
Victorious Prodigies

In the lively corridors of Hollywood Arts High School, there are two prodigies whose names are known throughout the entire school. Jason, a singer carrying past wounds, starts to stagnate in his pursuit towards his musical dreams, haunted by past experiences. Meanwhile, Kevin, the ambitious actor and director, aspires to make his mark on Broadway. Tori, a new face in Hollywood Arts, is a sweet, kind, and supportive girl, who later becomes Jason's anchor, offering solace amid his struggles. In contrast, Jade, Kevin's girlfriend for nearly two years, grapples with the turbulent emotions of jealousy and anger. Their close-knit group includes Robbie, a nerd with a passion for tech, André, another musical talent known for his smooth tunes, Beck, the easygoing actor with a laid-back demeanor, and Cat, a whimsical and spontaneous presence. Within this circle of unlikely friends, they navigate the highs and lows of high school life, forging connections, chasing aspirations, and discovering the strength of camaraderie and love as they weave their musical stories together.

InfinityLight · TV
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11 Chs

Survival of the Hottest

Jason, Tori, Beck, Robbie, and Rex were all sitting at lunch, the blistering California heat bearing down on them. Jason's head was down on the table, trying his best to stay conscious.

"Oh, my God." Tori said as she used her hand to fan herself. "I am so... hot..."

Rex let out a snicker, "Ain't that the truth."

Jason raised his head, giving Rex a pointed look, but he put his head back down as he was too tired to get up and smack the puppet.

"What's the temperature now?" Beck asked.

"Uh, well, um, according to my Pear Pad..."

The group all let out a collective groan as Robbie grabbed his giant Pear Pad from the ground and tapped away at the screen.

"Here in Hollywood, it is... a hundred and three degrees." Robbie told them, himself surprised at the number.


Everyone let out another groan at the information they were just told.

"Man, I hate sweating." Beck said.

"I know." Said Tori as she started to feel her arm. "My arms feel like warm, wet ham."

Beck let out a laugh, finding her description to be weirdly funny.

"Hi!" Cat greeted the group as she walked up and sat down at the table. "I'm really hot, but I'm still in a good mood."

From behind, Kevin and Jade also had approached the table.

"Robbie." Jade called out as she and Kevin sat down, with Jade sitting on the same seat as Jason, making him move closer towards Tori. "You done with that water?"

"No!" Robbie told her, clutching his water protectively.

"Give it to me." She demanded.

"Alright." He said, immediately handing her the water.

With how close Tori and Jason now were, Tori accidentally brushed her arm against his, making her pause and look towards her semi-conscious boyfriend.

"Wait." She said, catching the attention of everyone at the table.

"What's wrong?" Kevin asked.

Tori then started to feel around Jason's body, weirding out everyone who was watching this happen.

"Having fun there?" Jade asked.

Tori looked towards her with an annoyed face, but then looked towards everyone else, "He's cold."

"Oh, yeah." Beck said.

"Jason gets cold when it's hot and hot when it's cold." Jade tells her.

"Doesn't really help him that much though." Kevin said.

"Why not?" Tori asked.

"Because he's still feels hot or cold, it's just his skin that gets that way." He told her.

"So, what? He's cold-blooded." She asked.

"Jason? Cold-blooded? Who would've guessed..." Rex said sarcastically, making Tori smack his face.

"Shouldn't he get checked by a doctor?" Tori asked, thinking that his abnormal body temperature should be a cause for concern.

"He did. Doctor couldn't find anything wrong with him." Beck told her.

Nodding, an idea came to mind Tori's mind. She grabbed one of Jason's arms and put it around herself, feeling colder as she snuggled into her boyfriend.

"Oh, my God, that's amazing..." Tori said with absolute contentment before looking towards the others. "Why haven't you guys done this yet?"

"Because we aren't his girlfriend." Beck told her.

"Huh?" She asked, not seeing what that had to do with anything.

"Watch." Jade told her before looking towards Cat. "Cat, come here and do what Tori just did."

"'Kay-Kay." She said before getting up and sitting down where Jade was previously sitting.

Cat grabbed Jason's arm and was about to try and wrap it around herself, but as soon as Jason felt something grab his arm, he bumped her off the seat and onto the ground.

"That wasn't very neighborly..." Cat said in a sad tone before getting up and walking back to her seat.

"See?" Jade asked as she sat back down, smiling at what just happened to Cat.

"Aww, that's kinda cute." Tori said as she gave Jason a peck on the cheek.

Jade rolled her eyes, finding their public displays of affection to be absolutely appalling to her eyes.

"'Sup, amigos, ami-girls?" André greeted as he walked up to the table, fanning himself with a stack of one dollar bills.

"What's all that money for?" Cat asked curiously.

"Me." André replied. "I set up a kiddie pool over there and I'm charging people five bucks for five minutes."

Turning their heads, the group looked behind them and saw that André actually set up a kiddie pool. Matter of fact, Sinjin was currently using said pool.

"Sinjin!" André yelled, getting the attention of the curly-haired boy. "You got three more minutes!"

"Okay!" Sinjin yelled back, proceeding to splash around and make the most of his remaining time left.

Still observing, Tori watched as Sinjin then used one of his hands as a... pretend shark? Muttering "Uh-oh" to himself as he splashed at the "shark".

"Is it true that sweat and pee are, like, "cousins?"" Cat asked, bringing up her hands and using air quotes.

André, Kevin, Robbie and Rex all looked at her weirdly, with Jason momentarily picking his head up from the table to give Cat a weird look before going back to sleep.

"What now?" André asked.

"Man, how long is this heat wave going to last?" Beck asked, steering the conversation away from the weird question asked by Cat.

"They say till Tuesday." Tori answered, her mood slightly elevated from using her boyfriend as a portable AC unit.

"Why would they say that?!" Cat exclaimed.

André looked towards Beck with a questioning look, but Beck only shook his head as a response.

"Wow, it's up to one-oh-six in the Valley." Robbie said, making everyone groan again.


"Hey, check Venice Beach." Beck told Robbie.

"Okay." Robbie said, tapping on his Pear Pad. "Um, Venice is... only ninety-one degrees."


"Oh! Let's go to Venice!" Tori said, perking up and removing herself from her boyfriend.

"You guys wanna?" Beck asked everyone.

"What, blow off school?" Jade asked.

"I could get with that." Rex spoke up.

"Hear. Hear." A muffled response came from Jason, his face still down on the table.

"I meant Saturday." Beck clarified. "I could borrow my uncle's pickup, hook it up to my RV, and we could all hit the beach."

Liking the sound of it, everyone looked towards one another and nodded, all agreeing to hit the beach on Saturday. But the sounds of agreement turned negative when they all heard the sound of Trina's voice.

"Beach? I am so in!" She said.

"What?" Jason said, his head quickly coming off the table and instantly snapping towards Trina.

"No, no, no, no, no!" Jade quickly denied.

"Stay away!" Rex shouted.

The table all tried talking over each other, trying to either come up with an excuse or outright deny Trina from joining them, but they were all futile.

"I can't wait!" Trina said excitedly before walking away.

"Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, WOAH, WOAH!" Beck called out, trying to stop her, but she just continued on her way.

"NO ONE LIKES YOU!" Jade yelled out, trying to both stop her and hurt her feelings at the same time.

