
Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of Xenon

Long ago, the humans triumphed over the dragons, sealing them into human mortal bodies now known as dragonoids. The dragonoids became enslaved by the humans and use them as military weapons by the power of the Vesryn Pulse. With this newfound magic, mankind divided its empire to four and wages war against themselves for their own selfish ambitions. A set of dire events occurred, pushing a single man to the limits of his sense of justice. Betrayed by his countrymen and losing his friends, lover, and honor; Xenon Wingate rises from the depths of hell and finds himself in a state of inner rage; a cemented resolve to kill everyone who has done wrong to him. He enters the Dragon Knight Academy with his dragonoid slave Serena Maizono and challenges the Five Pentagram Knights as a condition for acquiring an army. This will be the first step to execute his ultimate plan of revenge to satisfy the tingling sensation of his wrath. Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of Xenon follows the action-filled story of a man who loses himself into his thirst for blood and revenge. However, he will soon learn that the payback comes at a far greater price than he could ever imagine. Written by: ArchlordZero

ArchlordZero · Fantasy
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134 Chs





I'm finally sobered up after around ten minutes, and I found myself lying on the sandy ground on our campfire. I'm a little bit dizzy, but I'm aware of what I'm doing. I raised my body up and saw this ridiculous scene of my fellow dragon knights.

Alphonse is blowing out smoke from his mouth using his vape, and his dragonoid Z can be seen laying on his lap like a cat, trying to catch and play with the smoke. Z would purr like an adorable kitten and she has no idea why she can't touch the freaking clouding smoke especially that she's drunk.

The scene doesn't change much on Danielle. She's cradling her macho man dragonoid Nathaniel on her lap like a baby, even though that macho man is twice as big as her. Danielle is singing a lullaby as she gently sways her man-baby, and the man-baby himself is sucking his thumb.

I thought we had a Barbecue-and-Alcohol Party, but now… it's a Dragonoid-Lap Sleeping Party.

I turned to Alphonse as I try to threaten him.

"You're so irresponsible, Alphonse." I made a comment. "Why did you let Z drink alcohol? She's fifteen, remember?"

"Oh, you're awake, dipshit," Alphonse said. His face is a little red, but it seems that alcohol has little to no effect on him. "Those laws on minority only applies to humans. Z is a dragonoid, so she can drink as much as she wants. The same goes for your Serena since she's still seventeen."

Speaking of which, I just realized that Serena is laying on my lap like an exhausted puppy. Her face is red and she smells like tequila. I tried to rub her bangs but the slight touch of it made her wake up.

"O-Oh, Senpai…" Serena's talking is sluggish, which makes it certain that she's drunk too. She presented her delicate hand which is covered with her fingerless gloves. "My hand feels cold. Can you make it a little bit warmer?"

"My hand is cold too," I answered.

"Mmmph!" Serena pouted like an angry pufferfish. "Senpai, you idiot! Idiot! Idiot!" Serena hammered my chest over and over.

This is the first time Serena actually tried to hurt me physically. This is also the first time I saw Serena drunk. It's like she's a completely different person. Maybe I should forbid her from drinking from now on.

"There you go again, you oblivious wanker," Alphonse commented. "Your sturdiness as a shielder dragon knight is so dense that you always negate your woman's advances. For the record, the reason why Serena's so drunk is because of you."

"What the heck did I do?" I asked. I am fully aware of what I have done during the last minutes that I'm drunk, but I don't remember doing something that pissed Serena off.

"Figure it out yourself, you feeble-brained moron." Alphonse coldly commented. Then he blew out smoke from his mouth again. Z tried to claw the smoke like a curious kitten, and it's an adorable sight.

Anyway, I don't have any idea what Alphonse is talking about. So I'll just leave him be.

Having Serena in the open beach air while she's still in bikini and drunk would get her sick. Serena said that she's cold earlier, so I need to get her to bed. I grabbed her white hoodie near the campfire and made her wear it. I actually had to assist her because she's too drunk and her locomotive muscles are not working properly. She has also lost her sense of balance, so she wouldn't have the power to walk or even stand up by herself.

"You know, Senpai? I drank five more bottles than you! Hahahaha! I beat you! You're so weak, you know that!?" Serena laughed like dumb.

"Yes, yes." I carefreely answered as I held her shoulders and helped her stand up. I tried my best so that she won't fall down as we tried to walk away from the beach camp.

