
Victor zombie story

Zombies rise again at the dawn of Apocalypse! In this companion to the smash-hit "Zombie Exodus," can you survive the first few days of the zombie outbreak as the dead rise, society collapses, and the living struggle to survive? "Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven" is a series of thrilling interactive survival-horror novels by Jim Dattilo, where your choices control the story. It's entirely text-based—without animation or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

Senhor_do_gamer · Horror
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49 Chs


Jonah, go inside the twins' house now!" you yell as you rush past your friend. You run for a group of kids beside the pool and tell them the same, and then you yell at another classmate running by. All reply with looks of indifference. You point to the crowd of deranged semi-humans moving across the street. "Something's wrong; we have to get somewhere safe. I don't know what's wrong with them, but…"

A loud drumbeat drowns out your voice. Trying to get through to these kids is like trying to drive your bike through a stone wall. You leave them and dash to the DJ table, grabbing the mike from Jay Somerhall. The speakers groan with feedback, and you shut down the sound system. As you lift it to make some plea for the high schoolers to flee, Jay's huge hands grip the mike, and the two of you play tug-of-war with it.

And then the screams begin.