
Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of Xenon

Long ago, the humans triumphed over the dragons, sealing them into human mortal bodies now known as dragonoids. The dragonoids became enslaved by the humans and use them as military weapons by the power of the Vesryn Pulse. With this newfound magic, mankind divided its empire to four and wages war against themselves for their own selfish ambitions. A set of dire events occurred, pushing a single man to the limits of his sense of justice. Betrayed by his countrymen and losing his friends, lover, and honor; Xenon Wingate rises from the depths of hell and finds himself in a state of inner rage; a cemented resolve to kill everyone who has done wrong to him. He enters the Dragon Knight Academy with his dragonoid slave Serena Maizono and challenges the Five Pentagram Knights as a condition for acquiring an army. This will be the first step to execute his ultimate plan of revenge to satisfy the tingling sensation of his wrath. Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of Xenon follows the action-filled story of a man who loses himself into his thirst for blood and revenge. However, he will soon learn that the payback comes at a far greater price than he could ever imagine. Written by: ArchlordZero

ArchlordZero · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
134 Chs





I'm not dead.

That's what I muttered inside my mind when I realized that I was able to wake up. I can feel rough scales on the naked back and my sense of balance is swaying. I can hear rough waves and some random explosions in the background as if I'm in the middle of a war that is taking up in the middle of the sea. The clear blue skies were the first thing I saw, then finally, the face of a beautiful maiden with a dark tan complexion.

"Mademoiselle Serena! Wake up!" It was Danielle who is gently shaking my body. She finally gave a smile when she realized that my eyes have been opened. "Thank goodness you're alright!"

I struggled to lift my body as I held my aching head. Now I remember what happened. We fought the Orochi Dragon and I was caught by the psychic beam. How long am I out? I checked on my body and saw that almost all of my apparel has burnt. Only my undergarments are left, and I don't know if my bra would fall off for any second.

I finally realized where I am. Danielle and I are resting at the back portion of Z's Elemental Dragon on Rainbow Form, and we are hovering the skies in a high altitude that we're above the clouds. I can still hear explosions from below, and there are pink blasts that looked like thunder in the clouds.

"Damn! I thought you were a goner there, Serena." Alphonse glanced at me. But when he saw me semi-naked, he immediately turned away with an awkward blush. "You got caught by the psychic beam and your nerve circuits were fried. You've been brain dead for about fifteen minutes, but you miraculously woke up."

"Braindead, huh?" I looked at my hand, which is still on the verge of regenerating. Some parts of my skin are still full of cuts because of the psychic blast that Orochi Dragon hit me. Since I don't have Elform activated right now, the wounds would take a long time to heal.

I looked at Danielle, who appears to be shocked while looking at my face. I tilted my head and stared at her until she gave a make-up mirror to my hand.

"Serena… your eyes… what is that?"

When I looked at the mirror, I was astounded to see my very eyes. They are like onions cut in half, in which every layer has its own color like a rainbow. I have seen this eye once. I shouldn't be surprised to see this on my own face, but I have been in denial for so long. I have to accept it.

"Curse of Necross," I muttered. "Xen saved me again."

The Curse of Necross is vague magic for me. I don't know anything about how Necross works, but considering that its messiah is an undead demon, then that means I have acquired the powers of the undead too. That is the only logical reason why I managed to survive Orochi Dragon's attack. I might have gained a sprinkle of zombie powers myself.

Now that I have these cursed eyes, it is now certain to me that Xenon really took up Necross Messiah's contract. I have to see him as much as possible before something unimaginable happens to him.

But first, we have to deal with a greater threat first. Sakuradrop. Orochi Dragon. That Eye of Deus of hers is equally as dangerous as Necross. We have to stop her before we can even reach Eldritch.

"The Pentagram Knights have arrived a few minutes ago, and they are taking care of the Orochi Dragon," Danielle explained to me. "Previously, they reacquired the throne in Alterra and now Emperor Sirius Elkyria is back to his power. The Prime Minister of Sargus and the President of Fleija also cooperated on our cause, and now we are on war against Elysia. Thanks to your plan, we have now turned the tables."

That brings joy to my heart. My ultimate plan of diverting Eldritch's attention has come to a success. Our schemes included me taking up his marriage proposal and lead me here to the prison island to see Xenon. While Eldritch is away, Alphonse, Z, and Danielle took the time to destroy the Psychic Amplifier that has been controlling the Pentagram Knights. After that, my friends would secretly follow me here using the beacon I had on my futuretech glove. The Pentagram Knights and the other dragon knights sneakily demolished all the other Psychic Amplifiers together with Alterran Dragon Knights while we are all busy here in prison island. I never would have thought that this plan worked so flawlessly.

Now the only problem is the Orochi Dragon and Michael Eldritch. We never predicted that Sakuradrop has this tremendous power at her disposal. As of the moment, we have no idea where Eldritch is, as he is supposed to flee. We're so preoccupied in the battle against the legendary dragon that we have let go of the thought of it for a moment.

"How about Eldritch? Where is he?" I asked.

"We have no fucking idea, but you can leave the rest to your Xenon-senpai, no?" Alphonse said with a smile on his face.

