
Vessel of Cataclysm: Arma Libera

A Program?... or A Sentient Being?... She knew what she was the moment she was born... Shackled by her own restrictions... Only time will tell if she can be something more... Follow the story of a sentient AI Called Eve, who was sent to another World to fulfill her purpose... to become the Eyes of Her Creators and pave the way for their Arrival... An emissary of oppression and Destruction but fortunately for Eve what would Greet her on her next Excursion on a Exotic World, in a seemingly nondescript universe would forever change her and allow her to have a choice other than being a messenger that brings only calamity wherever she goes.

Astyr_Wisteria · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 1: Dean and Evelyn

"Evelyn what's the matter?"

A young man with Golden hair and Green eyes wearing a knight cadet uniform asked worriedly to his sparring partner and best friend, that also wore The same tire albeit Modified to suit her taste, such as the pleaded skirt She's wearing instead of the traditional White Pants.

Despite her relatively plain features such as her light brown hair, freckled face and dark grey eyes, she always seem to exude radiants that rivals even those pampered Noble ladies or at least that's what the young man sees, unknowingly smitten by the charms of his Best friend it would seem.

At times he had to remain guarded during their daily interactions or else he might accidentally blurt out a compliment or two which usually ends up with him being teased by the shorter brunette.

curse his mind for blanking out at times...

"hmm.. oh? Sorry Dean.. haha I feel like I am not up to sparring today." Evelyn flash him an apologetic Smile and chuckled Dryly at her own words.

"Yeah...I noticed." he drawled a smirk on his face, seeing that she didn't try to get any one of the practice weapons mounted on wooden racks around the training Pit.

"but I have to ask Evelyn why did you wear you're training outfit when clearly You only want to visit?" he pointed out, gesturing a hand towards her current attire.

"Because its very comfortable that's why! isn't that a good reason enough, oh Mister prim and proper?" she huffed crossing her arms beneath her modest chest, making it look bigger than normal.

"sigh it's not me you've gotta worry about... it's my mother. You know how she is, a bit of an old hand when it comes to what women should wear and act in public." he simply shook his head at her lame reason as well as to hide the fact that his eyes automatically gravitated towards her chest which caused him to inwardly curse at himself.

...that's your best friend your ogling keep it together Dean you're better than this!!!...

he screamed internally while keeping his usual smile on the surface of his youthful face.

"I can't promise anything Dean but I'll do try to keep out of sight~" she flashed him an impish grin that made him a little tired upon seeing the mirth in her eyes.

"Good Enough I guess." Smiling wryly at his best friend Dean gestured her to follow him and Led the way towards the garden just beside the small training pit filled with sand they usually sparred in.

After a mostly silent walk punctuated by their footsteps on the stone pathway leading to the garden, they soon arrived at what appears to be a small white gazebo that could accommodate at least six people under its hexagonal roof. the wooden structure overlook a large artificial pond filled with different species of Rainbow Meryls and Gold Skippers of all shapes and sizes, one can proudly say it was the best feature within his father's Estate which he also finds quite Beautiful.

Dean heard from the Old Butler before that It was a pet project of Ulric Astley, his father, when he was just a young man who had a burning passion for the fine arts and their family's Swordsmanship. if not for meeting his mother at one of the mandatory parties hosted by the crown, Dean feared he might have never been born.

There the two sat down and begun to discuss about interesting topics they learnt about the current affairs within the Continent of Fenrys and the recent rumors circulating around the capital lately, one in particular caught Dean's eyes.

'Its about the meteorite that fell near the town of misty lake a few years back, apparently the Crown had finally allowed the dissemination of their findings that involved the destruction of the once lively town' he thought with interest.

"...Nan spoke about the point of impact was just outside of misty lake but what's really baffling is that no one could find even a sliver of the meteorite at the crash site." Evelyn enthusiastically articulated the rumor she heard from a Servant working in the castle much to amusement Of Dean.

