
Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of Xenon

Long ago, the humans triumphed over the dragons, sealing them into human mortal bodies now known as dragonoids. The dragonoids became enslaved by the humans and use them as military weapons by the power of the Vesryn Pulse. With this newfound magic, mankind divided its empire to four and wages war against themselves for their own selfish ambitions. A set of dire events occurred, pushing a single man to the limits of his sense of justice. Betrayed by his countrymen and losing his friends, lover, and honor; Xenon Wingate rises from the depths of hell and finds himself in a state of inner rage; a cemented resolve to kill everyone who has done wrong to him. He enters the Dragon Knight Academy with his dragonoid slave Serena Maizono and challenges the Five Pentagram Knights as a condition for acquiring an army. This will be the first step to execute his ultimate plan of revenge to satisfy the tingling sensation of his wrath. Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of Xenon follows the action-filled story of a man who loses himself into his thirst for blood and revenge. However, he will soon learn that the payback comes at a far greater price than he could ever imagine. Written by: ArchlordZero

ArchlordZero · Fantasy
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134 Chs





"My name is Sir Gerald Lucielo, and this is my dragonoid Mamari."

The First Pentagram Knight introduced himself with a genuflect. This dragon knight in front of me is a short man with a bob haircut, a style that can be usually seen on grade-schoolers nowadays. I reckon his height is five feet to be exact, and his royal knight uniform makes him look like he just came from a Halloween costume party.

Besides the kid is a well-endowed woman with hanging jugs and thick hips. This woman is about six feet tall and is wearing an armored princess gown that has a giant backpack attached on her waist. Setting aside that weird equipment she's wearing, everybody who sees her would mistake her for a beauty queen. This beautiful woman has a set of caring crimson eyes like those of a mother watching her kid.

"The First Pentagram Knight is... a kid?" I muttered.

"Hello there, cute one~" Serena bent over as she pressed her face to the kid knight. "You must be a super genius to be able to have the title of a Pentagram Knight!"

"Shut up!" Gerald Lucielo cried. "I'm not a kid anymore! I'm twenty-eight!"

"No way!" Serena and I uttered in sync. We both can't believe that a cute little runt like him is older than us.

"Mamari!" Gerald the glorious Pentagram Knight hugged his dragonoid's waist. "Mamari! They don't believe me that I'm already an adult! Waaaaah!!!"

Gerald's mother, I mean, his motherly dragonoid, caressed his head and pressed it to her chest while trying to calm her dragon knight. "Oh my, I'm sorry, my little Gerald. Are they bullying you? Every person you meet is bullying you for your looks, so you should get used to it. Don't worry, mom is here."

"You're not my mom!" Gerald exclaimed. "I'm at least three years older than you!"

"Shuuush, my little sweet Gerald. Want mother to breastfeed you?" The dragonoid Mamari teased her knight with a smug on her face.

This is getting comical, so I looked at the emperor's reaction. Right now, he's laughing his ass out, slamming the golden goblet of wine on the arm of his chair. He's laughing like there's no tomorrow and he's stressing his lungs out.

I looked around the surroundings, and I saw that the seats in this arena are slowly getting filled. Almost one-fourth of the audience seats are now filled with Serenatics or also known as Serena's annoying fans club. Some of them are boys who are wearing pompoms and cheerleading apparels that are supposed to be worn by girls, and they are now dancing in sync like a bunch of idiots.

"Serena! Serena! Go! Go! Serena! L-O-V-E! Serena!"

Serena heard their cheer dance, so she made a charming and sparkling smile to the die-hard fans while waving her hand. When the fans club saw Serena's goddess smile, the whole crowd began wild, shouting "Kyaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!". Seriously, these fanboys are grinding my gears with their annoying voice.

To make the screeching and shouting worse, Serena entertained the audiences. She used her forge magic to magically create a mic on her hand and shouted out to all her fans. "Everyone! Please watch me, okay! I will do my best! I love yoouuuuuu~"

"Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh! We love you, Serena!" The fans club answered with a shout.

Serena squeezed her mic, magically turning it to sparkling glitters that bathed her whole body. Now that she's glowing, she gracefully turned around, made a wink, and displayed her signature double-V-sign pose. The crowd went nuts, and all the camera's blinded us with their flashes.

"Uh… Sir Lucielo…" I scratched my head as I forced my smile to the Pentagram Knight who is still enjoying the cushiony boobs of his motherly dragonoid. "Maybe we should start the battle immediately."

"Well then." Sir Gerald Lucielo jumped out from his mother's… err, I mean motherly dragonoid's grasps. He withdrew two plates on his chest that looks like a hockey puck and tossed one of it to me. "We'll use Shield Plates to decide our battle."

