer at Mother Superior to infer who she believed.

I could comprehend the different scenarios that were going through her mind as she looked down on me, a way to express her concern. I knew nothing good would come of it once she clarified her opinions.

"We've already talked about this, Candice. How many times do I have to remind you to close the door when you use the bathroom or need some privacy? You are no longer a girl, to be wandering around like nothing. A young lady should never reveal herself in such a state of nakedness out of respect for her dignity, you understand? " She looks at me in all seriousness. What did she mean by saying that a young lady should be decent? Was I the opposite of her discretion? I wanted to give my view of what happened, but I kept quiet as I listened to her every word. When I glanced at Tom by mistake, I could see regret in his face, but it was too late to forgive.

"Yes, sister, I understand," I answered without staring at her.

"If you did, we wouldn't be having this conversation at the moment." She answered a bit harshly. I was not to her liking these past few days.

"And you." The sister turned towards Tom, "Why are you still standing there?"

"I was going to help her button her dress." Tom looks at her with such innocence that it made it seem reasonable.

"Of course, and you, the gentleman, agreed to such a thing." Sister Lane stared at him as if he thought she was a fool. Well, at least for once, she didn't take sides. But is that a good thing considering the scolding I was going to receive?

"Shouldn't I be one?" Tom asks, questioning her word, which did not amuse her.

"Very funny of you, but I don't have the time to deal with you, so get out. No one needs your assistance; Candice is more than capable of doing it herself." The sister opened the door and indicated he to leave. Tom slowly withdrew before the door closed behind him.

"You should give yourself respect," were the last words addressed to me before the sister left.

I was surprised by her choice of terms. Why was she always to blame for Tom's behavior? The rules applied for both boys and girls made no sense. Why did they have to be more exceptional to us? Why were there such absurd laws that were in favor of such customs? We were in an orphanage; for God's sake, we practically did everything together, or so I thought until now.

This rivalry, as always, was a game with rules depending on your opponent.

~ • ~~ • ~~ • ~~ • ~~ • ~~ • ~

As I fastened the last ribbon and clasped the remaining button, I did my best not to glimpse into the mirror. I didn't want to ruin the moment with negative emotions, so I quickly ran my hands over the fabric, adjusting it before taking off.

"Wow," I imagined Jack's smile before entering the room. My legs refused to move beyond the door; I was too embarrassed to heed the opinion of others. Jack's was an exaggeration since he's always spoken his opinion about me shamefully. When I strived to look away, I notice Tom in the distance near the front door. His gaze was cold and uncontrollable, a warning to something superficial that only he understood.

"Is there a problem?" Jack asks as he follows my trail of sight. Something in the inquisition suppressed a hidden meaning beneath his integrity. Why hadn't I noticed the strange behavior between them? What presented itself to make them act so hostile towards each other?

"Did the cat eat your tongue or what?" Jack remarked when he didn't get an answer in return. Tom, on the other hand, just glared at me without a distraction. Glaring had become our only form of communication, an invaluable contest. But I noticed that he wasn't looking at me precisely but rather something behind me. His eyes, into which I once fell for salvation, turned my stomach as much as meeting an outsider after nighttime. This side of Tom was strange but familiar to a degree.

"No, but I might ask it to eat yours." He countered before giving up. Not once did he speak to me, and for some reason, I felt like a pathetic canine licking its wounds.

"Hey," Jack waves his hand in front of me, trying to get my attention. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, what were we talking about?"

"Don't overthink about what he does or says, you know." He looks carefully at me before turning towards where Tom had gone.

"What?" I asked, confused.

Jack turns to me with a small smile. "He's in his teens, so don't take what he says seriously. Everyone acts like that when they reach that age, and even you will when your time comes."

"Like what?"

"A rebellious git typically for a teenage phase."

"What's that?"

"A period of intense growth, not just physical, but mental and emotional as well. A state of confusion and agitation for many. Despite some adults' negative perceptions of adolescents, we are often energetic, thoughtful, and romantic, with a deep interest in fairness and right. Although it may be a period of conflict between parents and children, adolescence is a cycle that helps us become the people we want to be. Simply, we are trying to find ourselves. "

"Sounds exciting and dramatic," I said, making him laugh.

"It is. But don't try to grow too fast. Take what's in front of you calmly and step by step. I know I'm rushing things, but I know you'll be different from everyone else."

"Why do you think that?"

"I don't know. It's just a feeling I have, but don't try to distract me. Come on, turn around. Let me see you." Jack tried to spin me around, but I resisted.

"Come on, Candy, it's just a twirl. Don't be vague."

"I don't want to," I crossed my arms. Why was Jack so stubborn? If I didn't want to, I didn't want to, period.

"You know I'm nineteen, right, which makes me an angsty young adult. But even then, I was a teenager once, so I'll keep insisting until you surrender." He warns me, which was challenging to take him seriously.

"In your dreams."

"You know, you can be very stubborn. But don't think I'm begging for a truce. I can do this all day if you want. But keep in mind that I won't give up easily."

"Yes, of course." I laughed, making him rage in stress.

"Listen to him, Candy; he can be more stubborn than you might think. ' The sister warned me as she led some of the kids outside. 'And by the way, you look adorable. "

"You heard her, Candy. Now obey and twirl around."

"Nice try."

"Come on, Candice, just a twirl, please do it for me," Paulina begged as she engaged the debate. I watched the siblings grin happily before everything stop for a moment, letting me pretend I was their little sister. A few seconds later, I found myself twirling, dreaming up my dancing posture. Something about spinning in midair was a blood call. When I ultimately stopped and faced the crowd, their pride made me feel at home.

"You look magnificent, doesn't she, Paulina?" Jack smiled with tears when he came to hug me.

Paulina merely smiled and joined us, "Of course."

