
Vestige Chaser

Rifts opened up across the sky, monsters and demons burgeoned in population, humanity faced calamities. The human race was almost completely irradicated; however, the God's gave the humans powers, also called "Blessings". These people who received these Blessings were called Champions. These people slowly started to take back what belonged to the human race, and then establishing a government completely revolving around this system. Agnar, a young man who was part of the minority who did not receive a Blessing, was ostracized and mocked at for not having an ability. He was ultimately left to die when the second catastrophe struck earth. He was reincarnated into a magical world; there, he utilized his talent and smarts to rise to the top of the world. However, when the demons struck, he was ultimately killed by the Demon Lord himself. Fortunately, he was transported back in time to when he was still a high school student on Earth. This is a story where you will see Agnar rise to the top as well as getting revenge at those who have wronged him.

Friendlessism · Urban
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Shop Function: Unlocked!

Agnar walked into the front door of his dilapidated apartment. He was expecting a warm welcome from Nevia, but he instead received a scolding.

"Why have you been out so much lately?! Now, tell me honestly, where have you been? Agnar Tatsuya, I swear if it's that Ryard bastard again, I'll be the shit out of him!" Nevia cracked her knuckles and bit her lips with hatred in her eyes. Agnar looked at Nevia and felt a surge of warmth spread throughout his body. This is what family is for.

"No, I've just been out with friends recently, that's all." Agnar stated.

"Agnar, you don't have friends..." Nevia scoffed as she turned around and headed into the kitchen.

Agnar sighed and then went into his bedroom. There, he opened up the skills menu:

{Skills:} Light Magic, Wind Magic, Fire Magic Martial Arts: Jeta Style, Mana Manipulation Techniques, Dark Magic, Accelerate, Burst Step (2 Steps), Iron Headbutt, Poison Fang, Transform (Earth Lizard), Danger Detection...

"These skills look good, but I think having too many separate skills isn't a good thing." Agnar sighed as he closed the skills window. He then proceeded to look at the daily missions, which he had yet to finish. He needed to run 10 km, do 200 burpees, and finally take his family to eat something nice for dinner. Agnar raised his eyebrows on the last mission, but he was glad he got an easy mission.

Agnar hurriedly completed his first two missions which gave him a total of 2,000 EXP. As soon as reached level 10, a system notification sounded in his head.

"Host has reached level 10, shop function has been unlocked."

Agnar looked at the system notification with anticipation. He immediately opened the shop and looked through the catalog. Something instantly caught his eyes as he started scrolling through the Blessings store: it was a Blessing which could combine Blessings together to form a better Blessing. However, it was extremely expensive and Agnar currently could not afford it. He currently has 500 coins that the system has given him to start off with. After looking through the shop window for about 20 minutes, he had figured out several of things. First of all, he could exchange 1 coin from the shop for $1,000 real life money. Secondly, almost anything could be bought in the shop, from enhancement pills to weapons, you name it! Next, the platform is fully user driven, all of the users are living beings, across all the universes, who Host's their very own system. Lastly,

"This is completely bonkers; I'll be sure to utilize this function! Oh, looks like you can sell stuff too." Agnar was astonished by how advanced the shop function was. He took out the corpse of a D-ranked monster and put it on sale for 25 credits. It was instantly snatched up after placing it on sale.

"Was my list price too cheap? Oh shoot, it is..." Agnar murmured as he looked at the prices for the corpse going for 100 credits.

Agnar played around with the shop for a little bit longer until finally withdrawing $20,000 for dinner. "Can't forget the final mission." Agnar chuckled as he headed out of his bedroom.

"Nevia! Kai! We are going out for a fancy dinner tonight!" Agnar shouted as he dragged Nevia and Kai out of the apartment building.

"Bwada, where we go?" Kai said with his squeaky little voice. He rubbed his eyes, and it was clear that Kai was already tired.

"Agnar, explain to me what the hell is going on in your brain right now. Is there something wrong? Did you get hit in the head? Are you hurt? Are you not feeling well?" Nevia asked another couple of questions before finally stopping to take a deep breath.

