
Heartbreaks and Music

A/N: Aced the exams guys praise me hahaha

The morning after the party was horrible I had a massive headache that wouldn't go away the only good thing that happened that morning was me waking up to jade and tori looking me straight in the eyes which I should have found creepy but I just found it sweet I think I'm turning into a simp and I will be damned if I turn into a simp.

Now it's been two weeks and I can actually say me tori and jades relationship has improved since the party I take them on dates which I just me taking them shopping which leaves me carrying all the bags but I do it anyways but not before vowing my revenge against them Ha!

Now we'll at the party we all found out that Andre had went and himself a girlfriend and didn't tell us which got him punished by the girls and me and beck stood back and laughed at him, well until the girls gave us a glare and we went silent until they turned around then we started laughing while running away from three angry girls chasing us and I think cat has a crush on me but I don't know for sure I guess I'll find out soon enough, but today it seems wouldn't be a good day based off the look Andre had as he walked towards us.

" hey man what's wrong?" Me and beck ask simultaneously

" hi Andre what's wrong" the girls ask as well

" hey guys and no I'm not ruby my girlfriend broke up with me I really liked her guys and now I don't know how to feel!"

" dang I'm sorry but we all know how you feel man we all have had that break up man and we are all here for you alright!" I say as everyone nods their heads in agreement with what I said.

" Thanks guys I'm just going to head to class!"

" wait man why don't we skip and head to the beach or something?"

" what about class!"

" Andre all of us are Acing our classes so it's no biggie it just one day what do you say?"

"Alright if you guys are in, I'm in!"after he says that everyone agrees and heads to their lockers and grabs their stuff and we all meet back by the stairs!

"Alright guys all of you guys go ahead and get to the beach and get us a spot Tori can you ride with beck I'll meet you guys there just something I gotta do first!"

" what is it you have to do?" Tori ask suspiciously

" it's a surprise okay trust me?" I ask as I kiss her which just causes her to nod dumbly and follow everyone while I head to the principles office

" oh hello mr.Vega what can I do for you?"

" hi principle Dubois I just came to ask if we can move the showcase to tonight?"

" ooh and why would you want that!"

" well to be frank principle everyone who is participating is all ready finished with whatever talent they have planned for it and also my bestfriend Andre just went through a rough break up and me and him are alike very much alike so I know music is his way of expressing and letting out everything he is feeling so can we please!" I say while literally on my knees begging

" alright I can move it tonight but on one condition!"

" okay anything!"

" you have to go and get a record deal everyone knows you want to wait till your sister tori gets one but you have the talent skill and everything that comes with being a musician and it will help the school get more funding so what do you say!"

30 Minutes Later!

" okay I will do it but how do I do it it's not like I can just walk up to an exec and start singing!"

" don't worry about that I'll have one come to the showcase and watch you specifically!"

" okay thank you I won't let you

Down bye principle see you tonight!"

" have a good day Tony and you as well! Principle says as she starts making phone calls to different labels

" oh before I get principle I'll be performing two songs one will be with Andre is that okay!"

" that is actually perfect it will show how you do on stage by yourself and with someone performing with you I can't wait for tonight!"

After that I head out to my car and drive to the beach, after parking my car I change into swim wear with just consist of Gucci trunks and sandals swag I know but after doing that I head down to the beach to find my friends only to find them all circled around eachother talking in the middle of the sand and just as beck stands up I run over and tackle him down to the ground which causes everyone to jump up in fright before realizing it was me causing them to relax and laugh at beck who still trying to regain oxygen.

" gotcha"

" man what the hell that hurt goddammit"

" sorry man got excited" I say smiling wryly while scratching the back of my neck in embarrassment.

" go talk to jade or something tackling me like that you crazy person"

" fine loser then I won't tell you my surprise hmph!" I say as I walk away causing beck to jump on my back

" Cmon man you know I was kidding your my best bud so what this surprise!" After laughing at him for his dramatic change of attitude I whisper in his ear what the surprise is which causes his eyes to go wide and big smile to grace his face

" okay guys I got a surprise and Andre I hope you like it I had to break a promise to make this happen!"

