
Vial Secrets

“Secrets are power, and mine is worth more than a little trouble to maintain…” —— It took a long time for me to truly understand what happened that day. That was the day that I began to learn how the world really worked. My father was right, the most important things couldn't be bought with money… things like innocence, friendship, security, justice... precious things that could be snatched away so easily. You couldn't buy them with money… ...but perhaps you could buy them with another currency. Perhaps you could buy them with power… …and with secrets. —— A Mistborn story. Completed for now!

slowestcook · Book&Literature
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Author’s Note

Basically my bid for a badge, and this is what I have on hand—the start of a character.

Based on the Mistborn world created by Brandon Sanderson. The world's too complicated for me to really lay it out and do it justice, but if you're intrigued, go read his books.

What you might need to know:

-The magic in this story is called Allomancy. Allomancers have the ability to use or "burn" metals to fuel a variety of physical and mental enhancements or abilities.

-Powers are derived by ingesting vials with metal flakes suspended in a liquid. Different metals give different powers.

-Utilizing a metal is called "burning."

-Anyone that can burn one metal is called a Misting (rare). The ability to burn any of the allomantic metals is called a Mistborn (very powerful, very rare). A person can either burn all metals, one, or none.

METAL—User: Power

IRON—Lurcher: Pulls on nearby metals

STEEL—Coinshot: Pushes on nearby metals

TIN—Tineye: Enhances senses

PEWTER—Pewterarm/Thug: Enhances physical abilities

BRASS—Soother: Soothes/Dampens emotions

ZINC—Rioter: Riots/Enflames emotions

COPPER—Smoker: Hides allomancy

BRONZE—Seeker: Reveals allomancy

ATIUM (THE GOD METAL)—Mistborns only: See into the future by several seconds

ALL—Mistborn: All of the above

Any other questions? I'm happy to try to answer.