
Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of Xenon

Long ago, the humans triumphed over the dragons, sealing them into human mortal bodies now known as dragonoids. The dragonoids became enslaved by the humans and use them as military weapons by the power of the Vesryn Pulse. With this newfound magic, mankind divided its empire to four and wages war against themselves for their own selfish ambitions. A set of dire events occurred, pushing a single man to the limits of his sense of justice. Betrayed by his countrymen and losing his friends, lover, and honor; Xenon Wingate rises from the depths of hell and finds himself in a state of inner rage; a cemented resolve to kill everyone who has done wrong to him. He enters the Dragon Knight Academy with his dragonoid slave Serena Maizono and challenges the Five Pentagram Knights as a condition for acquiring an army. This will be the first step to execute his ultimate plan of revenge to satisfy the tingling sensation of his wrath. Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of Xenon follows the action-filled story of a man who loses himself into his thirst for blood and revenge. However, he will soon learn that the payback comes at a far greater price than he could ever imagine. Written by: ArchlordZero

ArchlordZero · Fantasy
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134 Chs





There was a smile of relief on my face as I reminisce about that moment with Serena two and a half years ago. I can still feel her warm body on my chest. I can still remember her tears flowing through my neck. It took me a three-second idle time until I finally realized that I'm in a pinch right now, sitting in an electrical torture chair, being interrogated by unknown people.

[Serena Maizono is a rare Nexus Dragon. Aside from that, she can activate the ancient arts of Elfrom that gives her unlimited supply of magical energy coming from nature. She has the blood of the Dragon King running on her veins, as stated by Zac Schneider. Serena Maizono possesses the power to change the world. If the humans or dragonoids discovers her identity for being royal blood, the course of history will divert, leading into a more chaotic dragonoid war.]

As the interrogator monologues, my eyes opened wide. That is the most critical secret Serena possesses, and having the information about her being the inheritor to the throne of dragons will pose her in grave danger. All persons who are hungry for her power would dare to capture her!

"Hey, don't do anything to Serena!" I shouted. "I'll fucking kill you if you lay a hand on her!"

[We are not here for Serena, Xenon. We do not care if she's the most powerful dragonoid in the world. We do not care about her mysterious Elform abilities. We are here for you, and the Psychic Amplifier, alone.]

That relieved me even just a little. I am fine being held by these mysterious people as long as it does not have something to do to Serena. The thought of Serena being safe is enough to calm my nerves.

Suddenly, the interrogator spoke again with his cybernetic voice.

[Let's go back to Zac Schneider. Does he know something about the Psychic Amplifier?]

"We will never know." I scoffed. "He never talked. During his questioning and interrogation, he kept mumbling nonsense such as 'Viva Arcadia' and 'Necross shall come'. We believe he became crazy after his defeat. Since he failed to cooperate with the empire, he was convicted guilty for the crimes he has committed and got a public execution. He got himself beheaded in the eyes of the public."

[You were there at Zac Schneider's execution. Before the guillotine falls, Zac muttered a name. Do you know a person named Airelina Frembell?]

"I don't," I said. "But I know that Serena knows somebody who goes by that name. Don't bother yourself from asking, I'm pretty sure that this Airelina Frembell has nothing to do with your Psychic Amplifier."

There was a long pause between each side. It seems that the interrogator is checking papers. It gave me a little time to relax on my chair until he went talking again.

[Arcadia has nothing to do with the Psychic Amplifier. Your memories and your testimonies are proof of that. Even though they are collaborating with Elysia, they seem to not know about Eldritch's schemes.]

"Zac Schneider and his circle of terrorist friends never knew that they are just playing at Eldritch's hands. That cunning bastard just used them as a distraction to execute his plans in the dark. While the Empire of Alterra is busy cleaning off rebellions, the Empire of Elysia is already making their move in Sargus."

[You are talking about the Elysian-Sargusian Federation Treaty that happened on the same day as Operation Arcadia Annihilation.]

"Yes," I answered. "Elysian-Sargusian Federation Treaty is an agreement between the Empires of Elysia and the Parliament of Sargus to join countries under single union. They conducted an election and Marisse Trystgade-Eldritch won, making her the head of the federation. And thus they created an alliance named United Human Nations."

[It looks like your ex-girlfriend is more than a big-time, as she was able to command two empires. The people of Elysia and Sargus loves her.]