" Wait what promise?" Tori ask to which I just hang my head low not making eye contact with her

" the surprise is I got the principle to move the showcase to tonight and to have her do it I have to get a record deal which will help me but also help the school get more funding if I do get signed!" I say still not looking tori in eyes out of fear of how she is probably looking at me

" Wow man you did that for me thank you I'll get started in a song!"

" no you won't we will because me and you are performing together for my first song!"

" alright man I'll go get started!"

" the song is in my guitar case in the car here take the keys and get it!"

After everyone leaves it's just me and tori who is really quiet

" tori I'm sorry I broke my promise!"

" Tony I'm not mad at you just surprised I always believed you should have been signed already now your dreams will come true and I will get my own deal in due time so don't be sad okay!" Tori says as she lifts my chin and kisses me softly which prompts me to reciprocate the kiss which turns into a full make out session leaving us short of breath.

" I'll make it up to you I swear!"

" alright when you get signed we get our own place us twins stick together forever deal!" She says expectantly

" DEAL!!!"

After our conversation we all start practicing for tonight and lemme tell you jade and tori are beautiful in bikinis while singing which makes there curves shake jiggle in all the right ways and while their doing that cat is stuck to me like koala the whole time which I don't mind but that's a talk for a different time.

After leaving the beach it's already around six and we have to be back at the school before 7 so we all head back home to change and get ready I decide to be extra flashy tonight for my performance and after telling my parents about the deal I made and everything they agreed to me going all out tonight and Trina is actually proud of me like the words came straight out of her mouth I so did not shed a tear after hearing her say that I definitely did not.

When we all get to the school I head over to find Andre but not before giving a hug to my parents and Trina and giving Tori a kiss, now when I finally meet up Andre he looks extremely nervous.

"Hey man are you good?"

" hell nah I ain't good you do realize there will be records labels out there they might be here for you but still this is crazy!"

" hey man don't worry about that just focus and what you want to say during our song focus on what you want to say to ruby alright and I'll be right beside you the whole time alright and plus we are last so you know that means we are the best so just calm down okay!"

"Alright thanks man I'm going to go and get ready!"

After Andre walks off I just wander around until I bump into jade who jumps into my arms and we start kissing right there for all to see but we didn't care at all we just focused on each other and after that we just headed off to find our friends which we did they were all sitting in the grass by my parents and sisters talking together which prompts us to jump in the middle of all of them and laughing at the scare we gave them which gets me a punch and jade a glare that doesn't faze us as we continue laughing while holding each other.

After what felt like forever it's finally time for me and Andre to perform so before leaving I give my girls a kiss including cat hehehe which makes her blush extremely and give my parents and sister a hug before heading on stage with Andre.

" Hi everyone I'm Tony Vega and this is Andre bell this first song is called what it is I hope you guys like it" after that I give the band a nod and we start.

{What it is: Kyle ft. Chris brown}

If that's what is is, if you gotta leave me

Baby, I won't shed no tears

If that's what it is, if you gotta go

I hope your happier with him

If that's what it is, if you gotta leave me

Baby, I'll still be right here

If that's what it is, if that's what it is

If that's what it is

Now you know I'm gettin on the stage

And your memory still runnin through my brain

Yeah, yeah, unfortunate fame, cause unfortunately you the only one that isn't screaming my name

Look, I texted you and said, " I feel ashamed"

You hit me and said, " you don't feel a thing"

Yeah, yeah, you lyin' but okay

It shouldn't have to be that way

If that what it is, if you gotta leave me

Baby, I won't shed no tears

If that's what it is, if you gotta go

I hope your happier with him

If that's what it is, if you gotta leave me

Baby, I'll still be right here

If that's what it is, if that's what it is,

If that's what it is

{ as we sing this verse together you can hear the crowd singing with us and then I spot the principle singing with a couple of well dressed individuals which I guessed were the record label execs}

I will always be your friend, for sure though

With or without comments on your photo

If you abort the mission, leave a man Han Solo

I still wear your ring around my neck like I was Frodo

Once again, I'm gettin on this plane

And the stuff you textin got me feelin strange

Yeah, yeah, cause you don't feel the same

And, girl, I'm sorry that it feels that way

If that's what it is, if you gotta leave me

Baby, I won't shed no tears

If that's what it is, if you gotta go

I hope your happier with him

If that's what it is, if you gotta leave me

Baby, I'll still be right here

If that's what it is, if that's what it is

If that's what it is

After finishing the song the audience goes crazy as me and Andre bow before I take the mic again.

