
Viajante Witcher - SI AU

Don't expect anything elaborate. I'm just writing as a way to clear my mind and escape my depression. In case I ever post this, you don't have to leave your useless comments, just constructive ones. Whether they are encouragement, because you are enjoying it, or because you can see where it could be improved. Regarding chapters, I have no idea, I will just write and release when I can. I need to finish my degree soon, get a job or I won't be able to pay my bills anymore. The grammar will suck anyway, because I'm really lazy, and no, I don't have people to correct it because it needs money, and I'm unemployed. I don't own any universe that will be used, much less its characters. As for the timeline, I don't give a shit. My patreon is.... https://patreon.com/Noxville753 Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Emerson_Leite · Video Games
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65 Chs

18. Rainha da beleza

It's not often that we get to have an adventure like this, and I couldn't stay in one place for too long, things start to get monotonous, and I end up getting frustrated.

Luckily for me, an excuse came knocking on the door of the clinic, when the Redanian soldiers asked Shani to go to one of the lines to help treat the wounded.

Something I found out and finally understood, there is an unspoken agreement, between all the kingdoms, that healers, doctors and people in that kind of work, should not be victims of war.

They can be kidnapped, imprisoned by their enemies, but no harm should come to them. This I find much more rational and humane than from the places I came from. Now I understand why Shani always goes, even if things there are at the height of tension.

I took the opportunity to make my trip to Toussaint, I had already received news that Geralt left there a little over a week ago. I think he will take on the case of the Vampire in Love, and I have plans for that.


It was three days of travel, even using portals for that. Well, I knew the general direction, but I didn't know the place, so it took quite a while.

But when I arrived, I noticed how unmistakable the place can be from any other. It's like being in another reality, as if the world here had more color and brightness, blessed by some higher power.

At the same time, all this beauty hides how dangerous this place is.

More than half of the High Vampires are in this region, with many so well integrated with humans that if I couldn't tell them apart because I am a superior to them, I would be easily fooled.

Well, another thing that helped me a lot to distinguish them was my passing through the city streets. It wasn't hard to see two or three nobles, looking at me with terror in their eyes. These were the High Vampires who were under the orders of an elder.

I made my way to the castle, where I could get information from Geralt, and know the status of his mission.

"Who are you and what business do you have in the Queen's castle?" says one of the guards, approaching me.

Well I guess it's only natural, since I don't have knightly armor, just a leather one looking pretty weak and two daggers stuck in my belt. It is not strange that the guard thinks he is safe against me.

"Good afternoon sir, I have come looking for my friend Geralt, he is on a mission on behalf of his queen, and I have come to help him." I answer simply.

"Your name?" the other asks.

"Swan Dim." and I really was tired of using that name. When this body dies, I will try to use a cooler name.

"Mister Dim, I will ask someone to contact the Queen, if you can wait a little while." says the second soldier, making a sign for me to follow him.

Accompanied by the guard, I go appreciating the castle. It is magnificent what they manage to build even with such backward technology. It even looks like a fairy tale, which it is, if I stop to think about it.

No more than 15 minutes later, a butler leads me to where the queen, Anna Henrietta, is. She is sitting in a comfortable chair in the garden, drinking something, accompanied by her private soldier and a few women companions.

Standing facing her, I bow slightly. "My pleasure, to be in the presence of such a beautiful woman. Swan Dim, at your service, my queen." My eyes do not leave hers, even during the bow.

"The audacity that this milk-smelling boy has in speaking to the queen in this manner." says the mustachioed soldier, as his hand went toward the hilt of his sword.

"The same audacity that changed the monarchy of 3 kingdoms with only the death of one king. Take care, my faithful knight, or I will be forced to find a new one to replace you." says the queen, staring

"Damien de la Tour, a knight in his own right, but sometimes lacking a little flexibility and understanding of situations as a whole. I recognize your love for your kingdom, and especially your queen, but be careful." I say to the man, who seems startled to hear my words.

"Then my knight you are the best choice indeed. Love can be powerful in protecting those we love." she says, giving her knight a smile.

"I know well what you mean, your majesty. But he loves you not as the woman he wants in his bed, but as his grace treats those who do not have the same power as others, if you will, the common people.

This is one of the points that made me come to help Geralt in his work, since the enemy is extremely powerful, and he now suffers because of his sister. But I am lazy to explain the same thing twice, so I will wait for the arrival of our white wolf."

I say, and sit down on the floor, taking out one of the books I copied at Oxenfurt college, and start reading very calmly and carefully.

"Damien, ask the guards to quickly find Geralt of Rivia, and have him come to me quickly." she says hurriedly to her guard.

"But my lady, I cannot leave you without proper security." he appeals.

"Enjoy, and if possible, ask Geralt to bring Regis with him." I say, briefly taking my eyes off the book as I speak. But almost instantly returning to reading soon after.

"It would be impossible for anyone to lay a finger on me, Damien, first because you have never failed in your duty, and second, because he is here." she points at me. "Then do as I ask, and quickly." she turns her guard, and pushes him, with great effort, to go.

With no other option, Damien runs, in search of his men scattered around the castle to give his instructions.

Henrietta sits down in her chair and pecks at her cup. Her foot hits the floor with impatience and anxiety. Not being able to stand it any longer, as it was breaking my concentration, I close my book, and face the queen.

"Out of curiosity, did I gain your attention when I spoke of the great danger, or your sister?" I see her stop her leg, and face me.

"My sister. Dangers exist everywhere, and as much as it pains me, I am still more concerned about my sister, than the danger she brought." she is sincere.

"I see, but before you meet with her, Geralt will need to do a mission alongside your sister, or she may very well kill you, and commit suicide soon after. I don't want to see such beauty lost to petty revenge," I say sincerely.

"Is that all you see in me, my beauty?" she looked strangely angry about it.

"Don't misunderstand me. I see a capable woman, a strong, independent woman. But lonely. Her beauty is a well-created facade for others, but I feel the loneliness and helplessness that follows her beauty.

I also feel the lust, the desire to break free from the chains that surround her, and have her adventures, whether they are sexual or not. You want to see more of your own realm, but are often prevented.

Maybe I can help you with this at some point. But I can't promise anything," I answer.