

In a world where different human-kind reside, their traits & power can only be passed to their children. Born from a loving Wraith father, and wise Satori mother, Videre and his sister struggle to understand their own unique power. Allied with the Sorcerer's Nation, the Lycan Kingdom's King Alpha didn't think twice to trample over the weak. Though Lycans are one of the strongest human-kind, they are mentally weak, thus their other enemy besides the Strzyga (Vampire)--the highly intelligent, telepathic Satori. After witnessing the death of their parents, the hybrid siblings lived their imprisoned, abused life inside the Lycan dungeons as tools of interrogation for King Alpha, until they're saved by another hybrid--a half-Lycan that dreamed of change. But freedom comes with a price. Escaping death from the hands of the hunting pack, Videre chances upon a cave. Falling. Drowning. Surviving. Living. And then, loving. He finds the secret city of the Great War's refugees, including the Hunter-kind. When he thought he can now settle down to heal slowly from painful memories & train with his newfound entity of a "best friend", he discovers the reason why he was allowed to know the secret, exiting the secret city, starting Aovialutre's quest, and eventually unveiling the truth of his family's murder. But who said his "friend" allowed Videre to leave him behind? "Don't think I'll let you off easy for leaving me". whispered the best friend, as he chases after his runaway wife. Character A: Help me achieve greatness! Main Character: ? Character B: Help me achieve a great relationship! Main Character: ?? Main Lead: Help me achieve marriage! Main Character: Who are you??? Main Lead: Your future husband! Main Character: !!!! Author: This is a boy x boy supernatural story centered around a world/society where there are 18 human-kinds. If you like BL, then I hope you give this story a chance to read and enjoy :))

star_bem · Fantasy
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131 Chs

Xyltosia Folklore (1)

Ever since Obrecht's coming of age ceremony, never have I ever seen him without his sword. Lumeans, who inherited the Hunter-kind's customs, are very loyal, especially to their blade. The incomplete set of a Hunter without his weapon feels weird to me now that I've noticed it.

A certain level of gloom and seriousness appears on Obrecht's face.

"It's at the house we're staying at."

"Then why didn't you bring it with you?"

"If was supposed to be in the house but—", Obrecht corrected.

"But?" I reiterate in hopes of understanding, but to no avail. What happened while I was at Savella's?

Obrecht, "It's missing? Maybe I just misplaced it."

In silence, we cross gazes, knowing fully well he's never been one to 'misplace' something as important as his sword—the one he designed himself and was most eager to have on his coming of age. And saying he 'misplaced' it? It really doesn't sound like him.

"Do Laris and Raguk know?" I immediately ask. The three of them were together for the whole afternoon. They should have realized it, particularly Raguk. And if he'd known, Laris should've already known. Didn't Laris say and do anything?

"Stop worrying. They know." He touches my head, pursing his lips.

Seeing his expression, I realize that although those two may know, Obrecht doesn't look enthusiastic about asking them for help. Much so, with Laris, who kept getting in our way throughout the whole journey.

I tug his hand, going out of the corridors and to the central garden where the party was held; the wide clearing facilitating lots of Faerie people. In the small time that we were...um, playing, the Queen seems to have made her entrance with her children in a fashionably late style. It's easy to notice the Queen with her crown, and Afzal who I'm already familiar with, but the three princesses I can't differentiate among the crowd.

On the table of Faerie-kind's royalty, Laris sat in between the Queen and Afzal. He seems completely in place, like a fish in water. If you look quite closely, although he takes a sip from his glass while chatting, the beverage in his glass doesn't seem to run out. Then, he changes drink with a servant nearby as if he'd had enough of one type or asks for a refill. The ones around him are too caught up with the heat of their conversation that they don't notice.

I feel a stare, and I move my eyes to look at the man quietly sitting beside Afzal's other side. I don't care for that little guard, so my eyes eventually bypass him as I look to the Queen's other side; three empty seats where three ladies should have been. The little guard may have looked irked, but honestly, who is he anyway? My gut tells me that he and I won't get along so might as well keep away ah.

Diagonally opposite them, Raguk was standing with Tukare and Savella near the buffet table, having what seems to be a civilized discussion. It was the kind of atmosphere that made it hard for others to approach.

Noticing my gaze, Savella walked over without disrupting the others.

"Boy, I like your glare." Savella smirks.

"..." Glare?

I twist my head and Obrecht gives me an innocent look.

