
Victorian Mage: Reincarnation in a Fantasy 1848

Agonized_Rei · War
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1 Chs

Human Resource Disaster

{ Current Era Year 2021, November 9th, Foxberry High School, 11th grade History Class }

Theo Russel was currently sleeping through 11th grade history class. He has no problems with the subject, actually it is one of his favorite subjects. However he didn't get enough sleep last night, so he is currently using this period for rest, after all with his knowledge of history he should be fine if he skips a lesson on the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

The class was fairly alright, only a few annoying people got on Theo's nerves. Everyone else was chill and cool. The teacher wasn't to preachy about the subject and made all the relevant and important events and facts thoroughly taught. Theo respected her to that degree, where other teachers, in his opinion, taught their subject half handedly.

'Damn, I just need sleeeeep. That damn witch of a mom woke me up too early god damnit.'

He laid on his desk face down, slowly starting to fall into sleep.

All was fine, except maybe for Theo's sleep deprived self. But then, In the classroom, a bright, blinding light manifests in the room, seemingly coming from nowhere.

'Heh? Did someone decide to turn on the lights or what? eh I just want to sleep, turn the lights off you idiots..'

Opening his eyes to see what happened he sees a portal rift on the roof of the classroom, with all the students and teacher of his class still recovering from the sudden light.

'Yep, not abnormal at all. Personally speaking I feel like reality is better suited staying in tact and not whatever the hell Is happening before me! Perhaps I'm too sleepy, that's probably i-.

As Theo Is trying to rationalize the anomaly occurring before him, His vision and consciousness go dark in an instant.


{ ????? }

Theo, waking out of his instantaneous purgatory, finds himself standing on and in a complete white void which looks to be going on forever.

'Yes this makes much sense to me. So what, did I die and get sent to heaven? Well then how the fuck did I die? I only remember a bright as sun light and a weird rift...'

"Hello, hello poor mortal youngling!"

A thunderous voice roared out from an approaching character.

'Who dis? Looks like some goofy Disney Zeus wannabe'



The now In his face identity yelled in contempt.

"I am a god, and I am here to mend a mistake. You died in your world because of what we call an External dimensional Collision of Magic."

'Yes make things more confusing, yes please thank you so very mu-'

"Let Me Finish Young Mortal!"

The god reads his mind both times, invading a personal boundary in which to reply to dissent. This god is a very prideful entity, he does not want the disrespect he thinks he's immune to.

'Fine go ahead, mind rapist.'

Theo glares at him, daggers in his eyes, making the all so benevolent god flinch for a moment.

For another moment the god stays quiet, then continues.

"To make it simple, you died because of another dimension. In which two individuals were fighting using magic, and one of the spells, An Explosion spell went off in your classroom, some type of mistake I assure you, probably from a dimensional rift. Basically an explosion went off where you and your colleagues were. I have handled most of your classmates now who have died in the explosion. You are the second to last."

Theo was still glaring at the god, less blood lustily but more annoyed receiving the information the god stated.

'Well guess that is unfortunate. I have always doubted the existence of gods. Something this ridiculous happening to me is reason enough for complaint. If you were a god, something like this should have never happened in the first place. So in that case I still don't believe in gods. Instead you must be some kind of spirit, maybe even a devil, but not a god. Well that is only my speculation. Now what is going to be done about this mistake?'


The now demoted spirit devil looks at the mortal before him in bafflement of his statement. He has been utterly verbally trampled on by this puny mortal?

Smelling the air of rage, Theo forces his trap open again.

'Hey, Spirit devil you alright? I said what are you going to do about this mi-'



The furious, Maddening, Brutish god howled at the mortal before him. He was not to be taken lightly by a mere mortal, insignificant soul in the grand scheme. Disrespect, dissent and heresy shall be punished, that is what the god shall do and must do.

'Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down there. Listen let's be rational about this alright? I'm fine with the reincarnation alright no-'

"You will be reincarnated to the world that caused that explosion spell to occur in your class. I will send you to a place of Hell, Poverty, Starvation, Class Divisions, Militarism, Constant warfare, Political Instability, everything I know you hate. You will have to rise in power by your means alone, no help by outside forces. And if you die you will spend the rest of your days in Purgatory, no more reincarnation you heard!"

'Okay WHAT THE FUCK is this lunatic thinking? I didn't sign any user license agreement for this shi-'

"Well It doesn't matter what you think of now, after all there is no way you will survive this world. Get out of my sight heretic!"

And with the god's decree over, again, Theo's vision and mind went blank as he was being reincarnated to another world.


