
Viajante Witcher - SI AU

Don't expect anything elaborate. I'm just writing as a way to clear my mind and escape my depression. In case I ever post this, you don't have to leave your useless comments, just constructive ones. Whether they are encouragement, because you are enjoying it, or because you can see where it could be improved. Regarding chapters, I have no idea, I will just write and release when I can. I need to finish my degree soon, get a job or I won't be able to pay my bills anymore. The grammar will suck anyway, because I'm really lazy, and no, I don't have people to correct it because it needs money, and I'm unemployed. I don't own any universe that will be used, much less its characters. As for the timeline, I don't give a shit. My patreon is.... https://patreon.com/Noxville753 Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Emerson_Leite · Video Games
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65 Chs

40. Noivado (2)

It was the fifth day at Winterfell. I can say that things were going well, very well. The idea of improving road conditions and improving safety was in full swing.

My mother was overjoyed at the idea of her daughter being engaged, even if it's the second son and bastard. She, like me, just wanted Erena to be happy, and we would spare no effort for that.

But not everything is perfect. My mother was being bombarded by not only Lady Stark, but Lady Mormont as well, looking to marry her daughters. The target, me.

It was in Lady Stark's interest, as my lands were close, I was strong and powerful in the North, I would be an exceptional ally when Robb took over her father's place, and I could still provide a princess life for her daughter.

For Lady Mormont, it was simply because I was strong, and I helped a lot in the difficulties of her home. Whether with food or the elimination of the Greyjoys, I supported them more than the Starks had, and, I was a very profitable business partner.

Mainly because her cousin was bankrupting the house ever since he married the Hightower whore, as she puts it.

My mother explained this situation to me, so I proposed that she give Lady Mormont the idea of marrying her cousin to Lady Dustin. Even if it felt wrong, she was a beautiful woman, fertile and at the height of her beauty, powerful and a simple, determined woman.

I found it strange that he was not present, but after a little conversation with Lady Mormont, she explained why. According to her, Jorah was in a dog-on-leash state when the Hightower whore forbade him to go out except to bring her expensive things.

It's a phase every man goes through, I guess.

Anyway, I knew a secret of an important person, so I wanted to be able to help in some way, and I can't wait than now.

Since everyone is so excited about engagements and arrangements, I'm going to jump into this too and try to help a friend.


"Lady Mormont, may I disturb you a little?" I ask the beautiful but aggressive woman sitting at the table. I think this was one of those moments when the person wanted to be alone, with thoughts of her, but I got in the way. Negative point for me.

"Make yourself at home, Lord Glover." she gives me a smile, what must i say, it was a little out of my picture of the woman. But nothing against.

"I don't want to bother you too much, or waste too much of our time, so I'll be straight forward." I say, as I shift in my chair and face the woman. "What do you think of my uncle?"

I see the woman widen her eyes a little, a little lost and a little surprised.

"I don't understand the question, Lord Glover." she tries to fish out the whole idea, even though she knows what she wanted to say.

"Well, to be perfectly honest, my uncle has always held you in the highest regard. He always praises you as the type of woman who would be perfect for him. Even though he thinks I'd lose him to Bear Island, I still think that he deserves to have his happiness.

I know he has, and I'll try to downplay it a bit so it doesn't get too weird, a little crush on you, Lady Mormont. So I tried to help the man who made me grow into who I am today." I say directly, and I see a smile on the woman's face.

"Apparently he didn't tell you much." she says, and I'm taken aback by this one, but I keep quiet so she can continue. "Your uncle and I, we had an adventure in the past boy. Unfortunately, our parents didn't agree with our feelings at that time.

So I ended up marrying a man who gave me three wonderful daughters that I grew to love. He married a good woman, who, unfortunately, could not give him children. Ever since the deaths of our lovers, I've been trying to reach him.

I never needed a second person to do my job, and I know his uncle is the same. I hope he doesn't see your coming to me as a betrayal. If he has feelings for me, and I do for him, then the question is, why does he always pull away from me?" She looked sad.

"I think I know the answer to that." I reply, getting the woman's attention. "It's three people, my mother, me and my sister." I reply, and she makes a half-understanding face, but I continue.

"My uncle believes he needs to be there for us every moment. He sees himself, as my mother and sister's last line of defense, and as the only person who can support me. I know he loves me, and I love him like a father, but if he's failing to be happy because of me, I don't accept it.

I'd rather he see me as a traitor, as someone without confidence, someone vile, than to see him wither away alone while we know he has a chance to have what he's always wanted." I stand up and give the woman a slight bow "Sorry to bother you, ma'am, I ask your permission," I turn around, determined to give my uncle a good kick in the ass.


How can I say this.

Well, indeed, I gave my uncle a nice, healthy kick in the old ass. The problem is that other lords also saw it and it ended up being a fight that I lost, just because I wanted to lose. I couldn't bring down my old man's morale in front of his friends.

After a good heart-to-heart, and practically kicking my uncle out of the family, he accepted his fate, and went to speak with Lady Mormont. Who else was happy besides them, after seeing them holding hands in the halls of Winterfell, was my mother.

She was so happy that she wanted to have the wedding on the high seas, invite all the houses to sail on the right arm, which would now be a fine defensive addition to House Mormont. Of course, I wouldn't give up such danger just for that.

As much as I know House Mormont is faithful in the North, unfortunately, we have a man lost at the legs of a beautiful young woman, greedy and with no respect for our laws and customs. But I'll leave it to Aunt Maege to sort that out.