
Chapter Seven [ Sinister Temptations ]

" Kayna your blood lust seems insatiable recently. " Licifer commented . He watched as the spirit tore apart a centaur limb by limb devouring its flesh .

" I'd say she's charming as she was the day she was brought here two months ago . " Alek interjected as he fondly watched after her .

" Of course you would , you've both been fucking like wild animals every night . " Lucifer said nonchalantly. Alek laughed at the accusation and Kayna looked over , finally realizing that she wasn't alone.

" What ? " She said her mouth filled with raw meat from the centaur .

" I like playing rough . " Alek commented as he watched her .

" I'm sure . " Lucifer said bitterly .

" Now this bitter face doesn't have anything to do with my sister, does it . " Alek teased . Lucifer glared at him and smacked the top of his head .

" Don't be smart with me idiot . " He said , " Kayna come on we have a few more souls to go up and collect . " He called after the Spirit . " Do you think her insatiable blood lust is a symptom of the pills you've created ? " Lucifer asked facing Alek .

" I wouldn't say that would be exactly right , after all these weren't meant for ghosts like me , they were for demons . So I think my blood lust is just me being crazy as always . " Kayna said joining the conversation.

" She has a point, the drug we use on her to enhance her supernatural power is for demons , her appetite would definitely get bigger but not for killing , just for food ." Alek agreed .

" I see , well still try to modify it a bit . This isn't exactly for demons I just added them in on a spur , a friend of mine is an Oracle and her host is dying , she can't find a suitable one yet so she asked me for help . That's why I'm developing the drug , this should help her not need a host to survive." Lucifer explained . Alek nodded in understanding of what he was saying .

" Alright I'll work it from that angle then . " He said .

Kayna and Lucifer nodded towards Alek motioning to him that they would be leaving . The supernatural pair stepped through the smoke portal and into London's street again . Kayna sniffed the air and smiled happily, " I do believe our favourite demon dog will enjoy this soul . " She said happily as her eyes shifted bright blue and her ghost form shifted to visibility for a split second . " Yes , London never fails me . " Lucifer agreed, "Excited to be back ? " He asked his ghostly companion .

" Oh yes , I'm hungry for some action . " Kayna said excitedly , " Maybe I'll even pass and see my Angel . "She hummed . Lucifer nodded at her and motioned that it was time to follow, the smelly trail of death and gore . Their part led them out of the city and into the dense woods . They followed along the smell of fear and blood straight to an old cabin , deep into the forest . Lucifer and Kayna slipped into the shadows as they neared the cabin and went inside . The cabin space was small and inside had cages , the cages had small children within , all looked to be eight years old or younger . Three cages filled the room , a large one on the floor , that held about six children . Two above them suspended by chains, tied to the ceiling , each cage had four to five children in them .

The children all seemed quite afraid and strangely docile , clinging to each other for comfort, their bodies had sweat and dirt and other bodily fluids staining them . Their hair were mangled and choppy, dirty looking and the strong smell of urine and faeces wafted from their cages . They were locked up like animals , unkempt and mistreated. Judging by their conditions , Lucifer and Kayna silently agreed they had been there for at least a month . Near the cages stood a six feet man , with dark ash grey hair , that appeared to be dyed rather than natural wearing a lab coat and black rubber boots . The man was humming a merry tune , his body swaying along with his hymns. His movement allowed the two in the shadow to see the table the man was working one . The table was old and made of wood , dirty with blood stains , there were utensils displayed about for the use of the man . What really was a sight to behold would have to be the young child , a boy , strapped to the table , his ginger coloured hair matted to his face , his green eyes dull , no will to life in them . He looked very unbothered as the man neared him with the sharp utensils , the scalpel pierced his skin and he subtly flinched but that was all .