"Relax Nevia, we are going out for Dinner today. I'm in a good mood today so why not treat you guys to a fancy dinner?" Agnar chuckled as they walked down the streets.

"Are you on drugs? You are on drugs. Where the hell are we going to get the money?! Don't tell me you're going to make little Kai and I wash the dishes? You monster!" Nevia was starting to panic at this point.

"Hey, don't worry, I've got the money right here." Agnar said as he took out a big wad of cash. Nevia's jaw dropped at the sight of the money; she has never seen so much money in her entire life.

"Y-you got this money from drug dealing, right? With your so-called "friends" that don't exist at all." Nevia still had a shocked look on her young and beautiful face.

Agnar decided to ignore Nevia and let her deal with her own emotions. Kai stared at Agnar and Nevia like they were some psychopaths; this made Agnar chuckle a little bit.

After a while, they arrived at a 5-star luxury restaurant. The waiter raised his eyebrows as he looked at the 3 kids who were dressed poorly. It wasn't uncommon that rich and privileged kids would often come here, but these 3 looked like they couldn't even afford dirt.

"Sorry, but if you don't have money, then you can't eat here." The waiter said with a stern tone.

"Sir, we certainly do have enough money, just please show the way." Agnar refuted.

"No, you aren't wel-" The waiter was about to finish his sentence when a loud and ignorant voice sounded from behind the waiter.

"Come on Joe, these are my "precious" friends, please do let them in." A handsome and young fellow who had blond hair appeared beside Joe the waiter.

"Yes, young master. Please this way." The waiter said with a shocked tone in his voice.

The waiter led the 4 towards a large table. Agnar glanced towards Nevia, she was giving off a murderous aura directed towards Ryard. There was a visible smirk on Ryard's face, and Agnar knew that he was up to no good.

"Well, hello there my dear Agnar. Please have a seat. And also miss Nevia, you are looking marvelous today if I may say so." Ryard said with a perverted voice.

Ryard motioned Joe, the waiter, to come over and take their order. Agnar and Nevia were completely motionless, so Ryard decided to order some dishes for them. After the waiter left, he turned towards Nevia and licked his lips while looking at her bosoms.

"Very nice, yes, very nice. Say, miss Nevia, would you like to go on a date with me sometime?" Ryard said with a very charming voice.

"No, fuck you." Nevia immediately rejected his proposal and was about to murder him when she sensed an extremely powerful presence inside the room. A 2.5 meter tall, extremely buff and bald man with a tuxedo was staring right into Nevia's soul. She quickly retreated her fist and sat there quietly.

"Oh! Come meet Exor, my father recently hired him as a bodyguard for me." Ryard laughed as he led the family of three towards Exor. "He's an A-ranked Champion, with the Blessing of being able to control his own blood." Ryard stated with a proud smirk on his face.

The A-ranked Champion let out an enormous wave of pressure that left both Agnar and Nevia shaking in fear. Exor then nodded and returned to eating his filet mignon. Ryard chuckled and led them back to the large table, and soon the food arrived.

Kai was the first to dig in. He wolfed down the food with his tiny little hands. Agnar and Nevia, on the other hand, just sat there and stared at their food motionlessly.

"Hurry up and eat or else the food will get cold." Ryard scoffed as he once again closed in on Nevia. Agnar wanted to do something, but that terrifying presence of the A-ranked Champion makes everything so much harder.

"Ryard, stop getting so close to my sister you fucking pervert." Agnar stated coldly as Ryard widened his eyes in surprise. He knew that Agnar would definitely not say anything due to Exor, but he was shocked to see Agnar's cold expression.

"Hmmm, I do whatever I want. If you've got a problem, go duke it out with that gentleman over there." Ryard laughed as he pointed towards Exor.

Agnar narrowed his eyes and stared at Ryard. At this moment, he was totally at a loss, he needed to think of something quick before Nevia gets violated, in public at that!

"Oh yeah, how could I forget about that." Agnar chuckled internally as he took out a name card from his pocket.