Rex let out a long groan, not liking this turn of events any more than the rest of the table. Ultimately accepting their fate, everyone went back to minding their own business before Tori suddenly shouted, "Hey! Hey, Sinjin!"

Tori pointed towards the boy in the pool and everyone turned to see what the problem was.

"He's face down in the kiddie pool." She said worriedly.

Jade took another look, letting out an uninterested "Yup" before turning her attention back towards the table.

"It's cool. He's still got two minutes left." André said after checking the timer he set on his phone.

Tori scoffed, telling him "No!" before running over towards the face down Sinjin. Being the only other person who cared, Robbie went alongside her.

Kneeling down near the pool, Tori flipped Sinjin face up and asked, "Are you okay?"

Sinjin didn't reply, only letting out unintelligible gargles as water came flowing out of him mouth.

"Maybe you should give him mouth-to-mouth." Robbie suggested.

With his hawk-like hearing for all things "Tori", Jason jolted upright in his seat and glared over in the direction of Tori and Robbie.

Tori looked back at Sinjin, who let out another unintelligible gurgle, and her face scrunched up with disgust.

"Nah, he's alright." She said, letting him go and walking back over towards the table.

As she sat back down, Jason wrapped his arm around Tori, making her smile from the ice cube that is her boyfriend.

"Down boy." Kevin said jokingly, getting chuckles from André and Beck.

Jason turned his head towards his friends, killing their laughter instantly as they all turned away to avoid his gaze.


Tori Vega:

On our way to THE BEACH!!!

Gonna COOOOL off!!!

So psyched! :)

Mood = Pumped 😁


"What's good?" Jason said as he walked into Beck's RV.

Seeing Tori on Beck's bed, Jason made his way towards the back of the RV, dapping up both André and Robbie on his way, ignoring Trina, and giving Cat's head a small rub, making her giggle as she touched the top of her head.

"Hey, babe." Tori said, sitting up and giving Jason a peck on the lips.

"Hey." He replied, squeezing in behind Tori and and wrapping his arms around her. Seeing what she was wearing, Jason couldn't help but lean down near her ear and whisper to her, "You look hot."

Tori was wearing blue flip-flops, a pair of jean short shorts and a blue tank top that she had tied up to show her midriff. Jason had on a pair of white Converse, white cargo shorts and black Hawaiian shirt that had a few buttons undone.

"We have an audience and this isn't your couch. Take it down a peg, Hotshot." Tori whispered back, more amused than anything. "But you don't look so bad either."

Letting out a chuckle, Jason looked around and found that Jade wasn't there, which was odd considering that she should've been one of the first ones to be picked up.

"Where's Jade?" He asked.

"At Kev's house." Tori answered as she leaned back against her boyfriend. "Apparently she left her phone there last night."

"And she couldn't just wait for him to give it to her?" Jason asked.

"Guess not." She answered.

A few seconds went by before the RV started to move. After about a minute, the RV stopped once again, with Kevin and Jade coming in through the door.

"'Sup." Kevin said simply before walking towards the back of the RV, looking at the couple laying on the couch. "You guys mind if...?" He said, motioning towards their legs.

Tori and Jason moved over, allowing Kevin and Jade to sit down next to them, but they soon realized that it was a pretty tight fit.

"Well this is... cozy." Kevin said, getting squished in between Jade and Tori.

"I'm more than happy to switch." Jason told him, getting squished between his girlfriend and the side of the couch.

"If only there was more room..." Jade said, her gaze slowly moving towards Trina.

Following her lead, everyone's eyes turned to Trina. Feeling the gazes of multiple, Trina looked up from her phone and saw that everyone was staring at her.

"What?" She scoffed before she looked back towards her phone.

Everyone rolled their eyes at her, but there was nothing they could do short of throwing her out of the RV, which Jade was heavily considering.

"I think I'll just sit on the floor." Jason proposed, ready to do just that.

"You're not sitting on the floor." Tori denied.

"You got a better idea?" Jade asked impatiently.

Tori looked at her with an annoyed look before saying, "As a matter of fact, I do."

Tori stood up for just a moment before taking a step to the side and sitting down right on Jason's lap. While shocked for a brief moment, Jason didn't let the opportunity pass him by and proceeded to wrap his arms around his girlfriend's waist.

"Better than any seatbelt." Tori smirked towards Jade as if she supposedly won some imaginary competition they were having.

Without saying a word, Jade stood up and plopped herself down onto Kevin's lap.

"What the--"

"Are you complaining?" Jade asked.

"Oh, no." He replied, his look of befuddlement turned to acceptance almost instantly.

"I feel like a man dying of thirst watching another man drown..." Robbie muttered.

Don't get him wrong, he was happy for his friend's newfound and long term relationships, ecstatic even, but would it kill them to take it down a notch? There are still single people in the vicinity!

He thinks this, but André had absolutely no problem with it whatsoever despite also being single. Trina on the other hand...

"Geez, would it kill you to--"

"NO ONE LIKES YOU!" Jade yelled at her.

"Hey! C'mon, we're supposed to be having a good time not screaming at each other! And definitely not... whatever it is you two are doing." André said as he looked towards Tori and Jade, both of whom had turned towards each other and glared. "Let's just rock out to some tunes."

André then proceeded to pull a small JBL speaker from his bag, to which Trina excitedly snatched from his hand.

"Ooh, I got the perfect song." She said as she turned on the speaker and connected to her phone.

Not seeing any problem with it, André let her have the speaker and everyone waited to see what she would play. The sound of an acoustic guitar played from the speaker and while the girls recognized the song almost immediately, the boys had no idea what it was.

"Oh, my God, I love this song!" Cat exclaimed, getting shushed by Trina.

[Boy, tell me, can you take my breath away?~

Cruisin' down a heart-shaped highway~

Got you swervin' lane-to-lane, don't hit the brakes~

'Cause I'm feelin' so safe~

I'll be your baby, on a Sunday~

Oh, why don't we get out of town?~

Call me your baby, on the same wave~

Oh, no, no, there's no slowin' down~]

Once the chorus started, all the girls that were originally only swaying side to side were now dancing in their seats, which shouldn't be a problem unless you were currently happened to be sitting a teenage boy.

[You and I, I~

Ridin' Harleys in Hawaii-i-i~

I'm on the back, I'm holdin' tight, I~

Want you to take me for a ri-ide, ride~

When I hula-hula, hula~

So good, you'll take me to the jeweler-jeweler, jeweler~

There's pink and purple in the sky-y-y~

We're ridin' Harleys in Hawaii-i-i~]

Kevin looked around and saw that the previous tense atmosphere from before had almost completely dissipated. Almost. As when he looked to the side and saw that Jason seemed to be very tense despite the vibe going around.

Kevin tapped Jason on the shoulder, gaining his attention and mouthing, "What's wrong?"

Jason looked towards Tori for a moment before looking back at Kevin and mouthing a couple words that he couldn't quite grasp.

Mouthing "What?", Kevin tried to focus more on what Jason was trying to say, but he just couldn't understand what Jason was trying to tell him. Mouthing "What?" Again, Jason grew fed up with the mouthing and decided to just motion to the problem. His girlfriend. Or more specifically, his lap which contained his girlfriend.