I made a friendly nod. I know Xenon would catch up to Eldritch, and I trust him to bring the hammer of justice. I knew Xenon's plan of a prison break in this place, and I have carefully collaborated with his blueprint to make Eldritch cornered. Now the whole world is free from his reign, he has nothing to go back to.

"Forget Eldritch for now. I think Sakuradrop is way more dangerous as of the moment." Danielle said. "We can let go of that coward emperor, but we can't have that eight-headed-snake running around."

"Z, let's go back to the battlefield!" Alphonse commanded.

"Grah." The Elemental Dragon nodded and then dived back to the lower heavens.

From this distance, I can see the battlefield raging on. There are about thirty dragon knights from Alterra, seventeen from Sargus, and fourteen from Fleija that are battling against the gigantic Orochi Dragon. The dragon knights unleashed projectile attacks that would soon be repelled and misdirected by the psychic powers of the mythical creature, leaving not even a scratch to the enemy.

Commencing its counterattack, the Orochi Dragon fired pink psychic beams from each of its mouths, fully disintegrating the poor dragon knights that were caught. Those dragons and humans who got hit turned to dust immediately even if they have their shield plates on.

"YOU CAN NEVER WIN AGAINST ME, INSECTS!!! YOUR WORTHLESS SOUL WILL NOW RETURN TO THE VOID!!!" The psychic shout of the Orochi Dragon still gives pain to our brains.

As we approach back on the battlefield, we can see the Pentagram Knights commandeering the assault. Alphonse commanded his Elemental Dragon to approach the Pentagram Knight Eroll Fizarro and his Black Feather Dragon. Sir Eroll Fizarro still looked like Dracula with his unshaved beard and long black hair.

"Oh, you guys are back. You too, Serena. I thought you were dead." The Pentagram Knight said.

"Give me a sitrep, dipshit," Alphonse said.

"Mind your language and consider whom you're talking to, idiot," Errol said as he glanced towards the gigantic enemy. "That Orochi Dragon is quite impossible to defeat."

"Si Senor. That psychic deflector magic is making it invincible." Danielle said.

"I'm not talking about that psychic barrier. I'm talking about its supreme regeneration." Eroll Fizarro said. "Gerald, Marlon, and Christian have formulated a plan to bypass that psychic barrier, but we still have a problem with its superb durability."

"Wait, you can attack through her psychic protection!?" I gasped. "How?"

Sir Fizarro gave a smirk as he turned to his fellow Pentagram Knights. He gave a nod, which is a confirmation towards his allies. "Do it."

At that moment, the three Pentagram Knights together with their Airstrike Dragon, Mystic Flame Dragon, and Dark Samurai Dragon surged forward to the battlefield. When they are in range, they made an impressive battle tactic that only the strongest of the dragon knights of Alterra could pull off.

"Let's burn it, moja!" Sir Marlon Trystgade raised his book. "Mystic Fusion Flare!"

The Mystic Flame Dragon blew out a tsunami of sticky crimson flames that crawled around the air surrounding the Orochi Dragon. As expected, the flames are repelled by an unknown psychic barrier. Orochi Dragon can change vectors of an attack after all.

But the Pentagram Knights have a countermeasure for that.

"Negate!" Christian Reines shouted, and his Dark Samurai Dragon slashed its dual katanas in the air. A ripple of a dark shockwave was formed, temporarily disabling the psychic barrier. Some sticky flames on the background managed to close in the distance but failed to reach even the scales of the eight-headed-dragon.

Those combination attacks are just to remove the enemy's defenses. The real attack comes from the dragon above!

"Hydrogen Missiles launch!" Gerald pointed his hand towards the enemy, and his Airstrike Dragon unleashed eight missiles from its jet wings. All eight missiles hit only one of its serpent heads, and that head exploded into chunks of flesh.

"GRAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" The Orochi Dragon cried with its seven remaining heads. "YOU INSOLENT MORTALS!!!"

Suddenly, the severed head grew back like a fast-forward shredding of a snake's skin. All eight heads blew out psychic blasters in every direction, making huge tidal waves and splitting the sea simultaneously. Luckily, none of the Pentagram Knights was caught on the beam.

"As you see, Christian Reines' Negate magic can work on Orochi Dragon, but it only opens up its defenses for a few seconds. We managed to destroy one of its heads using the missile of the Airstrike Dragon, but it immediately grew back on a disturbing rate. That thing is immortal, just as what the legend says." Eroll Fizarro said.

"If that thing cannot die…" Danielle held her chin as he engulfed himself to deep thought. "...we can only resort to one thing. Sealing magic. That's how the dragons, elves, and humans do in order to defeat that thing, oui?"

I held my chest and uttered a long sigh. Embracing the pure energy of the wind, I used its magical static powers to create the battle kimono that I always use in a fight. "Forge." After I got my own body covered again with clothing, I focused my mind to gather as much nature force as possible. Some of my black hair turned to gold, and my ears finally became pointy as a blade. This is as far as I can do to activate the Partial Elform.

"Oh, we almost forgot," Danielle said with a smile. "Serena has the bloodline of a dragon, a human, and an elf. She's the nexus of them all, and we got the trump card on our hands."

"My power is not enough for this." I bowed down as I held my painful chest. "I need everyone's strength to do it. Especially you, Sir Alphonse and Z."

"Of-fucking-course." Alphonse hammered his chest with his chin up. "It's time for us to shine again."