
Viajante Witcher - SI AU

Don't expect anything elaborate. I'm just writing as a way to clear my mind and escape my depression. In case I ever post this, you don't have to leave your useless comments, just constructive ones. Whether they are encouragement, because you are enjoying it, or because you can see where it could be improved. Regarding chapters, I have no idea, I will just write and release when I can. I need to finish my degree soon, get a job or I won't be able to pay my bills anymore. The grammar will suck anyway, because I'm really lazy, and no, I don't have people to correct it because it needs money, and I'm unemployed. I don't own any universe that will be used, much less its characters. As for the timeline, I don't give a shit. My patreon is.... https://patreon.com/Noxville753 Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Emerson_Leite · Video Games
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65 Chs

25. Verdades

"How are you, my friend?" I ask looking at Geralt, who keeps his stoic face and expression always unhappy.

"Normal, why do you ask?" he looks at me curiously.

"You got rid of the life link between you, so I want to know how you are doing. I don't know what that connection meant, but it was powerful. Sometimes when we lose something, there is no point of return to get it back," I explain, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Well, to be quite honest with you, I feel fine. There is no longer that powerful urge driving me, and my mind seems to be at peace. But not everything was as Yen thought it would be." he says, staring at the beautiful brunette.

"Elaborate." I ask, curious.

"He does not love me. Although Geralt has his heart in place, it was our bond that made him believe he loved me, when that wasn't quite the case. He does, but he sees me as a sister he needs to take care of, not a woman to have his life." she says, and her expression was somewhere between insult and smile.

I can understand the conflicted feelings of the beautiful brunette. For so long, she fought against the bond between them, and now, free, she realized that all her fight was just a useless tantrum, because the man who respected and cared for her, now lost the spark that made him go for it.

"But you love him right? Fate is a heartless bitch if I may say so. And before she shows up to disintegrate me, I apologize right now. It's a pretty bad line, but true in essence." I say, looking out the window.

"As if she would show up here just for that." retorts Yen, sipping his wine.

"Who would show up here? And who are these two?" a female voice, authoritative, but still, beautiful, reaches my ears.

Dettlaff and I just turn, calmly, looking at the (I swear, this is stalking) beautiful redhead, just over 20 years old, but scarred enough to make her look older.

"Sam, Dettlaff, this is Cerys An Craite, daughter of a friend, and one of the candidates to succeed her father in the leadership of Skellige." introduces Geralt, making me stare hard at the girl in front of us.

She still looks very much like the character from the game, but at the same time, a fairly well-known actress, even if her hair color is different. Jaimie Alexander if I am not mistaking her name.

"Cerys, this is my friend Sam, and at his side, Dettlaff, a superior vampire." he introduces us, and the girl's eyes widen as she looks at Dettlaff.

"If my presence brings any misfortune to your house, I can go at any time. My coming was not to cause trouble," Dettlaff says, still with his stoic expression. Sometimes he seems like Geralt's lost brother.

"Sorry, but I was just surprised that you were a superior vampire. You are so rare here in Skellige, but I thought you were quite different, but on the contrary, if he hadn't said it, I would think he was just another friend of Geralt's." she says, interested.

"Geralt and I just see each other as acquaintances. Only because of Régis, Geralt didn't kill me some time ago." he says, making the girl look between them, her expression dancing between many feelings.

As the trio chatted, I stood back, not too far, which left me standing next to Yen.

"An oren for your thoughts," I say to the woman, who stares at me. I make a subtle motion with my hand, just in case. This was my chance after all.

"A lot on my mind. We can't find a clue from Ciri, even though a large area was destroyed by her powers, I lost Geralt, and there's no way to make him love me again.

Emhyr who is more and more likely to put me among his slave wizards, to achieve his goals of conquest. And no place, or anyone, to care about my safety." she finishes, turning the wine once in her mouth.

"Well, about Ciri, I would really like to help, so I am doing my best, preparing a safe place for her return. As for Geralt, all I can say is that it was purely and simply his fault.

Don't forget everything you did for him, and when he lost his memory, and was used by your friend, and you stood by her side, not caring about him. You treated him as your personal pet, always keeping him in the loop.

But you made a point of cutting the noose yourself, believing you had your firm grip on the man. See, I have nothing against strong women in control, but there is a limit, and you kicked that limit a few times.

Regarding Emhyr, well, you can always ask for shelter in Kaer Morhen. Geralt and Vesemir, despite the disrespectful way you treat them, still respect you for being so dear to Ciri. I guarantee they will give you shelter until you no longer need or want to leave.

And before you come with your sarcasm, venom and idiocy about this, let me warn you, contrary to what you believe, they are not greedy men expecting a return somehow.

They don't even need it. They would waste no time in humiliating themselves if it is for Ciri's protection, but to take advantage of you, well, I am sorry, but you are not that special, get out of that bubble.

This pompous, arrogant air of yours may give you some protection, or make it seem that way, but in fact it just pushes people away. This is why nobody trusts or wants to trust you.

The world, doesn't revolve around your navel Yen, and now that I feel lighter by telling you every truth I think about you, I will take you out of your restrictions. This is just another way of showing you, that the world doesn't belong to you."

I step forward, leaving the beautiful sorceress standing there, unresponsive, as if each word of mine was a hammering of truth hitting her brain. I look only briefly at her, and turn my attention back to the trio in front of me.

"So she's missing, and you're looking for clues, while Detlaff and Sam are out for a walk?" she looked indignant, and stares at me.

"Did I pick the wrong time to come back?" I look from Dettlaff to Geralt.

"No, she just conveniently forgot the part where you work to get Kaer Morhen back, fortify and improve the fort's defenses, and still get powerful allies to protect Ciri when she returns." replies Geralt, causing the indomitable Cerys to have a slight blush.

"You still talk to me as if I were the girl from years ago." she crosses her arms, turning her face and pouting.

"With that expression now, it's hard not to get the dates mixed up." replies Geralt, who gets a nice lecture from Cerys.

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