
Chapter Four [ Unhinged Extasy ]

This Chapter contains a mature scene ahead , please be advised that from here on there will be explicit content. If you are not comfortable with this kind of writing , please skip ahead to the next chapter.

Lucifer didn't give her any time to respond to him , to protest against him or deny him , not that she would , she was craving him to the point of insanity. He pulled her body towards him and kissed her fiercely . Their bodies clashed together and her nipples rubbed against his own silk shirt , creating a wave of pleasure to spiral through her body , the silky smooth fabric stimulating her . He pulled back and loosened the tie he wore , pulling it away . He grasped both her hands with one of his own, his muscles flexing , as he tied the silk material around her wrists . He pulled tight and smirked at her ,

" Now my little fox let's have some fun , shall we . " He said the words , almost indistinguishable as his accent thickened with the lust .

" Wh-what exactly do you plan to do ? " She asked shaking in anticipation. For now she wanted this too bad , she would think about consequences another day .

" Tonight your voice won't be needed for words. Relax and let me pleasure us both . " His eyes followed the curves of her body , her soft delectable breast, nipples a darker brown than her own milk chocolate skin . A cute little belly pouch , lines that marked her skin , thick thighs. It drove him wild as he stared at her , licking his lips . Tyki felt his gaze and squirmed, she wished she knew what he was thinking.

Tyki felt the adrenaline rush through her body , as he tied her hands and held it above her head . She was highly excited about the outcome of the situation she was in , it didn't matter to her about her morality or anything else, right now she wanted the Fallen Angel in front of her , she refused to think about the fact that she should be running away from him right now. The moist texture between her legs , rubbed against her thighs , spreading it around as she watched the King of Hell undress in front of her . There it was that glow on his skin that showed , he couldn't be human no man should be allowed to look so beautiful and hot all at once . His muscles flexed as he took off his shirt , like a Jersey. He bent and his hair fell forward , she wanted to touch the long locks of perfection , he pulled off his pants and stood before her naked , his cock slapping against his stomach. How the hell was he so big and long , how was that going to fit inside of her , it looked at least ten inches so far . She looked at him , naked under the superficial lights , his skin truly a olive tone, pale and iridescent. She wondered if that was a product of all his time in the pits of hell . She also wondered his hell had a gym , because how he had six , very defined abs, that looked more like blocks, didn't make sense to her . He wasn't muscular in a brutish way , he was just right for him , well defined and perfect for himself. Not lanky and undefined , not big and bulky but a perfect mix of both .

He smirked at her, enjoying the fact that she seemed to enjoy what she was seeing . He pulled her body towards his at the end of the bed , he pushed apart her legs. Lucifer bit her inner thigh and she shuddered , her hands clenching. He licked his way up further , tasting her salty produce , he bit her again and sucked on her skin , leaving a purple mark . Letting go of her legs , he moved further up and took a breast into his mouth , his teeth slightly grazing her nipple .

" Arrgghh Lu - Lucifer ." Tyki moaned .

His hand found it's way between her thighs and he rubbed around her swelling clitoris.

" Lucifer , fuck ! " She moaned again , her hips thrusting forward. Tyki felt her body go weak, as his thick ,long fingers went inside her body . Her own fingers had nothing on his fingers , the reached further inside of her , brushing against her insides . She squirmed in his grasp , head rolling to side , as she fought to understand why her body was reacting to him this way . His fingers stretched her insides, he added another and a moan ripped through her throat . Her body arched off the bed and further into his touch . Lucifer licked along her throat , her adams apple trembling . He pushed deeper into her , his fingers brushing against the spot inside of her .

" Fuck Lucifer , I- if you do that I'm gonna cum . " She said , her voice breathy as she pushed against his fingers.

" My sexy little fox , cum for me . " He said biting her neck lightly.

Tyki wasn't sure what really happened, maybe it was the dominance in that Greek accent of his, or the pleasure that washed through her like a blanket. All she knew is that , she came and she came hard , her body shaking , his name falling from her lips in a broken sob . Maybe it could have been the way even though commanding, his voice was hoarse from holding back his own pleasure , perhaps the fact that this was her second orgasm . Whatever the reason , the one thought in her mind was how much he ruined her , she wouldn't be able to cum like that again without him . She was left spasming from the ecstasy .

" Now my little fox , chin up we aren't finished yet . " His voice broke through her hazy mind . She watched him ,her body tired as he hovered above her .

" Let's make you scream a little louder, my sweet little fox . " He said kissing her . Her legs wrapped around him and she pulled him closer , their tongues swirled together and though tired , her body craved him again . He pulled away from her , moving further back , he used the excess from the tie and pulled her body close , he flipped her around , her breast brushing against the cotton sheets. Tyki wasn't sure herself, when it happened all she knew was she suddenly felt very full . Her hands were tied behind her and he used it to pull her closer , pushing her deeper on to his cock .

" Mmmm ahhh Lucifer . " She moaned as saliva dripped from the sides of her mouth . The sensitivity of her body was high from her previous orgasm and Lucifer was rubbing against her insides in the most intoxicating, delicious way .

" Mmmm fuck more - please fuck me more . I want more . " She moaned pushing back further on him.

He pulled out slowly teasing her ,

" Lucifer please - do-don't tease . " She begged,

He rubbed the tip against her wetness , rubbing against her clitoris and pushing inside slowly only to pull out again . He watched as she whined and begged him to stop teasing . He groaned, as she called his name and begged him to fuck her . She wasn't prepared , not in the least when he slammed into her . Her body jerked forward , but he pulled her back .

" Sorry little fox , you're making me a little impatient, let's skip the teasing for now , yeah . " He groaned into her ear as he continued thrusting in to her .

" Ahhhh ,Fuck feels so good . " Tyki moaned. He held her hips , releasing the tie and pushed into her , he stretched her body open and pushed into her hitting her pleasure spot dead on . She shivered and her hands , which she had used to prop herself on gave out . " Found it . " He smirked as he thrusted into her faster aiming for the spot that drove her wild . She clenched around him ,

" Lucifer I- I can't - too good - gonna . . . " Tyki tried to say as she felt her body heat up again.

" Not yet little fox . " He told her . He pulled out and she whimpered . He chuckled as he flipped her body and lifted her off the bed . He placed her over his cock , and she gripped on to his shoulders as he went deeper into her .

" Fuck Lucifer , you're in so deep , feels so good . " She moaned in his ear . He pulled her into a kiss and thrusted into her again, her body bounced on top of his as she moaned into the kiss .

" Now ! " He told her and she didn't have to specify what he was talking about. She gripped on to him harshly , biting his lips as she came around his cock . He groaned and came as well , their cum mixed together as Tyki slowly lost her conscious mind .