
Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of Xenon

Long ago, the humans triumphed over the dragons, sealing them into human mortal bodies now known as dragonoids. The dragonoids became enslaved by the humans and use them as military weapons by the power of the Vesryn Pulse. With this newfound magic, mankind divided its empire to four and wages war against themselves for their own selfish ambitions. A set of dire events occurred, pushing a single man to the limits of his sense of justice. Betrayed by his countrymen and losing his friends, lover, and honor; Xenon Wingate rises from the depths of hell and finds himself in a state of inner rage; a cemented resolve to kill everyone who has done wrong to him. He enters the Dragon Knight Academy with his dragonoid slave Serena Maizono and challenges the Five Pentagram Knights as a condition for acquiring an army. This will be the first step to execute his ultimate plan of revenge to satisfy the tingling sensation of his wrath. Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of Xenon follows the action-filled story of a man who loses himself into his thirst for blood and revenge. However, he will soon learn that the payback comes at a far greater price than he could ever imagine. Written by: ArchlordZero

ArchlordZero · Fantasy
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134 Chs





My name is Mayline Leviticus, and I'm a famous celebrity pop star in the empire of Elysia. Several years ago, I was the top one of the most famous list, having several magazines, video blogs, newspapers and TV shows going heads over heels for me. My successful career is a long and hard road, and I made a lot of effort and bad things just to climb my way all to the top of showbiz.

One of the worst things I have made in my life is that I betrayed my colleague and my friend, Serena Maizono. A few years ago, I discovered that she is just pretending to be a human, and in reality, she belongs to the slave race called dragonoids. At that time, she was the top of the charts, and I'm only on the second. My lifelong dream was to become the most famous celebrity in all of Elysia, so I did what is necessary to achieve my dream.

I betrayed her. I betrayed my friend. I spread out her secret, that she is a dragonoid, and her career immediately crashed to the ground. After that, her life crumbled, her mother imprisoned, and she was sold to humans in another country. I've read in the news that she is now being forced to fight wars as a dragon knight's dragonoid, and she's promoting a ridiculous bill to support the rights of her lizard-bloodline.

During that time, I never felt bad about destroying my friend's career. But now that I have seen the news about her, I'm taking a little bit of pity on the person I once betrayed. Of course, there is a bitter aftertaste in my mouth, but I convinced myself that betrayal is necessary for my victory.

And now, I'm living the dream. For the past years, I have been recognized as the best pop star in Elysia. I've also heard that Serena became so popular, as she was dubbed as the most beautiful dragonoid in Alterra. I never thought that we would achieve greatness in different parts of the world, and now our fated meeting with each other can never be evaded.

My cousin from Alterra, General Leviticus invited me for a collaboration concert which was also subscribed by Sir Wingate, Serena's dragon knight. There are several dukes and duchesses that made the collaboration concert doable, such as Duke Dragunov and Duke Corasell. The collaboration concert has the intention of spreading awareness and making peace towards the neighboring countries of Alterra and Elysia by joining the best celebrities in the two countries. This high-budget concert is being pushed by in order to avoid war between the conflicting nations.

Everybody hates war. But for me? I don't mind, as long as my career is still on top. My main intention here is to do what I have done to my friend several years ago, as ordered by her majesty herself.

Before the concert, it was inevitable for me and Serena share the dressing room. At first, we were both quiet as everything are awkward between us, but then, Serena broke the silence barrier that has been always in between us.

"Mayline… How have you been?" Serena asked with a pure and innocent smile on her face as if we're not enemies.

"I'm fine, I guess," I answered briefly. "How about you?"

"I'm doing good, my friend. In fact, I am grateful for the past years." Serena said. There's no hint of sarcasm in her tone, and I think her eyes are telling me that she is telling the truth. Wait, are my ears telling me the real thing? Did she just say…


"Yes~" Serena smiled. "You're still my friend, right? Even after all these years that we have never talked to each other, I still consider you as a friend."

I was flabbergasted. I don't understand, but it's either Serena is purely an idiot or she can do invisible sarcasm on her words.

"I… I am not your friend, Serena. I betrayed you three years ago. I broke my promise to you. I spread out your secret that you are a dragonoid. Your career fell right before your eyes, and there is no doubt that I am the cause." I said. I don't know if I should frown or cry.

"Yes, indeed, you have betrayed me and broken your promises," Serena said as she stopped hairdressing herself and approached me. "But betrayal and breaking promises are natural in this world. Even your dearest friends, family, and loved ones are ought to betray and break their words one day. That is something you can't control. But one thing that I can control is to give forgiveness to the people who have done wrong. That's the essence of the bond you have forged to one another, to forgive and forget. That's what friends are for, right?"

"Serena…" I was lost in Serena's innocent words. For the first time in my life, I have felt guilty-to-death for all the wrong things I have done to her. It feels like I am not worthy of talking to a person who still considers me as a dear person even if I'm the reason her life is in crumbles.

"Actually, I am thankful that you betrayed me." Serena made a dumb laugh. "It's true that I became a dragonoid slave, but that thing became the armor that made me stronger. Being a slave also became my way towards meeting the person I treasure the most. So I thank you for breaking your promise to me, Mayline."

Serena's crimson eyes are pure and innocent, which is different from most of the dragonoid slaves I know. It's like she's an angel or a goddess, ready to forgive everything and still give me assurance that she will be here by my side when I need her the most.

"Serena, thank you… for forgiving me."

"No problem!" Serena jollily hopped. "It's nice to have a concert with you again, Mayline!"

During our concert, I felt a different joy while performing. Normally, I feel happiness by having all the glory in the stage, but now, I feel the sweet blissful sensation of performing with a dear friend. Serena and I happily sang and danced on the stage with millions of people cheering towards us.

