
Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of Xenon

Long ago, the humans triumphed over the dragons, sealing them into human mortal bodies now known as dragonoids. The dragonoids became enslaved by the humans and use them as military weapons by the power of the Vesryn Pulse. With this newfound magic, mankind divided its empire to four and wages war against themselves for their own selfish ambitions. A set of dire events occurred, pushing a single man to the limits of his sense of justice. Betrayed by his countrymen and losing his friends, lover, and honor; Xenon Wingate rises from the depths of hell and finds himself in a state of inner rage; a cemented resolve to kill everyone who has done wrong to him. He enters the Dragon Knight Academy with his dragonoid slave Serena Maizono and challenges the Five Pentagram Knights as a condition for acquiring an army. This will be the first step to execute his ultimate plan of revenge to satisfy the tingling sensation of his wrath. Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of Xenon follows the action-filled story of a man who loses himself into his thirst for blood and revenge. However, he will soon learn that the payback comes at a far greater price than he could ever imagine. Written by: ArchlordZero

ArchlordZero · Fantasy
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134 Chs





"Xenon, my friend. What happens if you lost everything: your love, your friends, and your life just because of some superficial bastards that betrayed you? What do you feel? Wrath? What is left for you to believe in when you are betrayed by the people you trusted? When all that you are, all that you have done, has been buried beneath in hell just for the benefits of the corrupt men. This world no longer bears hope. This world should be destroyed… but before that, I will help you get your revenge. Cheng... Trystgade... Eldritch… Maizono... They must die."

The words of Necross Messiah entered directly into my brain. That evil incarnate has been talking about my destiny ever since I was a child, whenever I dream of a pitch-black future. I've always forgotten it, but now I can clearly remember what must be done.

[Memory Flasher's retrieval of lost memories is now at 100%. Nothing more can be revealed now.] A cybernetic voice echoed.

Everything is white. The memory-reading device beeped, and the hologram globe slowly stopped spinning. As the light that gives me flashbacks faded, all that's left in this room is this poor lonely old me, sitting on this electric chair.

I can't muster my strength. I feel numb on every part of my body. The Memory Flasher device depleted my magical energy and jammed through my synapses on my nerves. My lungs gasped for air, and my heartbeats are beating slowly as if it's about to stop.

[It's no use! We are out of time! The Psychic Amplifier is destined to activate tomorrow! We failed to see any lead about the world-ending device on his memories!] The interrogator cried.

I heard a faint set of voice in the microphone that seems to be talking with the interrogator. They seem to be arguing to each other even at the backstage. Since this room is silent enough and they are causing a ruckus on the other side, I heard them quarreling.

[He does know where it is! It is in his head somewhere! Remember, he is our only lead to that Psychic Amplifier! Eldritch is dead! He's the only key for our survival!]

It seems that they really are panicking. The Psychic Amplifier that is destined to destroy the world… I couldn't care less about it. I have made my revenge. Eldritch, Cheng, Trystgade. They are all dead. There is nothing left to live for. My life is only for the satisfaction of my revenge. If the fate of the world is to have mindless people on its surface, then so be it.

[This is not over yet! We still have aces on our sleeve. Bring Serena.] The interrogator said.

Suddenly, the hologram globe revealed a live video feed that gave chills on my spine. At the screen, is a beautiful girl with black hair and an adorable face. She is currently sitting on an electric chair, her eyes blindfolded, and her mouth gagged. Even though I couldn't see her face clearly, I can recognize her. It's Serena.

"Mmmmph! Mmmmph!" Serena cried.

"Serena!" I shouted out loud.

There are two people beside her, and their faces are covered with gas masks. They seem to be holding some remote control devices.

"You fuckers! Leave her out of this!" I cried out loud.

[This is no longer about you or Serena, Xenon Wingate. This is all about the world. The Psychic Amplifier is set to doom us all, and the life of the Dragon Queen is a small price to pay for salvation… Now tell me, where is the Psychic Amplifier!?]

"I've told you many, many times! I don't know where's that fucking thing is!" I shouted. "Release Serena at once!"