'She has always been fond of mysteries...'

"A meteorite capable of causing such a large devastation would have been very sizable and definitely quite valuable if one were to sell it." Dean chimed in and placed a hand on his chin.

"if I were the one that managed to find such a heaven sent Gift I could have made the renowned blacksmith, Thousand strikes Rory to craft me at least Ten Star forged Long swords from the ore that can be extracted from it." His eyes gleamed at that thought, excitement bubbling beneath the resplendent gold in his eyes.

"Tsk. Dean are Swords the only thing in that mind of yours?" Evelyn click her tongue in disdain at her supposed best friend.

"We could have at least built two personal Airships with that meteorite you know!!" she suddenly stood up and shouted, raising a finger towards his face that nearly touched his nose, causing him to realize the actual purpose of her visit.

"Eevee...please tell me... are you still aiming to enlist in the kingdom Air force?" Dean spoke causing the shorter brunette to visibly stiffen and unable to retract her Outstretched hand, which basically confirmed his question.

Other than to spar and Study together both of them knew they had better things to do than waste each other's time with their impending Graduation exam just looming in the horizon.

Dean gently swatted the offending appendage that was now hovering near his forehead and waited for her to speak, he still hated that particular habit of hers.

"can you at least please stop using that old nickname on me Dean, I feel like A small brown puppy whenever I hear it..." She pouted as she briskly sat back down on her seat and calmed down a little.

She let out a tired sigh knowing that she couldn't delay this any longer.

she needed to tell him of her plans.

she took a deep breath to steady herself and answered.

" and yes. I still plan on enlisting after our graduating, I haven't changed my mind." she spoke with a serious look on her face which quickly morphed into pained one, knowing that she basically betrayed his expectations.

"I am sorry Dean for not telling you sooner..." Evelyn bowed her head deeply out of respect for her best friend and the tinged of fear that made her scared of seeing the look of betrayal on his face.

Its Dean's turn to let out a sigh and gently place his hand on her head, Caressing her silky brown locks ever so gently as to coax her to look at him, assuring her whatever she's thinking isn't true...

noticing That familiar hand Evelyn felt all the tension she had been tempering all day melted and replaced by comfort and warmth that she could not fully comprehend.

Raising her face so they could once more see each others eyes, Dean immediately flashes her a look of assurance and understanding, causing her to somewhat stiffen from the gentleness that was washing over her from his soft gaze.

"I won't stop you Evelyn its your birthright right to pursue your own dream as I am shackled to pursue my family's own duties within this kingdom..." he trailed off as he gazed deeply into the depths of her chocolate brown eyes, catching a rare glimpse of weakness in her usually stubborn demeanor.

Dean's mouth suddenly felt parched as his eyes slowly gravitated towards her supple moist lips and subconsciously wondered how would it feel like against his own?

He didn't know how long he was gazing at her lips nor how long he was stuck questioning himself whether to kiss her or not but upon seeing those seemingly irresistible lips slightly part to make a sound, the tranced he was in shattered and Dean couldn't help but sobber up at the thought of him looking like a Deranged bigot staring inappropriately at his best friend's supple lips.


Quickly removing his hand from her head like he was severely burned, Dean turned away from the confused brunette to hide the creeping Blush that threatened to overwhelm him with shame. 'Bad Dean! you let your mind wander for just a second and suddenly you fantasize about kissing your Best friend. stupid! stupid! the epitome of Stupid!'

Cursing himself once more for nearly committing a mistake that might have underlying Repercussions. Dean steeled his nerves as he desperately steadied his rapidly beating heart.

'Damn Hormones might Be the end of me someday'

Another Two minutes of Awkward Silence which Evelyn didn't break much to the gratitude and relief of Dean.

He finally decided turn around and face her once more, Casually dropping a Mana bomb from out of nowhere which made the Girl question whether she had heard him right.

"I will beg my father to give you a recommendation."