Raising an eyebrow, Kevin looked towards Jason's lap in confusion before and saw that she was basically grinding on him. Still not seeing the problem for a few seconds, Kevin looked back towards Jason with a strange face before it suddenly clicked. He quickly brought his hand up to his mouth, stopping himself from busting out in laughter.

He forgot that, despite the rumors around school saying otherwise, Jason was a serial dater, not a playboy. Tori is Jason's first girlfriend. And so this was the first time that Jason's ever faced this sort of predicament.

"What do I do?!" Jason mouthed.

He had to admit, it's surprisingly hilarious to see his best friend so tense over something so minor. Especially since he was ninety percent sure that Tori was doing it on purpose. If not, she either doesn't mind, or those shorts were a lot thicker than they looked.

"First time?" Kevin mouthed back, an entertained smile on his face.

He definitely wasn't going to let him live this down.


"Would you stop pacing!" Jade yelled at Cat.

"I can't help it!" Cat yelled back.

Despite the numerous pit stops Beck had made during the drive, Cat apparently has been needing to go to the bathroom. For the past ten minutes, she had been pacing around the mobile RV, despite the others telling her to sit down before she hurt herself.

Almost like an answered prayer, the RV stopped and the door opened a few seconds later, revealing Beck standing on the other side.

Cat let out a shocked gasp before running out of the RV, yelling out, "GOTTA PEE, GOTTA PEE, GOTTA PEE, GOTTA PEE, GOTTA PEE, GOTTA PEE, GOTTA PEE!"

"Hurry back!" Beck yelled out to her.

"KAY-KAY!" Cat yelled back.

"She has the bladder of a squirrel." Jade commented, looking towards Kevin, who was not disagreeing with her statement.

Seeing as how they were stopped, everyone stood up and went to grab their bags.

"Who's ready for beach fun?" Beck asked as he stepped into the RV, getting "Woos" of excitement from most of his friends.

Meanwhile, Jason and Kevin were still trying to rub some feeling back into their legs. Having someone sit in your lap for almost an hour did not help with circulation.

"Beck, this RV is so cool." Trina said to him.

"Oh, thanks." He replied with a smile.

"And you, like, live in this?" She asked.

"Yeah, well, parked in my parents' driveway." He said.

Trina seemed to take the answer at face value while Tori grew a very confused looked on her face. Turning towards Jason, he gave her a look of "I'll tell you later" before going to grab his bag.

"At least you have parents." Rex said to Beck in a depressed tone.

Beck, Tori, Jason and Kevin all turned towards the puppet, looking at it with confused faces.

"Hey... some things are private." Robbie said in a soft tone.

"I know..." Rex said as he laid his head on Robbie's shoulder.

Not wanting to deal with whatever... that was, Tori looked towards Beck and asked, "Hey, how come all these windows are tinted so dark?"

"Oh, because my dad bought it from a rapper." He answered.

"Yeah, all the windows are bulletproof too." Jason told her.

"What rapper?" André asked.

"Fat Biscuit." Beck replied.

"THE Fat Biscuit?" Tori asked surprised.

"Oh, my gosh!" Robbie exclaimed. "You know, I heard he's thin now."

"Yeah, he had that stomach surgery." Tori said.

"Aww, good for Fat Biscuit." Said Trina.

Everyone nodded, finding Fat Biscuit's weight loss as a good thing before going back to getting all their stuff ready.

"Hey." Tori called out to Jade.

"What?" Jade replied rudely, thinking that whatever Tori had to say was going to be annoying.

"Does it worry you that you never sweat?" She asked, not deterred by Jade's animosity.

"No." Jade replied simply.

"But what if one day, all your sweat, like, builds up inside and you just explode?" She asked.

"...I would love that." Jade answered

Tori face shifted to one of confusion as she was very weirded out by Jade's answer.

"All right, it's starting to get hot in here." André said, his bag over his arm, ready to head outside.

"Yeah, let's go." Tori said.

"Let's hit that beach!" Robbie exclaimed.

Everyone let out cheers of excitement as they headed towards the door.

"This way people." Beck said, attempting to open the door, but it moved only an inch before it banged against something on the other side.

"What's wrong?" Jade asked.

"I don't know. The door won't open." He replied.

Beck tried to push the door open again, but no matter how much he tried, the door would not open. Unknown to the group of teens, a family had just parked their RV right beside theirs, blocking them from leaving. A very hefty man exited the RV with gusto, completely unaware of his blunder.

"Man, I love the beach!" He cried out before running off with yellow duck floatie in his hand. "WOO-HOO!"

Seeing this, his wife stepped out of the RV with both of their kids, letting out a sigh before looking towards her daughter. "You got the sunscreen for daddy?"

Her daughter went into the bag she was carrying before taking out a jumbo sized bottle of sunscreen and handing it to her mother.

"Come on." She said, motioning to both her children and leading them to wherever their father went.

Back with our main group, Beck was still trying to push open the door, but he made absolutely no progress.

"Just open it!" Jade yelled.

"Something's blocking the door." He told her.

Climbing onto Beck's bed, Tori moved the blinds to see what was in front of the door and she saw the massive RV that was now parked there.

"Oh, man! Some idiot parked a huge RV right next to us!" She told them.

"Whatever. Let's just go out the back door." Trina said, not seeing the big deal

"There is no back door." Beck told her.

"Well, that's stupid..." She said, taking a seat on the bed.

"I'm getting very hot now!" André told his friends.

"Will somebody open a window?" Robbie asked.

"The windows are bulletproof. They don't open!" Jade told him, with Beck motioning his hand towards her to say that she was right.

"Oh, thanks a lot Fat Biscuit!" Rex exclaimed.

"What?" Jade called out, towards Robbie with a very angry expression on her face.

Kevin immediately wrapped his arms around Jade's waist and pulled her back, not wanting to be called up as a key witnesses at his girlfriend's murder trial.

"I meant the rapper from whom Beck's daddy purchased this vehicle!" Rex said quickly before Jade got her hands on him.

"I'm getting hotter." André said, fanning himself with his tank top.

"Just push on the door." Tori told Beck.

"I can't push a seven-thousand pound RV out of the way." Beck replied.

"Then push harder!" She exclaimed.

Besides for Jason, André and Kevin, the group devolved into them just trying to yell over each other, not even trying to come up with a solution to their current situation. Seeing that he didn't have any ideas, and he probably be wouldn't getting a word in otherwise, Jason sat down on Beck's bed and waited until the rest of the group tired themselves out.

"Alright! ALRIGHT!" André yelled out. "Let's not bug out!"

Everyone turned towards him, now having stopped fighting, with Tori saying, "Dude, no one knows we're trapped in this toaster oven."

"Cat just went to the bathroom. She's going to be back in a few minutes. Then she can start Beck's truck and pull us forward so we can get out." He explained.

"Good point." Rex said.

"Okay..." Tori sighed before dropping her things on the floor and sitting next to Jason on the bed.

"Freaked out, I'm sorry." Jade apologized as she walked past André and sat on the couch.

"It's OK, guys." André said as he patted Beck and Kevin on their shoulders, sitting with them on the couch.


After having done her business, Cat was about to walk back to her friends when she heard a song playing from a speaker coming from the direction of the beach. Following the sound, she found four guys drinking lemonade at a table they've set up near their truck in the parking lot. Cat saw the two speakers on the truck and walked up to the group of boys.