Just like years ago, Serena is still the best pop idol. I have no chance of overthrowing her on the stage as her dance moves are perfectly syncing with the beat of the music, and her voice is gentle, soft, and soothing to the ears of everyone. She also seems like she's not getting tired of doing her stressful sing and dance numbers. Even though she's drenched with her sweat, she sparkles like a star in the middle of the darkness.

However, there was one accident for me at the concert. While dancing with all my effort and focus, I noticed that my dress is ripping out, making me expose a part of my chest. An inconvenient wardrobe malfunction. It would have been a great scandal since I don't have any undergarments while wearing that costume, and my privacy will be exposed to the millions watching us. But Serena was there to the rescue.

While dancing, she synchronized her movements to the beats of the music as she approached me, swiped her fingers from my shoulder down to my midriff. "Forge." She muttered. And in an instant, my pop dress was replaced with a diamond-filled gown which sparkled the whole stage as I turn around like a princess.

"Whoaaaaaaaa!!!" The audience roared in amazement.

This sudden magical turn of events became the apple of the eye of everyone who was watching us. Because of Serena's heroic deeds, I became the main star of the show.

After the concert, I was able to thank her properly by holding her hand at the backstage.

"Serena, thank you for saving me." I cried.

"It's nothing! I told you before, we're friends, right?" Serena said. "I'll be there for you no matter what happens!"

"Y-Yeah. We're friends." I said. Tears fell from my eyes. I'm deeply touched at Serena's concern at my wellbeing.

Serena grabbed my hand, attempting to go to the dressing room. "Let's get changed already. I'm feeling a little bit comfortable with my idol dress. Let's go to the dressing room together, and I'll talk about my high school love life that has been recently continued~"

I was grateful for Serena's joyfulness while being with me, but I remembered something. There was one thing I ought to do, but now, the plans have changed. I don't want to betray her again.

I immediately shifted to a serious glare. "Serena, hear me out. Do not go back to the dressing room."

"Eh?" Serena tilted her head.

"Trust me on this. Do not go to the dressing room. Go to your dragon knight and go home immediately."

There was a long five-second silence before Serena could get a read on my message. During those five seconds, she still does not have a clue what I'm talking about, but she decided to trust me.

"Okay. I'll go to Senpai immediately." Serena said. Then she went out of the scene, leaving me alone in the backstage.

Knowing that Serena is safe, I made a deep sigh. Then, I went to the dressing room, which is the place where I forbid Serena from going to.

As I open the door to that grim room, a chilling atmosphere can be felt by my exposed shoulders and arms. I am certain that I am not alone in this very place, so I decided to speak out.

"Mission failed. Serena Maizono has escaped. She won't be going here in the dressing room."

On my signal, seven persons wearing white Eskimo cloaks and steel skull-looking gas masks revealed themselves, undoing the invisible magic to conceal themselves in this very room. These seven people are White Ghosts, who are carrying the direct orders from Her Majesty herself.

"Our mission is to kidnap and deliver Serena Maizono to Empress Trystgade. Now that we have failed, what the fuck will we do now?" One of the White Ghost complained.

"Her Majesty is always prepared. She already knew that it will happen this way." One of the White Ghost said. "She has a message for you, Mayline Leviticus."

"What message?" I asked.

Suddenly, the White Ghost threw a straight punch at my face, knocking me out.

It was not a long sleep.

When I woke up, I find myself in a dark room, and I am encased in a giant transparent glass cube. My eyes are blurry and I'm a little bit dizzy. I checked myself and found that I'm still wearing the diamond-ornament dress that Serena has forged for me.

"The world-class traitorous bitch has finally woken up."

There was a single silhouette of a person in front of me. Wearing a princess's dress, and having reddish-brown hair, voluptuous body build and an aura filled with charm, this woman is Empress Marisse Trystgade-Eldritch herself, and she has come to see me. There is a wide smile on her face, but her eyes are full of rage. It's like she's already barbecuing me in hell just with her gaze.

"Your majesty… I'm sorry." I bowed down and apologize. "I could not betray a friend who is so open-hearted to forgive me. I could not betray Serena Maizono."

"You could not betray Serena Maizono, so you choose to betray me. You chose to betray your country." Empress Trystgade said. "I could never feel more enraged for your incompetence, Mayline Leviticus. I hate celebrity pop idols like you, who are only good at acting cute to all the people."

"Your highness, I'm sorry." I cried as I groveled down.

"I will forgive you, but you will have to pay for your treasonous act first." Marisse Trystgade said. Then she snapped her fingers.

Suddenly, the glass cube opened on one side, and several dark silhouettes appeared. All of them have crimson eyes, and they are well body built and about seven-footer tall. There is no doubt that they are dragonoid slaves, and there's not a single clothing left on them. These dragonoid men seemed to have been deprived of emotions as if they are mind-controlled by some kind of magic.

"Wha… What is this…!?" I cried as I crawled to the corner of the glass cube. Slowly, the dragonoids approached me with malicious intent on their eyes.

"Those are the best genetically-enhanced dragonoids that was bred by Doctor Cheng Du back when he's alive. He originally planned to breed your precious friend Serena with his pets, but now that you failed to deliver her to me, you will be the one to suffer the consequences." Marisse Trystgade gave the most terrifying demonic smile I ever saw.

"No! No! Please go away! Don't touch me!" I cried as I try to struggle my way out. But there's no chance. They pinned me down and ripped my clothes. They are so strong that I can only helplessly shout my fear out. There's too many of them. I'm completely cornered.

"Do not blame me for this. Blame Serena Maizono that you will have to take her punishment." Marisse Trystgade chuckled. "You cutesy bitches deserve that treatment after all."

"...Serena… please… save me…"

That's the only cry I could mutter as I watch my own self eaten by my inescapable doom.