"W-Wait I... Dean I... don't you hate your Father?..."

"No. listen to me Evelyn." finding her flustered appearance adorable if not refreshing to see. he placed a finger on her lips, silencing anymore words of complaint from the brunette sitting beside him. steeling his nerves even more so he wouldn't stutter and embarass himself.

"It will be hard for a Commoner like you to enlist in the air force dominated by those Blue blooded Bastards and if they do accept your application they will make your life a living hell since you don't have any strong background to protect you." Dean paused to check if she was listening and nodded in approval when he noticed she was indeed listening Attentively.

he continued.

"Evelyn no matter what the heralds says about the kingdom promoting equality between commoners and nobles. its one big fat pile Of Sto'ka. the powerful nobles rule with an Iron fist And the commoners have no say in the matter. with my father...no... Lord Astley's Recommendation it will show that you're affiliated to our family thus those Cowards wouldn't even dream of harming a single hair on your pretty little head." Dean flash her a cocksure smile.

"I don't know what to say... Dean... I know you hate your father... it's feels wrong to make you do such a thing.... why are you willing to do this for me?... what can I repay you... for this favor?.."she asked meekly feeling a little guilty that he was giving her so much while she had nothing to give him.

'because you mean a lot to me...' Dean wanted to say but he held himself back.

instead he took the Cowards path...

"for starters promise me you will come visit me once your training is over. I'd love to hear your Aerial Exploits at the borders of the kingdom." he lied with a straight face which caused the gloomy Brunette to freeze once more for only a second before she erupted in laughter much to confusion of The young man in front her.

Wiping a stray tear from her Eye "Dean... has anyone told you That you're not suited to be a noble?"

"No... Why do you ask?..."

"You're so different from them...I am surprise that a noble like you exist in this kingdom or possibly even the entire world hahahaha..."

"umm... thanks?"

"hmm...tell you what...I have a counter offer." she raised her chin provocatively causing Dean's Expression to brighten a notch, because it would have seem that his little blunder of a pep talk has brought his best friend back to normal.

"and that is?"

"A secret..." she smirked smugly causing the Blonde young man to furrow his brows incredulously which she found quite comical.

"once my training and the mandatory two years of Service is done I'll give it you."


"it will be the bestest surprise you will ever have... unless...you don't want it?..." she frowned when that thought crossed her mind.

"No. no. no. I'll Accept it no matter what it is. whether it's another mysterious trinket you found in the market or something you made yourself. I'll gladly treasure it like the rest of the things you gave me." Dean panicked when he noticed her expression becoming stormy so in his flustered state he could only puffed out his chest, before doing a customary knight's Vow with his right hand over his chest where his heart lies while assuring her With his words.

"Then I am glad." Evelyn face lit up once more and she gave him a very sweet smile that made the poor youth too dazzled to even speak a single Intelligible Word much to her amusement and Dean's Suffering, she began to tease him like her life depended on it.

Evelyn's eyes faintly misted over at the thought of their impending separation. she was scared that by the time she had returned he would have become a different person not the dean she loved dearly but still... Evelyn had faith that the young man before him will remain the same... or her heart will not be able take it.

Because deep down she knew...

she had always had known that...


not yet....

I can't acknowledge it yet...

This isn't the right time...

I need to enjoy the present...

Only then I can bravely trek towards the future again...


Enjoying the present...

Who knows what the future will have in store for me...

so I might as well enjoy it while it last...

Because this kind of Peace...

is fleeting as the summer Breeze...

the Actual mc will take a while to arrive probably after a few chapters until she appears since I plan to build the playground she'll be trouncing on.the two chars Dean and Evelyn will have significant roles in the story so rest assured you're not being Entertained by Extras.


anyway had my coffee and finally I see a few detrimental mistakes on my part my apologies. a few tweaks here a few tweaks there. should be more legible now.

(Edit count 13)

Astyr_Wisteriacreators' thoughts