{ Imperial Year 1864, February 2nd, Germania, at the Southern Region border, Rear base }

The flames of war have once again sparked. Germania and Ostrava are at war. For the last 3 years there had been many tensions between the two nations over the Germanic lands The Military Generals and Diplomats failed to claim for Germania during the fall of the Ostrava-Austal Union.

Ostrava accused Germania of stealing it's rightful territory after the fall of the union. Thus the tensions started and relations between the two declined.

'How much do I hate war, oh very much so...'

Marx Fredrich thought to himself with irritation for the situation he has founded himself in.

After being reincarnated by the so called god, or what he thinks is just a Devil. He was born into an alternate 1848 where the existence of magic was commonplace. Fire magic that scorched fire out of thin air, Water magic, Air magic, and many others exist to manipulate reality. Though Magic could not be used by everybody.

To use magic you needed to be born with Mana, the energy to use Magic. Luckily or unluckily for Marx, he was born with mana, maybe a plot from that Devil so he could experience warfare in this world. After all it was said that out of 10000 people only 1 would posses mana, so the government made damn sure to recruit anyone with magic to be used as mage soldiers in war.

Currently Marx is at the southern border rear base, along with his Mage Battalion of 31 other mages, who are ready to enter the front lines of the battle at Salzburg. He wore what he described as Prussian like uniform, black boots and with a Black army cap on his head. His fellow comrades in arms wore the same, exception being the commander of the battalion, Hermann Knopf. He wore a silly Prussian pike hat, White uniform instead of the dark blue and had more decorations than a birthday party.

'My commander looks like a bloody piñata. He's also quite the fucking idiot of what I've been told. He fired half of his old battalion of mages because they didn't come to magic training, since they had broke their legs and were exhausted of fighting, very talented and strong mages I heard as well. Waste of human resources in my opinion. Then lead a charge of mages against Magic enforced artillery killing 4 Battalions worth of them. A HR Director would fire this guy as soon as possible, but I guess this worlds German leadership is more insane than pragmatic.'

"45th Mage Battalion! The Kingdom Of Ostrava as dared to enslave our Germanic brothers and sisters on the other side of the border. Our fatherland shall liberate all Germans, and crush anyone who dares steps in it's sacred wrath!"

The commander of the battalion starts a speech to rally his mages for the cause for Germania, for the greater good for Germans.

'Yes, spew your nationalist nonsense, fucking hell, Otto von Bismarck would be rolling in his grave if he saw this insanity. Not only are we the aggressors of the war being waged, which the major powers are going to condemn us for, ruining diplomatic relations since no one likes German Imperialism. But Ostrava is allied with Scandinavia, so we might have to face a two front war!'

"If Scandinavia intervenes in our divine war then so be it, we will crush them and annex them! So may us mages march, fly and spill blood for a stronger, bigger Germania!"

'It's like he can read minds like that Devil.... Anyhow what a great solution commander, let us bring a bunch of Nordic people in the Kingdom, totally no one at all will revolt, TOTALLY... Personally I would not like to fight a world war in 1864, or at any time thank you very much!'

As Hermann starts to finish his speech of utter lunacy Marx looks to his comrades to see if their as rational as him or as Irrational as Hermann. Some war nut jobs were all in with Hermann but for the most part, most of the mages seemed bored and tired of his bullshit.

'An army run by insanity is just a horde, nothing more nothing less.'

Marx thought to himself about this world's German, Prussian army.

After Hermann's speech finished up, he ordered for each mage to check their status.


The mages of the battalion voiced the Command spell.

[ Arial and Land Mage: Marx Fredrich


Mana: 100

Magic Power: 14

Magic Defense: 10 ]

A status screen appears in front of Marx's face. His stats are pretty standard as he looks around the other status screens and see's similar stats all around his comrades.

'A few veterans of the battalion seem to be in the level 5-6 range. Of what I learned during my time at the Magic Academy the system worked like this.'

'Mana is how much mana I have. If I were to cast a fire spell that creates a flame from my palm it would take away from the amount I have, eventually it'll regenerate to it's max capacity after a spell was cast. Magic power is how powerful I can make my spell and defense is how strong my magic barrier and Illusions can be. And to increase my stats I need to level up, and to level up I need to kill Mages, people who have mana.'

Marx while reviewing his knowledge to calm his nerves, realizes that this system of gaining power is quite barbaric. You would have to kill to gain power to survive the fights of war or be overpowered by stronger mages, a waste of resource and ethics to his cushy modern world brain.