" thanks you guys you see my friend Andre he just went through a break up so that song was him putting his heart out here but this next song is me having fun I hope you guys will join in the fun with me, after I say that everyone starts clapping for Andre as he leaves the stage and waits for me to start which I give the que to the band.

" okay guys I need you guys to clap along with the beat of the drums until stops we are gonna have some fun!" I say as I look at the execs as they look back at me expectantly.

{Chris brown: Yeah 3x}

Move your body,

Out on the floor

Put your troubles aside

And start living

Anybody, cant let go,

Throw away all your problems,

Cause right now it's party time

Girl don't feel outta place,

Cuz I, I'm in love with this feeling

Now, now, ahhhahh

Hope that this will last awhile,

We should make it last awhile

{" okay guys this next verse every time I point the mic at you guys I won't you to scream yeah!"}

You like to drink (Yeah)

So do we(yeah)

Get my bottles, (Yeah)

Bring Um to me (Yeah)

Hold your glasses up,

People everywhere

Now everybody put

Your hands in the air and say

{"Everybody I need you guys to start jumping when I do....Now"}

Yeah yeah yeah

Girl I wanna, yeah yeah yeah,

I wanna see you tonight,

Yeah yeah yeah, girl I gotta,

(Yeah yeah yeah)

I gotta I gotta I gotta see you tonight

Ohhh, ohhh, ohhhhhh,

Let me see your hands

Ohhh, ohhh, ohhhhhh,

Tonight is the night

Up in the moment, cant believe your so beautiful

Feels like I'm in a dream

Baby we're going somewhere

You've never been before

So take my hand and come with me

Girl don't feel

Outta place

Cuz I, I'm in love with this feelin

Now, now ahhhahh

Hope that this will last awhile,

We should make it last awhile

You like to drink (drink)

So do we(yeah)

Get my bottles(yeah)

Bring um to me(bring um to me)

Hold your glasses up,

People everywhere

Now everybody put

Your hands in the air and say

Yeah yeah yeah,

Girl I wanna m, yeah yeah yeah,

I wanna see you tonight,

Yeah yeah yeah, girl I gotta,

(Yeah yeah yeah)

I gotta I gotta I gotta see you tonight

Ohhh, ohhh, yeah, ohhhh

Let me see your hands

Ohhh, ohhh, dance, ohhhh

Tonight, tonight is the night

Girl I wanna, I wanna see ya tonight

Yeah, girl I gotta I gotta I gotta I gotta see ya tonight

Yeah yeah yeah,

Yeah yeah yeah,

Yeah yeah yeah,

Yeah yeah yeah

Tonight is the night

After finishing the song the whole audience erupts in screams and cheers and when I look towards the execs and principle they are over talking with my parents and friends with them all looking extremely happy at the moment.

" thanks you guys hope you have a great night!"

After that I head off stage and head over to my family and when I get there I finally meet the execs.

" hello I'm Tony Vega" I say while putting my hand out for a handshake which is reciprocated

" hi I'm alive fletcher I work for capital records here in San Diego and you are a very talented young man how would you like a record deal with us!"

" Wow I just don't know what to say!"

" SAY YES!!" My friends all yell towards me

" yes I would love too thank you for this opportunity!"

" No thank you you are a great musician and we are honored to have gotten to see you perform we will call you with the paperwork to sigh and everything make sure you get a lawyer to look it over, we can't wait to start working with you!"

After they leave I can't help it but start jumping up and down in excitement which causes my friends and family to start getting excited as well and we all go out for dinner to celebrate me getting a record deal and now we are all at my house and all of our friends decided to stay over with the girls sleeping next to me in the living room while the guys are in the other side sleeping over there.


Hope you guys like this chap! Don’t forget to leave a review and a power stones if you can! PEACE!!!

Sam_Naborscreators' thoughts