
Viajante Witcher - SI AU

Don't expect anything elaborate. I'm just writing as a way to clear my mind and escape my depression. In case I ever post this, you don't have to leave your useless comments, just constructive ones. Whether they are encouragement, because you are enjoying it, or because you can see where it could be improved. Regarding chapters, I have no idea, I will just write and release when I can. I need to finish my degree soon, get a job or I won't be able to pay my bills anymore. The grammar will suck anyway, because I'm really lazy, and no, I don't have people to correct it because it needs money, and I'm unemployed. I don't own any universe that will be used, much less its characters. As for the timeline, I don't give a shit. My patreon is.... https://patreon.com/Noxville753 Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Emerson_Leite · Video Games
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65 Chs

6. Construção e Reconstrução

My studies on magic were going well, I managed, with Vesemir's help, to create a staff, but it can actually still be called a wand, as it is only 30cm long.

In this world, more than ever, the use of a magic focus is of utmost importance, for the short of magic here is expensive and heavy, but what has been done is enough, at least for now, I will read the Witches' bestiary to find magic monsters for the creation of new magic focuses.

The king of Kaedwen, Henselt had great appreciation for the Wolf school, and did his best to send help requested by Vesemir, in rebuilding the Kaer Morhen Fortress.

As soon as the delivery arrived, along with some builders and workers, it was awkward to explain to them that he didn't need their services, as everything was under control.

Not really believing it, they stayed to see how the work would be done. Of course, this was a way for the king to find out what the Wolf School intended, and what kind of strength they now have, to recover the old Fortress.

I already knew that letting these people witness what I would do would bring me elephant-sized problems, but I didn't really care one bit. I just asked them to stay outside the fortress, so that there would be no accidents.

I made the wand movement with precision, with Vesemir at my side, looking anxiously and worriedly at his house. It was his dream to revitalize the place and it seemed that now, he would make it come true, but he was still afraid of being frustrated.

*Maximum Restituo ad Cacumine*

To see the stones and logs, as well as the mortar brought by the builders rise into the air and willingly seek their places was a rare and very beautiful sight to see. Piles of stones and wood circulating in the air, settling in their places for the reconstruction and improvement of the Fortress.

From the outside, the view was even more majestic, as the sunlight gave a more magical and divine aspect to the whole thing.

But all is not flowers, and the consumption of magic was taking its toll.

I was halfway there, and I felt, heard and saw, the ruby that adorned my staff/wand implode, the outer body that Vesemir and I had made began to melt and turn to dust before our eyes.

There was little, very little left, but still, it was a high price to pay. The wand, the one that had long been my companion and friend, that had helped me in so many moments, began to burst into flames.

My forearm was the same, not on fire, but it was visible that the burned skin was detaching from my arm, leaving only the flesh to show.

I could hear her scream, but it wasn't one of pain, it was more like she was trying her best to be the one to take all the damage from the dense magic of this world, defending me from the rebound that magic brings.

It was a cry of determination and I wanted to stop, but I felt my wand refusing, stubborn as it always has been, wanting to prove to me that it was and always will be the most powerful wand there is.

I didn't let it be, and I inserted my magic into her, giving her all my magical power, so that she would no longer prove to me, but to herself, how powerful she was, and that together, we would get out of this.

When the last beam and stone were in place, my wand seemed to let out a sigh, and roar for being able to win this battle. At the same time, I could feel the same pain that I saw in Harry and Hermione's eyes when I 'died.

The wand started to turn to dust, but it clung to my left arm, my forearm was being covered, and it felt like new skin was forming, over the burned skin.

I could still feel my wand, but at the same time, it was no longer. My left forearm was now a magic semi-focus, and all I had to do was find the right material.

I understood that for now, long range spells, or more precisely, those towards a live target, would be very tricky to do, I would even say almost impossible, but if I tap or use area spells, things would be good for me.

Vesemir, approaches, putting his hand on my shoulder. He seemed happy, but extremely concerned about my appearance. I didn't look anything out of the ordinary, but my left forearm, seemed to have rotted away.

"Are you okay boy?" he looks extremely concerned at my forearm.

"Yes, that stubborn wand will never leave me," I answer, moving my arm and fingers, showing that I was fine. "How did the renovation turn out?" I ask the old man, who now smiled like a child who has won a real car.

"Perfect, it's exactly as I remember it, if not better. There is no more wind invading through the gaps in the walls, many places previously lost can now be observed and some things can be found." he looked very cheerful, jovial.

"Good, now I'm going to get some rest. It feels like I've been running for hours, no, days without stopping." I tap him on the shoulder, and start up the stairs to my room.



I hunted the witches in the woods only for the damned Baron to tell me that Ciri was here and gone. He gave me no concrete direction as to where my daughter might be, and to make matters worse, the hunt is on for her.

I need to get back to Kaer Morhen, repair my equipment, and find out what that guy is doing. As much as something tells me, to trust the guy, I still can't, not when I don't know anything about him.

But at the same time, I can see if he would help me find Ciri, and who knows, help me protect the girl. I hope I am making the right decision. Vesemir also needs to be prepared.