The man continued humming as the child who appeared to be no older than five, bravely held backs his moans of pain , he defiantly stared at the man in hatred . " You aren't noisy like you sister, I see . Dylan my boy let's make you a pretty doll , just like your sister " The man said his tone nasally and hard to listen to . Lucifer nudged Kayna and pointed upward, she directed her gaze above the boy and saw three large shelves . Kaynas' eyes glowed brightly the blue darkened as she saw the bodies of little children, stuffed like dolls above them . She stepped from the shadows and aggressively ripped apart the arm that held the scalpel from the man's body .

" Ahhhhh ! " The man voices rocked off the walls of the cabin in agony as his limb was ripped from his body. Dylan who had not made any noises prior , coughed up the blood that was pooling in his mouth. The blood spilled from the sides of his mouth , and he tried weakly reaching towards the hole in his stomach . Lucifer changed his attention to the child , whilst Kayna dragged the screaming man across the floor , blood trailing behind.

" Do you wish to live ? " Lucifer asked the drying child . Dylan looked at the voice that had called out to him . A mysterious man stood before him , his olive skin shining like a pearl in the reflection of the moons light. His hair ,a black river flowing away with blue accents , eyes bright with life and purpose.

Dylan tried to respond, he tried to tell him yes he'd want to live if he could but , instead of words more blood gushed out of his mouth and the sounds he made incoherent. He used the last of his fading strength to reach forward and try to touch the Dark Angel before him , but before he could reach ,his strength gave way .

" Take a deep breath of the new immortal life you bear as you take last of this mortal one . Wake up with a crimson gaze and come forward from brimstone and fire ." Lucifer chanted softly , he allowed his own fangs to pop out and let the venom drop into the opened mouth of the young child .

" You can kill me ,but don't take my pretty dolls away . " The sinister man begged. His voice echoed with painful screams and Kayna ripped him apart, leg by leg, arm and torso .

" Your body doesn't need to be intact for your soul to be . " Kayna said as she twisted off his head . She licked away the blood running down her fingers and smiled , " Mmm simply vile." She said to Lucifer who was paying her no attention . " What should we do with them ? " She pointed to the caged children, who hadn't even made a sound as she ripped apart the man that abducted them ." They're all quite dead already . " Lucifer stated as he waved a hand and the black smoke that always surrounded him freed the children , melting away their metal prisons .

No one made a move to escape, instead they huddled together tightly .

" Look into their eyes , search for their souls . " Lucifer guided Kayna . She looked at them and visualized their souls manifesting , she stared at them and they stared blankly back ,there was no will left in them to live or die , their souls were shattered . " Yes I see , you're right they're already dead , living corpses ." Kayna agreed sadly .

" They were abducted and watched as their friends and siblings were cut apart in front of them , and then stitched together as dolls with different pieces. Stuffed and put of there to be displayed . " The voice of a young child stated . Lucifer and Kayna looked towards the voice and saw Dylan sitting there , black tail swishing above his head , two miniature horns poking through his hair , crimson irises and fangs .

" A demon ? " Kayna asked incredulously, " Why was I turned to a ghost then , this is so unfair . " She complained.

" Alek I'm sending you these broken souls , guide them to the Elysian Fields." Lucifer told his Doctor through the portal he had opened, he flicked his hands and the children disappeared.

" Hey don't ignore me ." Kayna whined realizing Lucifer paid her no mind .

" Let's go we have one more soul to collect . " Lucifer said to Kayna , " What will you do now little demon ? " Lucifer asked Dylan .

" I watched my only family be torn apart like a rag doll . She doesn't even look the same anymore . Without her any life is pointless, if it's all the same I'd like to stay by your side my King. " Dylan said as he stared at the remnants of his sister. Lucifer waved his hand again and sent the doll children through the portals . " You will have to train to become a Demon worth being by the King's side . " Kayna explained to Dylan .

" I still want to come along . " Dylan stated .

" Then let's go get that other soul , so we can head back to the Underworld. " Lucifer said .

"Alright Dylan you're in for some fun ." Kayna grinned as the smoke enveloped and they stepped out into an alley . Kayna sniffed around for a new soul , searching the city for their next victim .

" Lucifer ? " A female voice called into the alley .

" Ms . Mikk . " Lucifer smiled .