"They didn't love her. Marisse fooled the people, making them think that she loves them. Never did anybody know that she is also sitting on the throne for her own selfish ambition. Behind the scenes, Eldritch still control the two countries since they are married. They also forced the Prime Minister of Sargus to form the federation treaty with Elysia. They have been tricked. They have been backstabbed. And they have quite probably been bamboozled." I laughed a little. "Those sneaky little bitches are just whores that hunger for power."

[How can you be so sure that Marisse Trystgade-Eldritch is evil to her subjects? Aren't you just bitter that she cheated and plotted to kill you?]

"It doesn't matter if I'm bitter or not!" I cried out loud. "Somebody told me. Somebody told me how she and Eldritch toy people's lives. It should've been obvious from the start that they want to conquer the whole world. The World Domination Schemes dossier, Eldritch stepping up to power, making Arcadia run amok in the lands of Alterra, and swiftly conquering nations with dirty tactics. Cheng, Trystgade, Eldritch. They just want the whole world to be their own."

[Who told you all the information, Xenon?] The interrogator asked. [Who is this 'somebody'?]

"Lothar Pendragon."

Suddenly, the picture of a brown-haired man in a ponytail, wearing a steel headband and white leather jacket popped up in the hologram screen. This man has a long scar below his ear, and his blazing crimson eyes are the proof of his ferocious dragon blood. I was surprised that they immediately presented the picture of him even if I just mentioned the name. It's like they already know everything in the first place.

[Lothar Pendragon. A dragonoid and the husband of the legendary dragon knight Kirina Pendragon in the Empire of Elysia. Thirty-five years of age, one hundred and eighty-five centimeters in height and seventy kilos in weight. He and his wife became the heroes on Elysian-Sargusian War ten years ago. His dragon knight which is also his wife was killed by fire five years ago, which was caused by a dragonoid terrorist that has been linked to Arcadia.]

"Lothar Pendragon is a hero figure when I was a kid. I also dreamt of becoming a dragon knight when I saw him fighting wars on the television. There's also a comic series of him and his wife Kirina's heroic adventures that comes out on Sundays, and you can get it free if you order six gallons of milk." I smiled. "Those were the times I enjoy being an Elysian."

[Lothar Pendragon continued serving the Elysian Dragon Knight Corps even after his wife's death. He is a lapdog of Elysia, loyal to the empire's ideals and laws. What made him think that he can trust you with information, even though you were branded as a traitor of Elysia?]

"He never trusted me. He never trusted anybody. Not even Cheng, Trystgade, or Eldritch. He just follows what he believes in. He just follows what his wife Kirina says to him."

[Kirina Pendragon is long dead, five years ago. How can you say that Lothar is still listening to his dead wife?]

"I don't know." I shook my head. "For us people, Kirina is dead. But for Lothar, Kirina is alive. I don't think he's mentally retarded or something. I don't think he's seeing his wife's ghost either. There is one good thing that proves that Kirina is alive, and Lothar sticks to that. It's like Schrodinger's cat, where she's alive and dead at the same time. I don't get it too, but I somehow get it."

[What is that proof, Xenon? How can you say that Kirina Pendragon is alive and dead?]

"Kirina's heart is still beating," I muttered. "But she's dead."

There were about ten-second silence on the part of the interrogator. I'm pretty sure that those bastards questioning me had their brains exploding right now for trying hard to decipher what my words meant. Even I would also be mind blown if such nonsensical description would enter my ears. The only way to understand it is to meet Lothar Pendragon himself.

[Let's go back to the schemes of your ex-girlfriend and ex-best friend. You said that Lothar Pendragon told you Trystgade's and Eldritch's schemes to other countries. What made him tell you the secrets of the Emperor of Elysia? Was it because of his dead wife whispering to him?]

"Yes, somewhat," I answered. "But even without his mysterious ghost wife's whispers or something, he knew that something was wrong in Elysia. His eyes can see the darkness of hearts inside Cheng, Trystgade, and Eldritch. He's already doubting the three when Eldritch sat on the throne."

[When did he tell you about such confidential information?]

"Not long after the Operation Arcadia Annihilation. We were on vacation, enjoying the beaches of Nymph City when we encountered him."

Suddenly, the hologram globe in front of me spun like a top. It went overdrive and whirring sounds echoed the room until it made a blinding flash of light.