Our beachside hotel is just twenty meters away from the beach camp, and it took us twenty minutes just to reach our room. We are assigned to sleep on the seventh floor, but there is an elevator that made my job easier. It would've been hell for me if we took the stairs, but when I thought that everything will be easier, it wasn't.

Serena puked right after we reached the seventh floor. She seemed to be dizzy on taking the elevator so she couldn't be helped. Thankfully, nobody saw us, so I just left the sticky mess and act as nothing happened.

We finally reached our room. As I lay down Serena on her bed, I felt a gentle warm touch of a soft finger on my chin. Serena pushed her face forward until there are only two inches of distance in between.

"Senpai… Please undress me."

That's ironic because she's already on her bikini. Her hoodie is all opened up, and if I undress her more, she'll be completely naked.

Serena looks so beautiful. Her reddish cheeks complement her rosy snow-white skin. Her crimson eyes are sparkling, full of compassion as she locked it with mine. She looks so sexy in her hooded swimsuit that makes it very hard for me to suppress my manly instincts. Right now, I could do what I wanted to her. She's defenseless. Even if I do it to her right now while she's drunk, I won't be subjected to a crime. Serena is my dragonoid slave. She does not have any rights. I can do anything to her, even if it's against her will.

But… That's not how I see Serena. I'm a man of culture. A gentleman. Even though our society allows me to do such indecent acts, there is no way I could do it to the woman I greatly treasure.

"You go undress yourself after you sober up." I made a cold remark.

"Mmmmph!" Serena angrily pouted again. She looks like a teddy bear I want to cuddle. "I'll just sleep with this, then!"

"Hahaha, fine." I laughed. Then I gently rubbed her head like my pet.

"What's so funny?" Serena went tsundere mode as she frowned. "You're an idiot! No, a moron! A stupid dense oblivious blockhead!"

"Now, now. Don't be like that." Slowly, I pushed my face towards her and kissed her forehead. After that, I used her hoodie to cover her face. "Now sleep tight, my little girl. Goodnight."

"G-G-Good night, Senpai…" Serena finally settled down after that kiss. She may have had her head covered with a hood, but I know her cheeks were blushing. I can even feel her heartbeats punching hard. If I mistakenly mutter the word Vesryn Pulse, I'm sure she'll turn into a dragon.

Serena's gripped on my wrist, never wanting to let go. Maybe she wants me to watch over her until she falls asleep, or maybe she is preventing me from going back to the beach camp. I don't have any slightest intention on going back to the party since I don't want to leave Serena alone in this room. She might be assaulted again, just like what happened earlier. I need to keep my guard up and stay with her for the rest of the night.

Without anything to do, I found myself staring at Serena's flawless white legs. I can't help but look at it. My inner urge to do indecent things to my dragonoid continues. Inside my mind, I want to touch it. I want to rub her smooth thick thighs with my palms. I also wanted to lay my head on it. I'm sure it will make a great pillow.

I was saved from my urges when I heard three knocks on the door. So I tried to stand up, but Serena's grip on my wrist is still pinning me.

"Senpai, don't leave me," Serena begged as she cried like a kid.

"I won't leave you." I smiled. "I'll just open the door. I think Alphonse will just give me the leftover barbecues and cocktails."

Convinced, Serena let go of my hand. As I stood freely, I readied my salivary glands to savor the barbecue Serena has cooked. I've only eaten two sticks earlier because I'm too drunk, but now that I've sobered, I can indulge myself again on Serena's wonderful cooking. Alphonse is better to be giving me at least three or four sticks.

But then…

When I opened the door, I was surprised. It's not Alphonse who ought to be delivering me my food and drinks, but it was a man in a white semi-tuxedo. He has spiky long brown hair tied in a ponytail, and his body build is huge for his age of thirty-five. His crimson eyes looked down on me with intense pressure.

"You…" I muttered.

"Sir Xenon Wingate, Dragon Knight Third Class." The man said with a deep matured voice.

"Lothar Pendragon. The Hero of Elysia." I said.

"I'm no hero," Lothar muttered. "Drop the formalities, Sir Wingate, for I am just a lowly dragonoid."

"Why are you here?" I asked, trying to match the intense pressure he's giving me with his stare. "More importantly… Why did you help me earlier?"

"I need to talk to you," Lothar said as he stepped inside my room. "I needed clarification about Emperor Michael Eldritch. I've heard you know them well."