The hockey puck-like thing is a Shield Plate, which is a device that absorbs all incoming damage to the wearer. The Shield Plate unleashes an invisible and untouchable forcefield that protects the wearer based on his overall endurance. I heard that this is just a prototype of this kind of armor device, so there is only a handful of this at this moment.

Sir Gerald attached the Shield Plate on his chest, and it displayed a number of 100%. I also attached the plate on my chest and now we both have the number 100% as our name tag.

"Too bad, Shield Plates are only issued at dragon knights and not to dragonoids," Gerald said. "Don't worry, Mamari and I will never hit your beautiful dragonoid's face."

"No." Serena shook her head with a smile. "Please be serious in this fight. I'm a dragonoid before a celebrity. I fight for honor and not for fame." Then, Serena materialized two short swords on her hands.

"Well then." Gerald made a satisfied smile. "You both know the rules. Your knight's shield plate reaches 0%, you lose. Otherwise, if my shield plate reaches 0%, you win."

There was a widescreen on the eastern side of the arena that looks like it is being controlled by a computer. It has a countdown, starting from twenty seconds. As time slowly descended, I readied my shield in front. I saw the small Pentagram Knight withdraw his daggers from his waist. So this guy is like a dual-wielding assassin.

When I take a look at his dragonoid, I was astounded. The motherly dragonoid Mamari is now carrying missiles of about one meter in length. I also saw from her humongous backpack that there's a ton of missiles left. I've never seen a fighting style like this before.

The widescreen displayed five… four… three… two… one...

"Let the battle begin!" A cybernetic voice echoed around the arena, which made all the audience burst out with cheer.

"Haaaah!" Gerald made his first move. He kicked the ground, giving him a head start momentum and acceleration. He ran like a ninja with his daggers winging on his sides.

"Huff!" I made the same charging technique, but I'm running slower with my shield in front. I can see that Gerald is almost as thrice as fast as my sprinting speed, but that won't stop me from charging in. As a tank, I have a role to receive all incoming attacks.

There was a loud echoing clang. Gerald's two daggers clashed with my shield perfectly, and now that we're in the point-blank distance, I can finally initiate an attack. The orb of my blaster shield unleashed a short blue laser beam that is supposed to hit Gerald perfectly in the chest, but he has a countermeasure. He's too agile to be hit in point-blank, as he already slid to my left before I knew it.

"You're wide open!" Gerald laughed as he charged on my side, ready to stab me on my head and waist. It was a checkmate for me because I can only defend one attack with my Forge magic, and his daggers are preparing for a pincer attack towards my midriff and my head. I will surely sustain a huge amount of damage on my shield plate if I get hit. But, there is somebody who can deflect all those dagger attacks at once.

"Haaaah!" Serena parried all those daggers with her short swords. Little did the enemy know that Serena followed me when I charged, so that caught him in surprise. Serena was able to deflect the two daggers away from Gerald's hands.

"Damn!" Gerald cried.

Serena followed up with a cross slash, and he was slightly grazed by it, making his shield plate down at 89%. Serena connected her cross slash with her side sweep, but Gerald managed to evade it by ducking. To escape from the pressure of the ambush, Gerald nimbly tumbled backward to evade all incoming sword attacks from Serena, and it was effective. He managed to distance away from the dual-wielding popstar.

"Mamari, now!" Gerald shouted.

"Ara, ara~" The motherly dragonoid answered by throwing the missiles on her hand like a freaking javelin. Surprisingly, the moment Mamari threw the missiles, the boosters started combusting, making it fly like a regular rocket. That dragonoid is a living rocket launcher!

"Serena, get back!" I cried out loud as I went in front. I used my blaster shield's feature to expand until it formed a firewall that can cover four square meters.

The rockets were perfectly blocked by my shield, but I sustained damage. My shield plate is now at 85% just because of the shockwave of the impact. A loud explosion echoed, and thick dust flew around. Everything is covered by the gray smoke, which makes it hard to see where the attack comes next.

I heard the sound of a slashing wind from the left, and the combusting rocket from the right. The enemy is taking advantage of the smoke and are assaulting us from both directions!

With our keen senses, we repelled the projectile attacks. Serena deflected those five flying daggers on the left with her sword, while I fortified my shield with forge magic to neutralize the three rockets on the right. We managed to survive the enemy's blind attack just for this moment.

When the smoke faded, we saw our opponent dragonoid and knight still standing in the same direction. They seem to have launched a pincer attack to us by curving their dagger and rocket projectiles, which are almost beyond supernatural. They must have remotely controlled their attacks using their magic.

I slammed my shield in front, and two hilts popped up. I split my shield into two, making it into two separate buster swords.

"Care to be serious right now?" I asked the enemy with an intimidating smile.

"Yes." Sir Gerald Lucielo answered back. He held his chest and channeled magical energy on his heart. Suddenly, his dragonoid Mamari's body started glowing with golden light. "Activating Vesryn Pulse!"