Savella giggles, "He's been glaring at everyone and anyone who wants to approach you. Boy, I admire that possessiveness!"

"...Can you not teach him anything weird?" Obrecht's level of chaos is barely enough for me to handle as it is, though he has toned down a bit lately, but it's not bad, sort of like maturity.

I subconsciously glance at him. I never knew that one day I'd ever putting 'Obrecht' and 'maturity' in the same sentence. I internally shake my head. Ignoring me, Savella babbles on to Obrecht, telling him that she was the one who made me wear the dress. I feel the vein throbbing on my head again.

"How can I teach him something he already knows?" Savella jeers. "If you want other sets, I can give you some in lieu of our acquaintance", she shakes Obrecht's hand. "I even have a bikini set! I know you'll lo~ve that!"

I grab their hands and separate them, "There is no acquaintanceship happening."

Obrecht, "Eh? Vid?"

"Jealous?" Savella lifts her brow up. Obrecht also gives me an inquisitive look.

I pat the dirt out of Obrecht's hand. "What did I tell you, you can't carelessly be friends with a pervert."

Recalling our first meeting with each other at the cave, I suddenly realize my mistake. It's just that like seeks like, doesn't it? A pervert socializing with a fellow pervert.


I turn around, about to walk over to the only place I could feel a sense of camaraderie—my sister.

"Don't go over", Savella interrupts.


Obrecht voices my question for me, "Why can't we go there?"

"..." Why are you also coming over? Stay with your own species.

"Well, for one, they're having a serious discussion about sword techniques. If you go there, they'd shut up."

I give her a doubtful look. Obrecht dramatically mimics my look.

"My Tukare takes your Obrecht as an in-law."

My, what? I-In-law?? I have a strong urge to deny and question just this one statement. Furthermore, she says it so naturally, without the tiniest bit of mental baggage.

"And it's well known to not get along with in-laws."

"It's not?" Obrecht and I ask at the same time.

"Of course! Look at you and I for example." Savella gestures between us.

"..." I'm pretty sure you're not my in-law.

"Other than Tukare, the other guy, Raguk, takes you as his rival?"

"Just a rival?" Obrecht narrows his eyes.

"Hoho~ You noticed? Well, he's not aware yet. Both of them aren't."

Brows afrown, I look at Obrecht yet he doesn't answer me. Instead, Obrecht frowns deeper.

"It'd be alright to barge into their talk if this was some other day but", she pauses, glancing around. "Their serious discussion is actually keeping others at bay. If you go there, the atmosphere will ease up and lots of people might start offering things. I can't babysit all of you all at once", she shrugs. Savella's presence as the Priestess is enough of a buffer for people with ill intentions, or those who wanted to see a show.

"We can just ignore them", I answer.

"And if it's a royal? Or a royal's little sugar baby?" Savella side-glances at me. "Those brats that runaway Queen reared have thin faces too. You're not even aware who's a princess or not. Ignoring them might put you on bad terms with them. It'll be a disadvantage for you lot."

I can't deny anything. "But—"

"You forget you're not on your turf", she warns, before returning her coy smirk. "Well~ I am technically of higher ruling so they won't be able to freely touch you while I'm here. Especially Tukare~ Ah~ Only I can touch her~"

Savella starts shivering, clasping her arms and making weird squirming dances. I take a step sideways in disgust, covering Obrecht's eyes.

"..." You're not allowed to learn this, much less mimic.

Obrecht obediently stays still, keeping his eyes closed even after I retract my hand. This makes me hum in satisfaction, allowing him to play with the fingers on my hand he's holding.

Savella, "You haven't eaten anything offered to you yet, right?"

"...Does your food count?"

"Of course it doesn't! I'm beyond that level of entertainment. Those are what kids find amusing. I'm more into adult version", Savella says slovenly.

"What's adult version", Obrecht asks.

I threateningly glare at Savella. She laughs, mouthing a 'Take it easy, in-law' before vaguely answering and distracting Obrecht with the earlier topic.

"You know, there's a folklore among the Faerie-kind in this valley."

"A folklore?"

Obrecht: I have a secret now; I can’t eat or drink anything with that truth potion.

Videre: What’s your secret?

Obrecht: <whispers to Videre> I know which parts you like being kissed and caressed, which parts make you moan, and which part—

Videre: <covers Obrecht’s mouth with red ears>

Also Videre: <guards Obrecht tightly like a strict husband, not allowing anyone to give Obrecht any food or wine>

Obrecht: My husband really takes care of me~ <melts>

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