"Hey!" She greeted.

The boys looked over and their attention had immediately focused on the very cute girl that had just walked up to them.



Two of the boys greeted back.

"What's that song you're playing?" She asked.

"I'm not sure." The first boy answered.

"Well, it's really cool." She told him.

"Um, do you want to hang out with us?" The boy asked.

"Oh, I can't. I have to get back to my friends." Cat told him, pointing in the direction of where they parked the RV.

"Aw, come on!" Said the second boy.

"Just hang out with us for a few minutes." The first boy said.

"Please." Added third boy.

Cat smiled before responding with a cheerful, "Okay!"

The four boys cheered as Cat went and sat down in a chair next to the table.


Back in the RV, Tori was now sitting on the floor, leaning against the bed. Jason was near her, laying down on the floor as he struggled not to fall asleep. Robbie had taken their place on the bed and Trina was pacing around the RV. André, Jade, Beck and Kevin didn't move around that much as they were still sitting on the couch.

"Where... is Cat?" Tori asked.

"She's been gone for twenty minutes." Said Robbie.

"The girl only weighs ninety pounds, how much pee can she hold?" André asked.

(40.823 kilograms)

"That's it, I'm calling her. What's Cat's number?" Trina asked, holding her phone in her hand.

"I already tried." Jade told her.

"No signal." Kevin added.

"Oh, man, I told you y'all not to get F-Mobile." André said as he smacked his hand against the couch.

"Well, where's your phone?" Tori asked.

"I left it in my pants and my grandma washed it." André answered. "All my contacts gone!"

"Hey, Jay." Kevin called out to his best friend, but there wasn't a reply. "Jay!"

"Wassup?" Jason asked as he abruptly sat up.

"You got Transit, right?" Kevin asked.

"Mm." He hummed, still a little out of it.

"Call Cat." Kevin told him.

Reaching into his pocket, Jason fished out his phone and tossed it over to Kevin before laying back down on the floor.

"Mm." He hummed as he closed his eyes and went back to sleep.

"What's wrong with him?" Trina asked.

"Yeah, he was like this yesterday too." Tori pointed out. "I just thought he didn't get enough sleep."

"Nah, remember what we said about his body temperature being all wonky?" André asked, to which Tori nodded. "Well, he also gets really tired when he's hot too."

"It's weird, it doesn't happen when he's cold though." Robbie added.

Kevin unlocked Jason's phone and called Cat's number. Everyone waited with baited breaths until reality came crashing down on them when they heard Cat's phone ring from her bag.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Jade exclaimed.

"She did run out of here in a hurry..." Kevin pointed out.

"I'm going to kill her and her stupid squirrel bladder!" Jade yelled out in anger.

"Well, can we at least turn on the air conditioning?" Robbie asked as he got up from the bed and walked over towards the door.

"The AC doesn't work unless the truck is running." Beck told him.

"Then go start the truck." Trina said.

"I can't get out!" He said as he motioned towards the blocked door.

"Ah, why did you invite me here?" Trina said as she placed her head into her hands.

"We didn't!" Tori exclaimed.

"You invited yourself!" Robbie told her.

"No one likes you!" Jade yelled.

Trina looked towards Jade, a little hurt by the implication, but no one really cared at the moment.

"I'm feeling very hot now." André said, taking off his over shirt to try and cool off.

"You guys, it's a hundred and two degrees in here!" Robbie said as checked the thermostat that Beck had on the wall.


Upon hearing this, everyone let out a depressing sigh, except for Jason, who was still unconscious.

"I need a cold drink..." Tori said.

"Me too." Beck said, getting up from the couch to go and grab one.

"Where are they?" Tori said excitedly, sitting up from the floor.

"In the truck..." Beck realized before turning around and sitting back down on the couch.

Tori and Trina both groaned, with Trina asking, "What are we going to do?"

"CAAAAAT!!!" Tori suddenly yelled out, startling Jason awake.


Besides Jason, everyone started to yell out for Cat at the top of their lungs. Looking around at all his friends, Jason stared at them with a blank expression before laying down and falling back asleep.



Meanwhile with Cat, she and the four boys she had met just moments before were all firing at each other with water guns. One of the boys who was previously firing at her suddenly changed sides, opting instead to help Cat.

"Who are you? Very nice of you to help me!" Cat said as she tried to run from the three boys who were still shooting her.

"Look out, look out!" The boy said as he ran in front of Cat, blocking all the streams of water with his body.

"Right behind you!" One of the other boys shouted.

The first boy who had defended Cat before, suddenly had a change of heart and turned around to shoot Cat.

Cat squealed, trying to run out of his water gun, but it only seemed to make it worse as she ran in the middle of all four of the boys, who promptly shot her with everything they had.

"It's so cold! It's so cold!" Cat exclaimed.


"IT'S SO HOT!" Tori yelled out, spreading herself out all over the RV's carpeted floor. Her friends not faring with the heat any better than she is.


Their suffering seemed to be endless, as an hour had gone by and Cat was nowhere to be found.

"I can't believe Cat's not back yet." Jade said as she fanned herself.

"How hot is it in here now?" André asked.

Robbie stood up from the floor and checked the thermostat. "A hundred and seven degrees."


"For so many years, I prayed every night to be hotter--"

"Well, keep fuckin' praying..." Jason cut her off.

Tori slumped over and nudged her boyfriend, who seemed to have come out of his sleep specifically to insult Trina. As she did this, realization suddenly came crashing down on her as she remembered that Jason was currently as cool as a cucumber on the outside.

"Oh, my God..." She muttered, grabbing the attention of everyone around her.

"What?" Jade asked.

Tori suddenly bent down near her boyfriend, asking, "Jacey... can I please--"

She didn't even get to finish before Jason spread his left arm out as a sign for her to get comfortable. Doing so, she placed herself right beside him and immediately felt the difference in temperature.

"God... this feels so good..." She muttered in delight, feeling as though she'd had just flipped her pillow over to the cool side.

"Come on! That's so unfair!" Robbie exclaimed. Everyone knew that Tori getting that snuggly with Jason was one thing, if one of them trying to do it would be suicide.

"What's the matter?" Trina asked, not seeing why everyone was looking at Tori like she's just won the lottery.

"Jason's skin feels cold." Kevin told her.

"What?" Trina asked, rolling her eyes and shuffling over towards her ex-crush. "There's no way his skin feels--"

Trina stopped as her hand finally made contact with Jason's skin. They were right, his skin feels as though he's been sitting in front of an AC unit.

"How is--"

"""""WE DON'T KNOW!"""""

"Geez..." Trina muttered before laying her head on top of Jason.

"Uh, Trina I wouldn't--"

Before Kevin could finish his warning, Jason had already shoved Trina's head away from him as if she was a piece of garbage.

"What the hell?!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah, Jason has a thing with his personal space." Beck told her.

"It's basically just don't get in his personal space." Added Kevin.

"Yeah? Well, too bad!" Trina exclaimed as she sat up and stared at Jason as if he was some sort of long lost treasure. "I'm getting me some of that!"

"Phrasing...." Kevin muttered.

Try as she might, Trina couldn't lay herself on Jason long enough without him pushing, slapping, or even kicking her off. This went on for about twenty minutes before she finally fell to the floor in exhaustion.