[Do it.]

Suddenly, one of the men in black pressed a remote, and the electric chair started frying Serena out. Serena uttered an unbearable cry as she sustained high-voltage electrocution from these trigger-happy bastards.

"Mmmmmmmphhh!!! Mmmmmmpppphhh!!!" Serena's muffled screams are a pain to watch. I hate to see her like this. I want to smash this hologram video feed right now, but I couldn't do anything with my strength depleted.

"Stop! Fuck! Stop!" I cried out loud. "Why won't you believe me! I don't know anything about the Psychic Amplifier!"

[Stop acting as if you still care for her, Xenon! You tried to kill her! She's included on your list! If you really wanted to dominate the world, the life of Serena Maizono would be nothing for you!]

"No! She is everything for me! I did not try to kill her! It was Necross!" I cried out loud. "I was possessed by Necross at that time! Please release her at once!"

[I'm going to ask again, Xenon Wingate. For the last time! Where is the Psychic Amplifier!?]

"You can all rot in hell!" I made a fierce shout. "I can't fucking remember!"

[If you still really love her, maybe she can convince you to give out your world domination plans.]

The two men in black removed Serena's gag on her mouth, letting her speak. In the first seconds, Serena gasped for air as she caught her breath. Then she started to talk with her last ounce of strength.

"X-Xen… I'm sorry if I made you feel betrayed… I love you… please always remember that."

"Serena!" I cried. "I-It's okay, Serena! I understand why you did it! I knew you will never betray me! I love you too, so please hold on! I'll definitely get you out of here!"

[She can't hear you. It's a one-way connection.] The interrogator said.

"Fuck! Stop this at once!"

[The Psychic Amplifier, Xenon. Give me the Psychic Amplifier, and she will be spared.]

"...I don't really know…" I cried softly. "I… I can't remember… no matter how many times I try, I could not do it..."

There was about a ten-second silence until the interrogator finally decided something that could cost him his life.

[Fry her.]

My eyes were terrified of the thing I just saw on the video feed. Several sparks blasted on Serena's electric chair, indicating that they are using the highest voltage possible. Serena is no longer screaming as the electrocution rendered her whole body inoperative. She's just shaking like a ragdoll.

"No! Serena!"

Tears crawled on my cheeks as I saw the suffering of my love. Being powerless and only able to watch your dying love from a live video feed hates my heart so much that I wanted to die right here and right now.

Serena's body is completely fried. Her snow-white skin is now converted to ash black, and her hair burned due to electrocution. I can't believe such merciless men did it to her. They ruined her whole appearance just to extract information at me. She may still be alive, but there is no guarantee that she'll still live her normal life after this.

I bowed down. I don't want to see my pitiful Serena's suffering anymore. I gritted my teeth, pledging to the heavens and hell that I will kill everyone who is behind this interrogation shit. I don't care if Alterra made it. I don't care if the world did it. This place can burn and rot in hell.

[We failed! We failed! We can't extract information from him! He completely forgot everything about that Psychic Amplifier! We are out of time! We've tried everything we got!] The voice on the side of the interrogator shouted.

[Not yet. I have one last card to play.] The other interrogator said.

All of a sudden, the hologram globe faded into the darkness. Everything in this room became black, but shortly after, the lights went up. I saw fluorescent lamps attached to the white ceiling of this interrogation room. I looked at the surroundings and saw that I am inside a clean white place.

I can see a door at the very front. It opened, revealing a person I never expected to be here.

"Y-You're…" I muttered.

Her red shoes echo every time she makes a step on this white tiled floor. Her long black hair bounces on her back as she walks closer to me. I can see her clenching hands equipped with red fingerless gloves. Her white skin gave me a glimpse of her beauty, and I am overjoyed to see her beautiful face. However, I can't make a thing on her expression because her eyes are hidden on her silky black bangs. I can also see her gritting her teeth.

When she's finally standing in front, half a meter away from me, I finally heard her voice.

"Xen… Why won't you remember?"

"It can't be." I gasped for lots of air. "Serena?"