
Viajante Witcher - SI AU

Don't expect anything elaborate. I'm just writing as a way to clear my mind and escape my depression. In case I ever post this, you don't have to leave your useless comments, just constructive ones. Whether they are encouragement, because you are enjoying it, or because you can see where it could be improved. Regarding chapters, I have no idea, I will just write and release when I can. I need to finish my degree soon, get a job or I won't be able to pay my bills anymore. The grammar will suck anyway, because I'm really lazy, and no, I don't have people to correct it because it needs money, and I'm unemployed. I don't own any universe that will be used, much less its characters. As for the timeline, I don't give a shit. My patreon is.... https://patreon.com/Noxville753 Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Emerson_Leite · Video Games
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65 Chs


Postei aquilo que já tinha anteriormente preparado. Relendo, vi como não consegui manter uma consistência da história e passei pouco em coisas que poderia aproveitar mais.

Penso em, quem sabe, refazer essa história ou tentar, mesmo que sem ideias atualmente, continuá-la.

Se alguém ainda le isso, não espere muito, estava apenas tentando ver se as ideias ressurgiam para mim.

Quem sabe, no futuro....

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