
Viajante Witcher - SI AU

Don't expect anything elaborate. I'm just writing as a way to clear my mind and escape my depression. In case I ever post this, you don't have to leave your useless comments, just constructive ones. Whether they are encouragement, because you are enjoying it, or because you can see where it could be improved. Regarding chapters, I have no idea, I will just write and release when I can. I need to finish my degree soon, get a job or I won't be able to pay my bills anymore. The grammar will suck anyway, because I'm really lazy, and no, I don't have people to correct it because it needs money, and I'm unemployed. I don't own any universe that will be used, much less its characters. As for the timeline, I don't give a shit. My patreon is.... https://patreon.com/Noxville753 Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Emerson_Leite · Video Games
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65 Chs

30. Quando Algo Termina, Algo Começa

Vesemir and I came to an agreement that the school of the wolf would seek new recruits after solving Ciri's problem. He knew I was hiding something, but he didn't ask.

Meanwhile, I was studying a way to further improve Kaer Morhen's defenses, because one can never be too prepared. I don't want to be surprised in any way.

But no matter how much I think about it, something told me that things were somehow not falling into place. Why is this feeling of death getting stronger and stronger?

It's not time for my death yet, it will happen when Ciri goes to face the Cold, and I will follow her, but it will just be my passage to a new life, so why?

I was getting frustrated.

I started to receive teachings from Vesemir once again, but this time about meditation. It was the only way for me to calm my mind, and at the same time be able to think clearly.

This began to become routine. It was not difficult to see myself on my knees, eyes closed, in deep meditation many times during the day.

Of course this caught the attention of many of the residents of the fortress, but what could I do? I cannot tell them that I am, in the best of words, afraid of the death I feel.

So I thought of the best way out of this cesspool that haunts me, and the best way is to prepare myself. I intensified my training, trying to reach my limit, but this was out of the question.

I could never reach it, first because there was nothing but this feeling to force me, second that there was no one who could help me, and third, my power was too great, and with me being accepted by dense magic, I was free to use all my potential without causing problems for this reality.

A blessing and a curse, if I can put it that way.


I stopped worrying, or at least I tried to. It was no use, and it was making me paranoid. I almost caught myself once, yelling at one of the High Vampires without the slightest need.

Then, like any conscious person, I went about my days in peace, talking and laughing with everyone, as a farewell should be.

A loud sound in the courtyard caught my attention and when I got there, I saw Geralt, holding hands with a beautiful girl with white hair, just like him.

I don't know why, but seeing the joy that radiated from their faces, I let a smile escape my lips. I stayed where I was, because it was not my time, it was the time for the family to get together, as it should be.

For too long she has been away, so let them have their peace.

The girl runs towards the old Witcher, who hugs her with great tenderness and love, Vesemir truly sees her as a granddaughter, and she looks at him as a grandfather she loves so much.

Beside the now trio, a portal appears, and from it, two women, Yen and Triss, who quickly ran to the girl and embraced her.

But things changed out of nowhere, as the girl, in a desperate effort, pushed everyone away, while a completely different portal materialized next to them.

Snow began to fall heavily, and I saw, for a split second, the horror on Geralt's face, as if his worst nightmare was coming true.

A strange sword, with its tip aimed at the girl, is the first thing to appear from the portal, followed by an elf, too big to be an ordinary thing.

His black armor, exuding a deep icy air, and a face of madness and fearlessness advanced without fear. His target was in front of him, and nothing could stop him now.

Or could it?

At the same time that the sword pierced my chest, after I appeared in front of the girl, making her take two steps back, I used my sword to pierce, from bottom to top, the damn elf's head.

It was a quick, sharp move, and it seemed that the elf didn't even realize, that his death was already written.

"Just as she said..." were his only words, as he looked me in the eye. The portal closed, and his body was taken back, but the sword remained stuck in my chest.

I just gave a slight smile, as I felt the blood escape from my mouth. I was routed by someone who knew where and how to kill me.

"Sam?" I heard Vesemir call to me, but I couldn't turn my face, my strength was draining away like a dam bursting.

"Old man, thanks for the time we spent together, take good care of the girl. Geralt, in my room you have some tips, I hope it will serve you well. Burn my body properly, don't fail me for sentimentality." are my last words, as darkness surrounds me.


Something was wrong. I was in a white room, and not in my shadow world. It was then that realization hit me.

"I understand now, that sword was with the blessing of an entity, a god-killing weapon, that's why I died for real," I sigh.

"You got it right kid." I see the old God smiling at me. "Death saw the things you did, even when you weren't in the specific reality. So it decided that you needed to die.

But don't take things too seriously, she gave me a very valid reason." he says, sitting down next to me.

"You were too powerful, and that seems to have taken you away from the simple things in life. You were slowly losing your feelings, however much you could still feel them, and she didn't like that.

You were on your way to becoming what you never wanted to be, a monster. So she did that, so that you could be free," he explains.

"So, what will it be now?" I ask, kind of accepting Death's decision pretty well, after all, she must, or rather, she knows more than I do anyway.

"Well, since you were headed for something bad, and part of that I took as guilt, I've decided that I'll give you one more chance, but this time, I'll do it a little differently.

You will have only the memories, or rather, the knowledge you have from the books and games, movies and animes you have experienced, but otherwise, family, friends, everything will be forgotten. You will have a new life, but relax.

So I set up a different New Game Plus for you, if you decide to call it that.

I have seen that you don't seek to be in conflicts, and usually try to help as much as possible so that this one doesn't have such devastating consequences. So I want to make you an Angel.

But of course, you will start small, but with a potential outside the lines. I just want you to have a more fun life, even if this world is not a walk in the park as they say.

I think you will like the choice I made, not least because you are one of the strongest beings I have ever let be created. Another important thing, your power will adapt to the world in a calm manner, not causing any problems.

Regarding your agreement with the Elder, I understood the help you wanted to provide, so I did it my way, when it is time to go there, she will know who you are, so don't worry, I couldn't leave your work unfinished."

He gives me an affectionate pat on the back as my eyelids begin to heavy. I wanted to thank him for the new opportunity, but as I opened my mouth, only a yawn came out, much stronger than I expected.

Then darkness overwhelmed me, and I fell asleep.

NA: 5 chapters ahead on my patreon. Still learning this, so feel free to give suggestions and constructive comments.