'Well war is war, even though very wasteful and should be avoided, It's a order to follow or being sent to a firing squad.'

Marx grimaced at his thoughts of moral and rational mind. He would really have to fight and kill in warfare, or die for lack of loyalty. What a nuisance the situation is.

The battalion commander starts checking his mages and assigning them to individual Platoons with veteran mages as their leader that answers to him. Each platoon has about 8 mages so 4 platoons for the whole battalion. Unluckily for Marx he was assigned to the first platoon with Hermann as it's lead.

"Alright, now everyone conjure a continues Flight spell. We're going to fly to the front of the battlefield at Salzburg, be prepared and send your prayers to our fellow comrades in arms and fight with steel and magic! May victory bless the empire! Glory to Germania, the crown of the world!"

Hermann yelled out, believing every word he spoke in his great and assertive tone.

""""Yes, sir!""""

The mages of the battalion yelled back in confirmation to the commander of the battalion's nationalistic speech.

'Yes I suppose praying is the best thing to do when going into a battle, not strategizing or forming a coherent plan that isn't just charge the enemy and don't die, nope, pray and hope for the best. If god really existed this war wouldn't even happen in the first place, and if he does exist than I need to file a 500 page complaint of the shit job he or she is doing running the universe.'

In both his current life and his previous life as Theo, Marx has experienced and seen the Irrational and evil of both worlds. In his life as Theo, human greed, selfishness, discrimination, exploitation, really anything bad a society can be was his world.

Exploitation of people ran rampant in his country especially, where most workers were paid minimum to what they actually needed, sweatshops were common and corrupt elites horded the wealth for themselves. His mom had to work her ass of in a factory 6 days a week 9 hours a day to be able to live. And if she didn't work, well there would be not food on the table. It's like she was pulled at gun point to work like a slave or die.

And in this world now, when he was born into it, he was an orphan, abandoned by his new parents, in poverty and was picked up by a run down catholic church. The nuns treated him and the other kids of the church nicely and caringly so it could have been worse.

Of what he remembered the food was god awful, the building reeked and you had to pray to god, which to Marx, who had just been sent to this world by that self proclaimed god, to basically die as punishment, was an annoying reminder and humiliating. Besides that, it was a church of what a usual 19th century Europe would have.

But since the government of Germania wanted to promote protestant Christianity they shut down the church forcefully when he turned 6 years. But instead of leaving Marx in the dirt to rot and die again, they discovered that he had possession of Mana. Thus here he is now after 10 years of learning and training at the Magic Academy to be a mage, ready to fight for his country on the outside but inside, fighting for his survival, to prove that devil wrong and maybe, just maybe to get powerful enough to kill him.

'Okay, a continues flight spell, shouldn't be to hard since I'm an Arial mage who has had training in flying. I just need to visualize it and mentally cast the spell.'

The mages of the battalion and Marx proceed to cast there Individual flight spells and start flying up to 2,000 feet in the dull blue air of the rear base. The individual platoons fly off to Salzburg in bird like v-formation, with Hermann at the front leading the mages and his own platoon with Marx.

'Mages are like birds, but instead of flying to migrate to a nicer and resource plenty area to nest, we fly off to the hell on earth called the battlefield. I vow that no matter what, I must survive and kill that piece of shit devil for reincarnating me to hell!'


Author Note:

Chapter one was supposed to be finished in a week but took a month instead-_- Personally I like how the chapter turned out in the end so it's whatever.

Theo's name in his first world comes from the word theology, which is the study of god and religion lol. The name Marx Frederic comes from two people from history. First is Karl Marx a german socialist revolutionary and economist.

you probably know him from the famous "Communist Manifesto" and "Capital". I picked Marx for his first name since communism is the ultimate, free, utopian view of the world I could think of (freedom that Theo lacks in his present world).

And Frederic the Great of Prussia, was king of Prussia from 1740 - 1772 (Prussia was a German state in the holy roman empire. It would later go on and form the German empire during the late Franco-Prussian war.

He is most known for his military success in Silesia against the Austrians, fought in the seven years war against Saxony, Bohemia and Austria and won. Reformed the Prussian military (Guy was a military genius of his time basically). I chose his name for reasons that will be apparent in later chapters

Do I seem like a history nerd writing this stuff-_- probably huh… Well whatever lol. I made most of the flags for the nations that will appear in the story, I also made a map of the world, though it's not finished yet. I made them for world building and plot purposes for the future, so that's fuuuuun. Anyhow that's it for the author note, I've already written to much for a note so yea-_- Hope you enjoyed Chapter one!