
Vessel's End

A baby is found in a pit of dead werewolves. Her ability saved her, but what will the church and their faith do about it?

Tessedan · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 38

Ross and the team follow the cliff, they've made their way down and are now following it the other way, towards the area where Eska and the werewolf first made contact with the ground. The sun is about to set for the second time since they began their journey down the cliff. Ross addresses everyone.

"We should set up a camp, none of us has had any rest. Looking for her during the night will be difficult, even more so if we are exhausted" Ross comments with a tired voice. Denise quickly speaks up "We can't afford to lose another day, and we don't know the state she is in."

"You guys can rest, I'll keep going." Valen says confidently, barely showing any signs of tiredness.

Denise sighs "And what happens when you find her, you carry her to us? What if her injuries are so bad she can't be moved? You'll need me there. I'll keep going too."

Kael chimes in "If that is the case then he can make his way back. Denise, you also need to rest if you want to be able to use your healing."

"Everyone stays here, I'll go on my own" Valen once again says, with more of a commanding voice this time. 

Ross nods his head "Thank you Valen."

Everyone else seems to be out of ideas as Valen begins making his way out, following the cliff.

Valen makes his way through the darkening forest. He walks for an hour before realizing he is at the spot where they should have fallen. Loose rocks on the ground, broken branches with green leaves and a few footsteps around, human footsteps.

Valen smiles as he bends down towards the ground, noticing distinct sets of footsteps. He follows them further until he runs into the same creek Eska was at before. Seeing the tracks leading down the stream, he follows them.

Soon he sees a light beyond the trees. Valen cautiously approaches the only light in the forest. He walks close enough to see a campfire, but his focus is on the figure sitting on the ground by the campfire, reading a book while their back is to Valen.

Valen approaches and lets his voice be heard "Eska?"

The figure turns around, holding a bloodied knife "Valen?"

They both look at each other, not believing what they are both seeing right now.

Eska manages to stand up on her stick while Valen rushes towards her and gives her a hug "Thank the gods you're alive."

"Ow!" Eska exclaims in pain at his squeeze. Realizing what he is doing, Valen is quick to step back and apologize.

"I'm sorry I thought-" He begins saying before Eska cuts him off "It's ok." She says calmly "I'm glad you found me too, but I'm barely keeping my body together" She lets out a nervous laugh, happy to be found.

"The rest of the group is a few hours behind, by the cliff. They had to rest. We can make our way back." He says.

"I don't think I can walk too much more" Eska says a bit disappointed, "I overexerted myself earlier, trying to bring down this baby boar." She turns, showing him a small dead boar about the size of her arm in the process of being gutted and skinned.

Valen raises his eyebrow and looks at her with a curious face, finally noticing her pale face. "Eska!" He raises his voice at her. He again gets close to her, taking the knife away. "I'll do this myself, you need to rest."

"I-" Eska is interrupted before she can even start her sentence "Rest Eska!"

She shrinks into herself, a bit scared but also understanding. Slowly she sits and takes her jacket off, bundling it up and using it as a pillow. Valen breaks down the small boar, then uses a few of the sticks Eska had already sharpened to cook pieces of it.

"You caught this, with your wounds?" Valen asks, facing away from her while he still works on the boar bits.

"I had to do something.'' She pauses for a bit, blinking slowly "I'm low on blood, injured, and I've been holding mself togethr with bdcraft. I'm losing more blod than I recove." She says slurring a few her words.

Valen turns around with a piece of cooked meat, and sits in front of her. She rips a small piece, blowing on it before placing it on her lips. "Come, eat. I'll bring Denise soon, and you'll get better"

She chews slowly, and swallows. Suddenly she opens her bright yellow eyes, taking Valen by surprise. Her eyes dart towards Valen.

"Go." Eska says clearly.

"Wha-" He is interrupted "You need to RUN paladin, if you don't bring Denise back FAST Eska is going to die. GO" Eska says before closing her eyes once more.

"E-Eska?" He asks with his eyes widened. No answer is given back for a few seconds before he quickly stands and waves his hand in front of him in a rush. A strong wind begins moving the leaves around. The fire is nearly snuffed out by the wind before Valen bolts away in an instant, running as fast as the wind.

Valen is rushing through the trees, pushing branches out of his way as he sprints like never before. After a few minutes of sprinting he is already at the cliff with the rest of the team. None of them are asleep, just sitting around the fire. Before anyone can even react, he takes Denise and picks her up then rushes back the way he came.

Ross, Kael and Varrick look in shock as he runs faster than anything they have seen before. Denise is in shock as she is carried through the lightless night.

"We have to follow them!" Ross shouts in a panicked voice. They get up in an instant and rush in the direction Valen was originally running.

In just a few more minutes Valen arrives back at Eska's camp. "Denise here!" He shouts at her while he shows her where Eska is. Almost instinctively she approaches her and starts healing her.

Valen is left standing next to them panting after the sprint.

"Oh gods, Oh gods" Denise says. Her voice breaking "She's so broken, I don't know if I can fix this in time Valen." She says with tears in her eyes.

Eska's eyes open again, darting towards Denise. "Listen to me. Closely. You need to patch her lungs. THEN take care of the bleeding inside. Worry about everything else later. Her air then her blood understand? UNDERSTAND?" She says clearly before her eyes are slowly closed again.

Denise's eyes widen in surprise at her words, like a different person speaking with Eska's voice, but she spares no time for hesitation and gets to work. Valen's eyes are wide open, too surprised to say anything.

Hours pass as Denise applies her healing light onto Eska, refusing to stop until she is done. Her hands become unsteady and she begins shaking, Valen places his hands on her shoulder and keeps her steady for her while she heals her.

The rest of the team was already at the camp, they had gone out to get a bigger game for everyone to eat. The camp is set up and cleaned up. Eska is now laying on a blanket rather than the plain floor.

Denise speaks up in a very quiet voice, as everyone around is doing something to keep themselves occupied "She's going to live." She smiles, almost not believing it herself.

Everyone sighs in relief at the news, except for Ross who notices Denise's broken voice and the dark circles under her eyes, her skin a bit more pale than before. "How much longer do you need to get her stable? You look at your limit yourself." Ross asks in a worried tone.

"J-Just another hour, that should be enough to get her to a stable state." She says shakily. Her face showed fear.

Ross stands up and pats her back "Make sure you are alive when you are done. Otherwise it'd have been the same loss" He says. Denise never stops.

Several hours later, Eska and Denise sleep. Recovering from the harsh conditions that is their current hunt. Ross addresses those who are still awake, "We need to make our way back to the settlement and send a message about what went on."

"I wonder if Varrick made it out safely. Werewolves are still out there after all." Varrick comments, scratching his beard.

"We should split up." Valen says "I can make my way to the settlement and deliver the message much faster, but I'm not sure it will be a good idea if I run into a werewolf pack, and someone has to stay here in case something else happens."

"Valen is right, We do need to send someone," Ross adds. "But I do believe you need to rest, we haven't cast any spells yet."

"You don't need to worry about me. I'll be fine. The faster we get help down here the better it will be for everyone" Valen remarks sternly.

No one seems to have a better idea or objection to the idea. Kael says "The hunt will probably be reassigned while they send a group to bring us back."

Valen stands and takes one of the waterskins. "Then I'll be on my way. Be sure to take care of them." He says as he readies himself and begins walking out. Ross raises his hand "Stay safe, Valen."

He heads out with the same speed he left last night.