"Why... can't he just... give up..." She said as she tried to catch her breath.

"You're saying that about him?" André asked, getting a glare from Trina. He raised his hands up in surrender and leaned back against wall.

As this was happening, Kevin couldn't help but wonder what his friend was thinking. His skin was cold sure, but he still feels as hot as everyone in the RV. And with Tori attached to him like that, he probably feels even hotter.

"Where's... Cat...?" Trina asked, laying down on the floor completely.

"Yeah, she should've been back by now." Jade said.


With music blasting from the speakers, Cat and the four boys all danced together in the middle of the parking lot without a care in the world.

"Hey, Shave Ice!" One of the boys exclaimed.

Looking behind them, the group saw a man pushing a cart labeled "Shave Ice" towards the five of them.

"Yay, I love Shave Ice!" Cat exclaimed excitedly, walking over to the man with the boys following along.

"We'll take five please." One of the boys said to the man.

"Sure, flavors?" The vendor asked as he took the top off the cart.

"What flavor you like?" Another boy asked Cat.

Cat gasped before saying, "You pick for me."

She proceeded to bump her hip into his, making the boy smile as he turned to the vendor and said, "Cherry for the lady."

"Yay! That's my fave!" Cat said as she rubbed her knuckles into the abdomens of the boys beside her.

The vendor scooped the ice from inside the cart, placing into a cup and squirting cherry flavored syrup on top of it.

"One cherry." He said, handing the cup over to the boy, who handed it over to Cat.

"Thank you." Cat said to the vendor.

"I'll take lime." One of the boys said.



As the others were ordering what flavor of Shave Ice they wanted, Cat let out a sudden shriek.

"Brain freeze!" She yelled.

The boys, for some reason, went wild, with all of them screaming out "OOOOH!!!"


"I'M EXTREMELY HOT NOW!" André yelled as he slid from the couch onto the floor.

"We've got to get out of this stupid RV." Trina said with as much vitriol as she could manage.

Beck looked at her with an offended face, making Trina respond by saying "Yeah, offense."

"We at least... have to find something... to drink...." Tori said.

As cool as Jason was keeping her, it didn't make the matter of her thirst any more bearable.

Jade, for some reason, heard this and immediately turned towards Beck's fish tank.

Again, for some reason.

"Hey... Hey, your fish tank." Jade said as she tapped Beck on the shoulder to get his attention.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot about my fish tank." He said as he crawled over to it.

"Wait, we're going to drink fish water?" Rex asked.

"Beats dying of thirst." André pointed out.

"Does it? Does it really?" Kevin asked.

"When was the last time you cleaned it?" Jade asked.

Beck looked back at her with a confused expression. "You're supposed to clean it?"

Hearing that Beck hadn't cleaned his tank, and apparently didn't know that he was supposed to clean it in the first place, everyone released a collective groan.

"We can't drink dirty fish water." Robbie said.

"Oh, really now?" Jason asked sarcastically, with Robbie somehow feeling as if Jason had rolled his eyes without them even being open.

"Well, if we don't drink something, we're all going to be--"

"Wait!" Tori exclaimed suddenly, cutting off André and grabbing everyone's attention. "Trina? What are you doing?"

Everyone looked towards Trina and saw that she had her head in the bag that she had brought with her. Trina slowly turned to look at her sister, her face having the sort of expression one has when they've being caught doing something that they shouldn't have.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Why was your head in your bag?" Tori asked, her tone becoming more confrontational.

"It's c--cool in there..." Trina stuttered.

"I heard you swallow..." Tori said as her right eye began to twitch.

Jason saw this and slowly crawled away from Tori, moving in between Beck and André, and leaving a very startled Trina to whatever her fate would be. He didn't know what Tori was about to do, but he definitely didn't want to be in the middle of it when she did it.

"Gimme the bag..." Tori told Trina.

"No!" Trina exclaimed.

"GIMME THE BAAAG!!!" Tori yelled out.

"NOOOO!!!" Trina yelled back, clutching her bag in her chest.

Tori scrambled onto the bed and tried yanking Trina's bag out of her grasp. Trina pulled back, trying to get Tori to let go and basically causing of tug-of-war over the bag. The two sisters fought on the bed for a few seconds before falling onto the floor, but that didn't stop their little spat in the slightest.

As this was happening, everyone looked on in an array of different emotions, mostly surprise at how this even started, confusion on why it was happening and curiosity as to who would win. Though that last part was only Jason and Jade.

They didn't have to wait long for an answer as Tori ripped the bag from Trina's hands and quickly scrambled away to dig through it. Trina tried to grab the bag again before Tori could find whatever she was looking for, but it was too late as Tori raised an almost empty bottle of water for everyone to see.

"Water..." Tori said as she looked at the bottle, her gaze slowly drifting to Trina with anger. "She has water!"

It was at this point that everyone gathered around Tori, looking at the bottle like some sort of lifeline.

"GIVE IT BACK!" Trina yelled at her sister.

"You had water... THIS ENTIRE TIME... and didn't share with the rest of us?" Tori asked.

"If I shared it, I wouldn't have had as much for me." Trina said with absolutely no shame, making even Jade gasp at the audacity.

André grabbed the bottle out of Tori's hand, seeing how little water there was. "There's only, like, one swallow left."

"I want it." Jade said instantly.

"No!" Tori rejected just as fast. "We will share it."

"There's barely enough to fill up the cap." André said as he turned the bottle upside down and tried to shake as much water as he could to the bottom of the cap.

"Then we will share one cap full." Tori told him.

"Okay..." Trina said as she started to nod her head in acceptance. "We'll share it."

"YOU GET NOTHING!" Tori shouted, turning towards Trina with an angry expression.

Seeing this, Jason drew Kevin close and whispered into his ear. "Is it weird that I find Tori a lot hotter when she's angry?" He asked.

"Nope, I think that with Jade too." Kevin told him. "Just don't tell them that when they're angry at you, it doesn't help."


After dancing and a generous helping of Shave Ice, three of the four boys were relaxing in foldable lounge chairs that they had brought with them. The last of the them choosing instead to watch Cat, like some sort of love struck pony, as she... spun a clay pot... because that is apparently something you do at the beach.

Placing his drink on a small table, the boy walked up to Cat and sat himself directly behind her, placing his hands over hers in an attempt to show her how to properly spin her pot.

"Just keep your hands steady." He said.

"Steady?" She asked, glancing at him.

"Like this." He said.

Cat giggled and let out a small squeal, apparently finding the situation romantic...



Tori carefully poured what little remained in the water bottle into the cap, dropping the bottle onto the floor when she was done with it.

"Alright, no sipping!" She said, looking towards her friends that were nodding back at her with desperation. "Everyone gets one tongue dip!"

Looking back at the cap in her hands, Tori stuck out her tongue and dipped it gingerly into the water.

"Oh, that's refreshing..." She said as she felt her dry tongue became moist. "Here..."

Tori carefully handed the capful of water to Jason, who was sitting behind her with his back pressed against the small wall next to Beck's bed. Jason looked at the laughably small amount of water that was being handed to him and almost rolled his eyes.

"This is ridiculous." He muttered to himself before taking the cap and dipping his tongue into the water. "Oh, my God..."

