
Vessel's End

A baby is found in a pit of dead werewolves. Her ability saved her, but what will the church and their faith do about it?

Tessedan · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 7

Eska picks him up by the top of his armor, and slowly drives her knife into his neck. Slowly she feels his skin part as his blood begins to flow out. Finally letting out a slight smile as she does it. He grunts and gasps for air, struggling to keep himself breathing. Her smile slowly turns into a grin.

The soldier feels his strength fading as he looks at her with eyes that are slowly losing their shine. His lips begin to tremble as he speaks "I hope you suffer." She lets his armor go and stands. Her face slowly facing into expressionlessness once more. The soldier can't keep his strength and he falls onto the ground. The last of his strength leaves him as he lets out his final breath.

Eska looks around herself. Her blood returns to her body, dropping any impurities like dirt and the blood of the soldiers. The flames all die down and darkness fills the area, a cold breeze can be felt through the air. Eska seems calm as the silence takes over her. She slowly makes her way to the house. Her footsteps are the only sound heard in the entire forest around.

The forest is silent, as if paying respects to its loss. She stands in front of the burnt door, looking down at the entrance, almost like waiting for courage to enter her own home.

She places her foot inside the threshold. Slowly she walks in, entering what used to be her home. The embers of the house's remains light up the interior, revealing her surroundings. She walks forward towards the center of the house, taking care to avoid the remaining ash piles, all that is left of... her.

Eska makes her way upstairs, carefully navigating the weak foundations. She makes her way to the half burnt room. Half of the door remains, while the rest of it remains in place. The fire seems to have stopped here, as if it itself didn't dare go into this specific section of the house. She steps into the room, with one foot in and the other behind, she looks around.

The room is mostly intact, aside from some of the ashes flying in. She remembers a time from long ago, far from this nightmare.

Eska is about five years old and is crying. Oblea had taken a bit too long during one of her regular hunts and Eska believed she had left her alone. Oblea is on her knees, her hands holding her cheeks , explaining something important to her. "If you ever believe I'm gone, and will never ever come back. You may come into my room, and grab this box under my bed. But ONLY when you know I can really never ever ever come back. Do you understand?"

"Yes." Eska said with her big teary eyes looking at Oblea.

Oblea smiles at the young child and wipes her tears. "Good girl" She says as she hugs her.

Back in reality, Eska kneels next to Oblea's bed. Unable to contain her overwhelming emotion, tears begin to fall from her eyes. She reaches down and pulls out an old ornate strongbox. It is made of iron and wood with some golden edges on it. There is a dial in the middle with symbols and numbers around itself.

Eska reaches onto the dial and begins turning it. The combination is a number that Oblea would tell her at least a few times every week. A number etched into her. She seems to remember it even more distinctly now.

The final spin aligns, the box clicks and the top opens. There are a few items inside, one of her drawings from her childhood. Her first attempt at leatherworking, a complete failure. An old small blanket, fit for a baby. She can't seem to take it anymore, Eska pushes the box slightly away and she turns as she begins to sob.

The tears pour like a waterfall, the emotion of this moment being too much for her to take. Her entire body shakes, and her sobs fill the room. She can't help it. There is so much pain in her heart. She begins to hyperventilate, her entire body is shaking as she is unable to control herself. Her grief becomes overwhelming.

Eska is powerless, there is no more strength left inside her. She collapses onto the floor as the tears refuse to stop. Her grief and rage are all that remain, everything else in her just vanishes into thin air. Hours pass, all she can think about is what happened today while laying on the floor. Then it all stops. She remembers her lessons with Oblea, the time they spent together.

She stops shaking and begins to calm down. She picks herself up and brings the box closer once more. She digs through the memories. Oblea had kept many of their memories together in this treasure box. The rest of the items seem more mundane to her. Thirty silver coins and a gold coin inside a coin pouch. A very well kept but old dagger in its scabbard. An old journal and finally a note, probably over a decade old. Eska picks up the note and begins reading.


I'm not good with words, and even less expressing them but I hope if you read this letter you can understand. The night you were lost in the forest scared me more than any monster I have ever hunted. When I found you, I realized our time together is much more fragile than I imagined. I wish I could be there with you every day of your life, but one day, you'll have to face this world without me.

In the old trunk you found this letter, I've left a few things for you. There's a silver dagger from my old days at the hunting guild. The dagger has my insignia and any old guildmate should recognize it. There's also a leather journal. I've written details of all flora and fauna I could think of. Read it when you need help, and write down your own findings as well. The journal was made by an old friend who is very proficient in enchantments so you won't run out of paper. There is some money to get you started, in case you need it. 

Eska, I might not say it often, but I love you more than anything. You are strong, and I'm so proud of the person you've become. Remember what I've taught you, and stay safe. Even when I'm gone, I'll always be with you in spirit.

Love always, your mother - Oblea"

Eska holds the letter in her hands. Her eyes red from all the crying. Her breathing becomes heavy again as she sobs. She sits on Oblea's bed, holding the letter to her chest. She raises the bed cover and crawls under it, turns the pillow around to avoid the ashes and lays on the bed.

She wakes to the light of the sun, and the sound of the birds chirping. The birdsong is muffled due to the blanket that covers her. The scent of smoke still lingering around. Her tears dried by the night, leaving a salty feeling on her face.

She sits up and looks at her surroundings. Oblea's room is still half burnt. She looks down at her own hands. "So what are you?" She asks in a soft, whispering voice. Silence follows for a few seconds and a monotone voice speaks "An Ally." Eska lowers her hands and gets up, making her way towards the opened box. She takes a few of the items inside, and makes her way out.

She descends the stairs and she finds the soldier from last night. His face is completely lifeless. She walks through the doorway, outside. The cold breeze hitting her face wakes her up even more. Her expressionless face slowly turns to rage. She twists her body, turning towards the house as if clawing towards it. Her claws ignite, leaving a trail of white fire and incinerating everything in its path.

Eska once again looks at her hands and whispers to herself "An Ally."

Eska makes her way south, towards the road that leads to the city. The trek to the road isn't long, but she takes her time. Trying to question the voice inside of her, she asks "What are you?"

The voice answers calmly, "A demon is reborn as a mimic." Eska is taken slightly aback, "The soldier said something about a mimic. Oblea never spoke about any of those, can you define them?" She asks the mimic, calmly. "Demons are beings born from the curse of a god after its defeat. Banished to Hell to suffer. Mimics are demons escaped from hell. Going through the veil between worlds strips the physical and leaves only soul and mind. Souls then take the form of a mimic.`` It explains.

"You helped me back there, didn't you? I could feel everything inside me mending after I was hit by that soldier."

"Your gift was given to resonate with a soul such as mine." The mimic tries to explain. Eska then asks again "How come you sound more clear now? You were very monotone, slow even."

"After you let me through, I was given access to your every organ. Including your brain, your mind. A mimic's mind equals that of its host."