"Thanks," I murmured into Jack's chest as I hugged his waist.

"How cute. Who do you love beside me?" A foreign voice replenished our surroundings, prompting us to drift apart. And greet a young man who is casually leaning against the door with a duffel bag slung over his shoulder. His raven hair against his pale skin was rare in these northern parts. Where our beloved summer left us breathless, weighing it on our skin. The contrasting image with the conventional one makes it more fantastic. When the man's gaze turned to me, I noticed that his eyes were pale as the clearest blue petals in the intense sunlight. If someone were to ask me, I couldn't lie and say he wasn't attractive.

Recognizing the impression he had on me before I could suppress it worried me. A small snicker constructs his lips. "And who is this beautiful young woman? If you don't mind me asking?" He bends towards me.

It wasn't what he said what made me shivered. It was the way he spoke like vanilla pudding, sweet in its natural form, with glorious and warm flavors. What made me blink repeatedly. He must be popular with those his age. I'm glad I met him before I heard his voice.

"Candice, nice to meet you," I murmured as the shyness burned inside.

"Brandon, the pleasure is all mine." He grinned at me. If possible, his glow was even more tempting.

"I've heard a lot from you," I let out, which took Brandon by surprise, or he wouldn't have looked behind his shoulder. "I hope they were beautiful things, like you."

"On the contrary ..." I opened to explain, but the sudden hand over my jaw dissuaded me from saying more.

"Ignore her, Brandon; she's saying nonsense because Jack forced her to wear a dress. So now she wishes to retaliate in return." Paulina tried to pardon my behavior. Although he seemed to doubt her reasoning, when I looked up at Paulina, she returned a stern warning, implying that it was best to keep my mouth shut.

"Brandon, dear friend, long time no see." Jack went to hug him.

"We saw each other a few days ago," he mentioned in return as he accepted the gesture.

"It's still a lot of time," argued Jack.

"What a baby," I whispered under my breath as Brandon pushed his friend aside and headed toward us.

"Paulina, it's good to see you again." Which she returned the smile and the embrace.

"And so am I. How have you been? I hope my brother hasn't ruined any opportunities for you." Brandon laughed when Jack glared at her.

"So funny."

"I've been alright; college is not as hectic compared to high school."

"Could it be because you're not hanging around like criminals anymore?" Paulina suggested. I thought she had a point.

"No, none of that, I promise." Brandon laughed sheepishly.

"Sure, it was about time life fixed you. If only you could help my brother."

"Sister, it's Christmas. Stop bothering me. And you complain why I don't visit you enough." Jack rolled his eyes at her.

"Ok, forget I said anything. Brandon, how is your family?" Paulina asked while looking thoughtfully at her brother.

"Oh my god," Jack growled. Peeking at Brandon, I couldn't help but notice the smile he wore during the dispute. Judging from his mood, this was a habit to him.

"My family is fine, Paulina, thanks for asking. I was actually with them these last few days to get acquainted before coming here — they send their regards."

"Wow, me too; that's a surprise," Jack uttered in amazement.

"Sorry, my parents only send their wishes to your sister, not to you," Brandon notified, ashamed, making Paulina laugh.

Jack shrugged and looked down, "Whatever."

"Hey, it's your fault for calling them old."

"I was fifteen."

"And yet you kept doing it until about a year ago." Paulina strikes him behind the head. Jack's stupidity surprises me sometimes.

"Okay, okay, I understand their grudge." Jack holds his hands in surrender.

"Well, Brandon, now that you're here, will you stay for dinner or go elsewhere with my brother like always?"

"I'll stay, but before dinner, I'd like to talk to you about something," Brandon voiced, a little more severe than before.

"About?" Paulina asked, a little worried, but she covered it in white.

"It's something you should both be sit down for," Brandon attempts to reason with them, but they ignored the advice.

"Tell us what you have to say and stop beating around the bush. You're worrying us." Jack argued, frightened.

"Well, remember when you asked me to find, you know who?" Judging by Jack's expression, he tried to act clueless when he wasn't.

"Yes, and?"

"It's about Charlie," Brandon whispered. "Your father."

"I know who my father is, Brandon; get to the point."

"Jack!" Paulina expressed her concern. "Get hold of yourself; Brandon's not to blame for what happened."

"What about him?" Jack questions angrily.

"I found him." Brandon's statement stopped the poison that gave off a hidden nightmare, longing on the surface but internally forgotten. The fact that three simple words affected me while listening to something so personal, I knew it was ideal to retire. I significantly understood the emotional limit, and for that reason, I didn't want to get involved in something that had nothing to do with me. Even if I felt an emptiness in my chest, their natures parallel the need for privacy, so with one last look over my shoulder, I cleared the area.

"Where?" I heard Paulina ask desperately.

"He's in California. He never left."

"Is this what you wanted to talk to me about, Jack?" I heard her question him.

"No. I mean yes."

"Yes or no?"

"Yes, it is."

"Why didn't you tell me before? Why now?" I hear her claim him.

"I never wanted this never intended to find him, Paulina. I just wanted to know if he abandoned us for the reasons we think he did."

"And what? Were we right or not? There is nothing that differs from what he did, even if he thought he was doing the right thing." I hear Paulina break, her anger increasing with each step.

It's comforting to know that her feelings weren't that far from mine.

"Paulina, wait! We have to talk. Please listen to me. What I have to say is important." Jack's pleas mixed with the sound of footsteps running outside before the banging of the door. The haunting turmoil led my hands to hug the hem of my dress as the screams faded into the distance. I knew I could trust that everything would be okay, but it's hard to avoid being a victim of heartbreak.

"But I shouldn't worry too much; they are adults, and they can solve their problems," I whispered, trying to convince myself before stepping away from the situation.