Although it didn't do much, he had to admit that it was better than nothing. Seeing that he took his tongue dip, Tori laid her head down on his shoulder, feeling almost as tired from the heat as Jason.

Handing it to the next person, André took the cap with a grateful expression and quickly, but carefully, dipped his tongue in the cap.

"Mm... Ugh... Oh..."

Jason placed a hand on André's shoulder, knowing exactly what he was feeling. Even if it was just a small dip, it felt so refreshing that it was so difficult to not go in for another dip, or to just straight up devour the entire thing. Luckily, none of them were that selfish.

André handed the cap over to Robbie, who proceeded to dipped his tongue like everyone else before him.

Robbie felt immediate relief from the drop, and subsequently couldn't help himself from plopping the entire cap into his mouth.

"NO!" Trina screeched at the top of her lungs as if he had stolen something from her. Apparently she forgot that she wasn't even getting a dip herself.

Everyone then proceeded to dog pile on top of Robbie, trying to pry open his mouth and grab the cap. Upon opening his mouth, Jade immediately fished out the cap and saw that the cap no longer had any water.

"It's empty." She groaned, throwing the cap on the floor.

"Well, I'm sorry!" Robbie yelled at her. "I couldn't help myself!"

Robbie then grabbed a pillow that was laying on the ground and proceeded to wail into it, cradling the pillow as if it was his only lifeline.

The boys looked at Robbie with varying expressions. Kevin and André looked on with sympathy, Beck looked at him with understanding, and Jason looked on in pity.

"Okay, okay, something's dripping on me." Jade said, grabbing the attention of Kevin and Jason, who looked over and saw that she was now laying on Beck's couch. "Something's dripping on me!"

Kevin immediately went over and raised his hand above Jade, but he couldn't feel anything dripping down. "Nothing's dripping."

"Yes, look on my arm!" Jade said, outstretching said arm toward her boyfriend. "See? And on my forehead. What's going on, what's happening?!"

Jason realized what was happening and let out an amused chuckle, finding Jade's panicked behavior to be entertaining.

"What are you laughing about?!" Jade asked confrontationally.

"You're sweating." Jason told her with a shit-eating grin.

"No! No, I'm not! I do not sweat! I am not sweating!" Jade exclaimed in complete denial before looking towards Kevin. "Tell him, babe!"

"Baby..." Kevin called out softly.

"No..." Jade muttered, seeing that her boyfriend wasn't agreeing with her.

"Babe." Kevin reached out towards her in an attempt to hold her hands, but she pushed him away.

"NO!" She yelled, trying to swat his hands away from her as he tried to reach out again.

"JADE!" Kevin yelled out, grabbing hold of her wrists and making her look him in the eye.

"WHAT?!" She yelled back, her struggling coming to a halt.

"You're sweating..." He told her softly.

Now smacked with the cruel reality, Jade let out a broken cry and went to the floor onto her knees. Kevin quickly lowered himself down and pulled Jade into his chest, causing her to let out muffled sobs.

"We-We've got to get out of here." Jade said, her face lifting from Kevin's chest.

"Yeah, thank you, Catherine Obvious." Tori retorted.

Everyone, besides Robbie, looked towards her with confused expressions.

"What?" Trina asked, not sure if she heard her sister quite right.

"I said, "Thank you, Catherine Obvious." Tori repeated, finding nothing wrong with what she had said.

"Did she say "Catherine Obvious"?" Robbie asked, his voice muffled by the pillow he was still crying into.

"Tori, It's Captain Obvious." Jason told her.

"Huh?" Tori muttered, looking back at her boyfriend with confusion.

"The expression is, "Thank you, Captain Obvious"." Jade told her.

"It's not Catherine?" Tori asked, genuinely perplexed.

"No." Trina said as she shook her head.

"Who would Catherine be?" Beck asked.

"Catherine could be a Captain!" Tori exclaimed as her voice broke.

Seeing where this is going, Jason placed his hand on Tori's head and pulled her into him as she broke down. Looking over towards Kevin, his best friend gave him a sympathetic look as he also had to calm down his girlfriend from her own break down.


"You spun a beautiful pot." The boy who had helped Cat spin the spot in question said.

"You helped me spin it." Cat pointed out.

"Later we'll glaze it..." He replied.

"Thank you..." Cat said breathlessly before coming to a sudden realization. "But I really should be getting back to my friends."

"Aw, you can't leave now." The boy replied. "Paul just made Tuna TarTare."

"We caught the Tuna this morning." The man in question, Paul, had told her.

"You've got to stay for the Tuna TarTare!" One of the other boys said.

Looking around, Cat found herself in the middle of all four of the boys, looking at her with pleading looks.

"Have some Tuna..." Said the pot boy.

Cat turned to look at Paul, who was smiling at her, before poking him in the side and answering with an excited, "Okay!"

Invigorated, the group all grabbed their small bowls of Tuna TarTare, saying "cheers!" before going ahead and eating.


Back in the RV, everyone was strewn about all over the place, the heat having killed their spirits ten times over. André, Jason and Trina were all laid out on the floor, while the rest were sitting or laying down on either the couch or bed.

"Okay... it's official..." André spoke. "I have achieved maximum hotitude... uuugh..."

"I've never been this thirsty..." Jade muttered.

"For the first time in my life... my tongue..." Tori stuck out her tongue and placed her fingers against it, feeling just how dry her mouth had become. "isn't moist..."

"These fish mock me." Robbie said as he stared at the fish swimming in the tank, his face pressed up against said tank.

"How dare they swim around enjoying that filthy water?" Trina said, completely jealous of the fish.

"I'm gonna drink that filthy water..." Robbie stated, gaining the attention of everyone in the RV.

Everyone voiced their disagreement with that decision knowing that it wasn't a very good one for him to make.

"I need to... WHAT CHOICE DO I HAVE?!" Robbie yelled at the top of his lungs, looking back at all his disapproving friends.

Everyone looked towards Beck, expecting him to veto the decision since it was his fish tank. Surprisingly, he did anything but.

"It's his call." Beck told them.

Psyching himself up, Robbie was about to dunk his head into the tank when Jason yelled for him to "WAIT!"

Looking towards him, everyone expected him to try and talk Robbie out of it, but instead, he pulled out his phone and started to record him horizontally.

"Okay, go ahead."

Hey, if Robbie was going to insist on drinking the dirty fish water, he might as well get it on all camera. Jason might still be a little upset over the whole Robarazzi situation a few weeks ago.

Being too desperate to care about the camera, Robbie looked back towards the tank and let out a battle cry before dunking his head into the water, drinking as much as he could. His friends all cringed at the disgusting scene before them, with some of them averting their gazes.

Having his fill, Robbie took his head out of the tank and fished out his glasses, which had sunk to the bottom of the tank when he came up too fast.

"Well?" André asked, curious as to how Robbie felt.

Before he could answer, Robbie's cheeks had suddenly puffed up.

"Oh, no, no, no..." Tori muttered, she and everyone knowing what was about to happen.

Robbie quickly grabbed the closest bag to him and threw up inside of it. Once again, everyone cringed at the sight, with Trina being the most distressed.

"That's my bag!" She exclaimed, looking on with a dismayed expression.

Seemingly done emptying out his stomach, Robbie looked up from the bag and looked at his friends with a sickly look.

