
Viajante Witcher - SI AU

Don't expect anything elaborate. I'm just writing as a way to clear my mind and escape my depression. In case I ever post this, you don't have to leave your useless comments, just constructive ones. Whether they are encouragement, because you are enjoying it, or because you can see where it could be improved. Regarding chapters, I have no idea, I will just write and release when I can. I need to finish my degree soon, get a job or I won't be able to pay my bills anymore. The grammar will suck anyway, because I'm really lazy, and no, I don't have people to correct it because it needs money, and I'm unemployed. I don't own any universe that will be used, much less its characters. As for the timeline, I don't give a shit. My patreon is.... https://patreon.com/Noxville753 Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Emerson_Leite · Video Games
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65 Chs

27. Tesouro Perdido

While Geralt, Hjalmar, Cerys and Dettlaff went to talk to Lugos Drummond, because he had his finger in the situation that happened in the case of the Berserkers, I was doing my walk, next to Yen.

She was a little out of character, I must say, since after the things she said, she seemed to be somehow, trying to understand her problems as a whole.

"Come on Yennefer, say what you need to say," I say, taking the sorceress by surprise.

"What do you mean?" she seemed not to understand.

"Internally ruminating your thoughts won't make you step forward. If speaking to another person puts you in such a delicate situation, I recommend being alone, and speaking your thoughts out loud.

It helps process, and seems to activate something in our minds, making us see things in different perspectives. It works for many people, for others, not so much, but still, it helps in a way.

So stop being so lost while walking and make up your mind. Are you going to walk with me as a worthy human being or looking like a lifeless mummy?" I stop, looking directly into his eyes.

"Do you see me as that bad?" she asks defensively.

"Honestly?" I ask, and she nods in affirmation. "That being the case, I find you just petty, vile, cruel, and somewhat intolerable. You act like you own the truth and the world.

You treat people as if they were inferior to you, as if everything and everyone, the world, owes you something, when this is not a fact. Your bossy and unkind way of humiliating and making people feel bad only worsens your image.

You search tirelessly for a resolution that pleases you, and you don't care who you step on, and who you hurt, and who you humiliate. You think that only you suffer from the problems of this world.

Let me make one thing very clear to you. Your illusion of being special is nothing more than this, an illusion. Your magic gives you a power that you barely touched, not even thought about improving, being content with the misery you have.

And yet, you think you are better, superior. That is nothing but disgusting. Tell me, how many of those you have met, can you call a friend? How many of them would be willing to help you in the name of friendship?

Two? Three? Five at most? Too few for someone who could have so much more, and this is only because of your inflated ego. But it's not entirely your fault, Geralt has his share.

If he hadn't saved her when you were linked to the Djinn, many people wouldn't have suffered at his hand, including the silly witch. He sees the best in people, which they themselves can see.

His ambition also blinds him. So there you have it, my sincerity to you. And don't think that I tell you this because I want to have your friendship or anything like that, just because your presence, affects those I try to protect.

Those that I see as good people, even the not so human ones. Your presence, can be a catalyst that drives them forward, but it is also the one that can throw them into a bottomless pit.

Think carefully about your next decisions, because unlike witches and many of your acquaintances, I have no patience for spoiled girls who think they are more than they really are," I blurt out.

Man, I'm not going to lie, I always wished that in the games, I could take that path when controlling Geralt, that must be why in Djim's quest, I chose not to continue the romance with her.

"I see now." are his only words.

"One last thing. If you still have a shred of feeling towards Ciri and Geralt, be prepared, a heavy fight is on the way, and your help would be welcome, even with your little power.

Don't worry, being the one to ask for it, I guarantee your protection, but I don't guarantee that if you fail them, I will hunt you down myself," I say, walking away from the woman.

My way was to the island of Hindarsfjall, where I heard from a group, that not only the Hindar woods and the Temple of Freya were, but also a strange cave, with a large group of scavengers.

Necrophages means that many people went into that cave, and, as a guy who remembers some details from the games, these places always have something interesting to give as a gift.


I was approaching the entrance to the cave, when a group of Barrosos, a third species of Drow, just as dangerous as the others, but only to ordinary people and untrained Witcher.

Drawing my sword, I begin my deadly dance. I spin and whirl my sword from side to side, making deep cuts and dismemberments.

With each step into the cave, more and more of these creatures appeared, more and more pieces of drow were scattered from one side to the other.

The cave was quite deep, and difficult for ordinary people to access. It was no surprise to see so many torn bodies, men, women and even some children, not so children.

There was a small hill that I needed to climb, so that I could then descend even deeper, but a big obstacle appeared. Big.

I don't know whose bright idea it was, but there was a fucking Golem in the cave. I took the opportunity to train my body with the sword, which was a rather boring task.

Slow, but strong, big and hard. My fifth grade screams at the thought of those words, but it is what it is. Tired of the dance that was going nowhere, I decided to blow the thing up with my magic.

After making sure that the damned Golem would no longer get up, I continued my journey deeper into the cave.

There, only three chests were lying about. Although closed, they still looked as if they had not been left carefully, and from the arrangement of skeletons around, it seems that the golem ended up throwing the people, who died right here.

Curious, I open the first trunk. And to my surprise, it looked like good armor, at least to me, it was not heavy and had a good degree of defense.

There was a complete set, so if I was fortunate enough to find that, why not check the other chests.

And the things were good. They were what in the game, they called a diagram. They were just the method of making each part of the armor, how to work the metal, and how to line it the right way.

From the description, the armor was a chainmail inside a gambesom, making the enemy believe that the armor would not protect him as well as it should. It was a good way to fool the enemy.

But that wasn't all, there was a steel breastplate, leggings and steel armbands accompanying it, further giving the illusion of deception.

In the third chest, just a bit of orens and other coins. Loot done, it was time to return to the An Craite fortress.

( Hey, i have a patreon.

patreon.com/Noxville753 )