
Chapter 48: Date With Destiny

It was one of the biggest decisions of her life. It had never happened before, not even with Billy, and happiness mixed with nerves in a whole new way. On the upside she had most of the crew there for support.

“What do you think?” Polly asked, turning around in the tenth combination she had tried on.

“Great,” Tuesday said.

“Lovely,” the twins agreed.

“Quite a lot of cleavage though,” Rick said.

“Really?” Polly asked, looking down.

“A bit, yeah,” Tuesday agreed.

Polly stomped off into the bathroom to change again. While she was gone the four friends worked together to set everything up like the mice in Cinderella.

“Is she coming,” Rick asked making the twins giggle.

“Yes, I think so,” Tuesday said.

The bedroom door opened again, and Polly came in decked out in a whole new thing, unprepared for what she saw.


“You guys!”