"Don't drink the fish water..." He said before tossing the bag onto Trina's lap.

Trina paused in absolute disgust for a brief second before quickly tossing her bag away from her.

"What do we do?" Tori asked no one in particular, hoping one of them would have an answer.

"I don't know..." Beck replied, saying the answer that was on everyone's mind.

Seeing no way out of this mess, Tori turned his gaze to the floor. Accepting that this situation was entirely hopeless.

"When I was a little boy..." André spoke. "My grandma, before she lost her mind, she used to say to me, "André, no matter how bad things get, you can always make it better by singing a song."

"Alright, Django, slow it down. We're locked in a RV, not chains." Jason told him, getting surprised gasps from Tori and Trina.

"Oh, nah, you did not just go there." André said as he shocked his head slowly. "But I honestly shouldn't be surprised that was the first thing on your mind. Just can't wait to go back to them good ole days, huh?"

"Jokes on you, I'm part Irish, ya fucking cunt!" Jason said, his voice sounding off with an Irish accent.

"Oh, right, the subpar slaves." André rolled his eyes.

"Subpar?! I could pick more cotton than you on any day of the week!" Jason yelled.

"Bring it on, Lucky Charms!" André yelled back.

"Guys, enough!" Beck yelled out. "The hell is--

"Oh, shut up!" Surprisingly, Kevin shouted at him. "Let them get it out of their system. You know system right? What am I saying, of course you do, you work in tech support. Ya scamming Indian bastard."

"Hold on now, I ain't gonna take this from the guy whose people who lost a war against a bunch of glorified ostriches, you Aussie fuck!" Beck shouted.

"Guys please--" Robbie started before being interrupted by André.

"You know, I'm surprised that you actually came today. I was so sure that you were gonna cancel on us last minute for some stupid made-up holiday you bastards love to just make out of thin air!" He told him.

"Don't you have a white girl you got to get pregnant and then abandon?" Robbie asked rhetorically.

"See, that right there is why I think Hitler did nothing--"

"Hi, everyone!" Cat said as she opened the door to the RV.

Everyone looked towards the red-head in complete shock before realizing that they were now free. With freedom in sight, Trina let out a scream, which caused a chain reaction from her friends as they all got up and bum rushed the door. Seeing her all of her friends running at her, Cat let out a startled scream before running out of the RV.

The heat from the outside compared to the heat inside the RV felt like night and day to those that were trapped, so much so that they couldn't hold themselves back from showing Cat their appreciation for saving them from that hell.

André lifted her up in the air, Beck gave her a hard kiss on the top of her head, Jason embraced her and spun her around, Kevin gave her kisses on each of her cheeks, and the girls just embraced her in a group hug.

After the show of love, Beck, André and Kevin went to the cooler that was in the back of the truck and grabbed the ice cold water that was waiting for them. After taking massive gulps, the three grabbed a number of water bottles from the cooler and tossed them to the rest of the group, who immediately opened them and started to drink with unhinged fervor.

"Wow, you guys really missed me!" Cat exclaimed, happy that her friends were treating her with such overwhelming love. "Ew, Jade, you're all sweaty."

"NEVER SPEAK OF IT!" Jade shouted, angrily wiping the sweat off her arms.

Seeing her friends down their water as if they've been stranded in a desert, Cat asked, "What happened?"

"We were trapped in there!" Tori exclaimed.

"For hours." André added.

"Hope you had a nice pee!" Trina said.

"Trapped? Why didn't you guys just open the door?" Cat asked.

"Because there is a gigantic RV parked right... in the..." Beck went to point towards the RV that was blocking them from leaving, but he finally realized that it wasn't there anymore, with the others realizing the same thing as well.

"I guess they left and we didn't even know." André said, getting nods from Tori, Rex and Trina.

"Who cares? It's over." Beck said, wanting the situation to be put behind them.

"I drank fish water..." Robbie said in a depressing realization.

"Yes. You. Did." Jason said with a look of smug satisfaction.

"It's all right. C'mon, guys, it's only..." Tori took out her phone and checked the time. "4:30, and there's a large Pacific Ocean right over there!"

"LET'S ENJOY THAT OCEAN!" Robbie yelled out in excitement.

The group cheered and ran off towards the beach, wanting to cool off in the ocean as soon as possible.

As they left, a group of three men walked into the parking lot, passing by Beck's RV. One of the men stopped and squinted his eyes at the RV, finding it to be very familiar.

"Hey, Fat Biscuit." He called out.

"What's happenin'?" Asked Fat Biscuit.

"Isn't this your old RV? With the bulletproof windows?" His friend asked, pointing towards the RV in question.

Fat Biscuit took a closer look and scratched the side of his head before letting out a little chuckle. "Yeah, I think it is."

"We had some times in there." The man said, laughing along with Fat Biscuit.

Hearing this, Fat Biscuit immediately stopped laughing and looked at his friend with a blank expression.

"Don't talk about it."


"You sure?" André asked Jason, looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah. Go ahead. I'm good." Jason replied.

André, Beck and Robbie all looked towards each other and gave a shrug.

"Alright, if you're sure." Robbie said.

The three left and went towards the ocean. Now alone, Jason sat down in the sand and decided to spectate his friends.

"Hey." Tori said as she sat down beside Jason in the sand.

"Sup?" He replied, looking at André and Beck spray each other with water guns as they were waist deep in the water.

"You guys okay?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" He asked back, feeling as if he's missing some sort of context.

"Back in the RV, you guys got pretty heated before Cat came and let us out." She clarified.

"Huh? You mean all the racist shit?" He asked.

Tori nodded her head and Jason shook his head as he let out a laugh.

"Hey, you piece of shit minorities!" He yelled out, gaining the attention of his three water gun wielding friends. "We cool?!"

"Why wouldn't we be, Potato Fucker?!" Beck yelled back.

"Just checkin, 7/11!" Jason replied before looking back at his girlfriend. "See? We're good."

"So, all that stuff in the RV?" She asked.

"We're homies, Tor. If you can't be racist with the homies, are you really even homies?" He asked.

"I will never understand how you guys operate..." She muttered.

"Eh, feelings mutual." He told her.

"So why are you sitting in the sand all alone then?" She asked.

"Ah... that..." He trailed off, looking away with an embarrassed look on his face.

Jason then muttered something underneath his breath so low that Tori doubted if she even heard him speak in the first place.

"What was that?" She asked.

He repeated what he said a little louder, but she still couldn't quite make it out.

"I'm sorry, I still can't hear you." She told him.

Letting out a sigh, Jason raised his voice and spoke clearly. "I'm... not good with the ocean..."

"Jason Riley." She let out a faux gasp of shock. "Are you saying that you have a fear of the ocean."

"Yeah, yeah, go ahead, get it out of your system." He said.

"I'm just saying, it's kind of surprising." She told him. "I honestly thought you weren't afraid of anything."

"Of course I'm afraid of things. I ain't a robot." He said.

"Things? As in plural?" She asked teasingly.

"I'm not so good with snakes either." He told her.

Tori let out a small giggle before standing up. "Well, I can't help you with that one, but I can help you with the ocean."

She stretched her hand out towards her boyfriend, who looked at it with a widened eyes.

"Oh, no, fuck that shit." He refused.

"C'mon!" Tori whined. "It'll be fun!"

"Uh-uh, nope. I ain't doing it. If you want to go in the way of Jack, be my guest, but I'm not doing it." He told her.

"Please! We won't even go past waist level, I promise!" She said, wiggling her hand in his face.

"Forget it, Tori." He said.

"Please, for me?"


"ThisiscrazyThisiscrazyThisiscrazy." Jason repeated to himself over and over again as Tori was leading him into the water.

Why is this happening? He used to be as unbreakable as a chunk of diamond. Now he's being dragged into his greatest fear just because a girl batted her eyelashes at him.

What the hell happened to him?

"C'mon, Jace, it's just a little further." Tori said to him.

Oh, right...

The water was now reaching up to his knees and he felt very, very uncomfortable with this entire situation.

"Oh, fuck this. Oh, fuck me. Oh, fuck life. Oh, fuck everything!" Jason started to rant off as more and more of his body got submerged.

"Look at that! See! Nothing to be afraid off." Tori exclaimed as Jason walked into the water enough to where it was barely above his waist.

"Except the cruel and cold possibility of death by drowning..." He told her.

"C'mon, stop being so tense!" Tori said, gripping his hand a little tighter.

"Yeah, man, live a little!" A voice sounded off behind Jason before he was splashed from behind by a considerable amount of water.

Looking behind him, he saw André and Beck smirking at him, obviously being the ones who had splashed him just a second ago.

"Quit it." He told them.

"Or what, scaredy cat?" André asked before splashing him again.

"I swear to God--"

Jason couldn't even finish his sentence before he got squirted in the face my a stream of water. Looking towards his left, he saw Robbie pointing his water gun directly at him with a big grin on his face.

"Hey, Tori?" Jason called out.

"Yeah?" She asked, looking at him with curiosity.

"I think I'm over it." He told her before lunging at André and Beck and dragging them underwater.

The two came up a split second later, along with Jason, and started to trudge through the water to try and get away from him.

"Fall back! Fall back!" Beck yelled out.

"Ain't no fall back, get your asses over here!" Jason yelled at the two as he chased after them.

Just as he was about to grab Beck, Jason was squirted in the face again. Giving up on Beck and André for the time being, Jason turned right to Robbie, whose eyes widened in fear.

"Oh, no..." He muttered before running away.

"Your ass is grass, Shapiro!" Jason yelled at him.

Just as he was about to take off running after Robbie, Jason stopped as he had been hit with another splash attack from directly behind him. Turning around, he saw that it was his backstabbing girlfriend that was the culprit.

"Betrayed by my own girl..." He shook his head. "I'm truly alone."

"Jason..." Tori called out as she saw him walk towards her. "Let's talk about this..."

"I offer this baptism in the name of the Lord ." He said.

"Baby, don't you--"

"DEUS VULT!" He shouted as he jumped on Tori and dragged both her and himself under the water.

After a few seconds, the couple shot back out of the water and looked towards each other. They stared at each other in silence for a few second before falling into laughter.

"Deus vult?" She asked between giggles.

"I may have watched a documentary on Crusaders." Jason replied.

"Of course you did." Tori rolled her eyes with a smile. "But look, you're in the water and you're completely fine! I'd call that fear conquered."

"I guess, yeah. Still not gonna get me to go any deeper than this." He told her.

"How about for a kiss?" She asked.

"Alright." Jason said as he took a few more steps forward, turning around when the water reached his belly button. "There."

"That's not what I meant!" Tori exclaimed.

"Hey, you said to go deeper. You never specified how deeper." He said as he walked back towards his girlfriend.

"You and your technicalities. I swear, it's like you're a damn genie." Tori said with a sigh.

"Shut up and give me my prize." Jason said as he wrapped his arms around Tori's waist.

Tori let out a cute giggle before looking up and planting a kiss on Jason's lips.

"We can kiss for a whole year straight and I'll never get tired of it." Jason told her, causing her to blush and turn away shyly while biting her bottom lip.

Right there, in this light, seeing Tori with her hair all wet and blushing caused Jason to feel an immense amount of butterflies in his stomach. In his eyes. She was absolutely perfect.

Opening his mouth to say something, he was interrupted by Cat yelling over to them. "Hey, Tori! Do you want to get some Shave Ice with us?!"

"Yeah, sure!" Tori shouted back before looking over to Jason. She saw him about to speak and was curious about what he was going to say. "What were you gonna say?"

"Nah, it's nothin'." Jason shook his head. "You go ahead, I'm gonna head up to the pier."

"Okay." She answered, giving him a peck on the lips and running over to her friends.

Seeing her leave, Jason walked back towards the beach and headed towards the pier, humming a tune that came to his mind all the way there.


After getting their Shave Ice, Tori, Jade, Cat and Trina were all heading back towards the beach while they consumed the cool treat.

"So where's Kevin? I haven't seen him since we got out of the RV." Tori asked.

"After we finished setting up our spot, he said he was going to look around the beach. I think he said he was going to look at some mask shop?" Jade said.

"Mask shop?" Tori asked, wondering why Kevin would even want a mask.

"Don't ask." Jade told her.


At the pier, Jason was leaning against the railing as he continued to hum the tune on his mind. Slowly putting words to the tune, Jason started to sing to himself as quietly as possible as to not disturb other people around him.

"You're touch blurred my vision~

It's your world and I'm just in it~

Even sober I'm not thinkin' straight~"

"Gimme all your money and no one gets hurt." A gruff voice from behind Jason ordered.

Jason felt something warm press against his back and a shiver ran up his spine.

"I swear to God, Kev, If that's something other than a gun..." He warned.

"Aw, man, how'd you know it was me?" Kevin asked, his voice returning to normal.

"Because you used your Batman voice." Jason told him, turning around and seeing his friend take off a hockey mask.

"I did not." Kevin said.

"Dude, I know the voices you make. And that was definitely your Batman voice." Jason said.

"Whatever." Kevin rolled his eyes before leaning on the railing next to his friend. "So what was that song you were singing?"

"Just something I came up with." He told him.

"You're singing again?" Kevin asked.

"I sing all the time." Jason said.

"You know what I mean." Kevin said with a blank face.

Jason rolled his eyes before saying, "No."

Before he could reply, Kevin's phone sounded off a notification. Checking it, he saw that he had a message from André.

"What's up?" Jason asked.

"Guys need an extra dude to play Volleyball. You wanna come?" Kevin asked him as he put his phone back in his pocket.

"Nah, I'm good here." Jason told him.

"A'ight then." Kevin said, holding out his hand for their handshake before leaving Jason alone on the pier.

Looking back out towards the ocean, Jason let out a deep breath before started to sing lowly.

"'Cause I'm off my face... in love with you~

...I'm out my head, so into you~

And I don't know how you do it... but I'm forever ruined by you~

Ooh, ooh, ooh...~"


A/N: Hello. Been a while.

The reason I haven't updated this story in a while is that it's been a very difficult couple of months. A close family member had passed away and I recently had been fired from my job.

Currently trying to move out of Florida, but scrounging up the money has been difficult. I'll try and write as much as I can, but updates will probably be a little scattered until I actually move away from here and be stable enough for me to regularly continue writing.

Hoping to come back sooner rather than later, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Thank you for your understanding.