
Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of Xenon

Long ago, the humans triumphed over the dragons, sealing them into human mortal bodies now known as dragonoids. The dragonoids became enslaved by the humans and use them as military weapons by the power of the Vesryn Pulse. With this newfound magic, mankind divided its empire to four and wages war against themselves for their own selfish ambitions. A set of dire events occurred, pushing a single man to the limits of his sense of justice. Betrayed by his countrymen and losing his friends, lover, and honor; Xenon Wingate rises from the depths of hell and finds himself in a state of inner rage; a cemented resolve to kill everyone who has done wrong to him. He enters the Dragon Knight Academy with his dragonoid slave Serena Maizono and challenges the Five Pentagram Knights as a condition for acquiring an army. This will be the first step to execute his ultimate plan of revenge to satisfy the tingling sensation of his wrath. Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of Xenon follows the action-filled story of a man who loses himself into his thirst for blood and revenge. However, he will soon learn that the payback comes at a far greater price than he could ever imagine. Written by: ArchlordZero

ArchlordZero · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
134 Chs





It's getting cold. As my vision's blurriness fades away, I noticed that I am already sitting on the airship's seat reserved for the royalty. The golden decors of this red seat are too well cleaned. I noticed that my wrists have been cuffed into the arm of the chair. I tried to move my legs, but it was futile. It seems that all my limbs have been chained in this very seat.

"Oh, so you're awake now. Rise and shine, my friend." A familiar voice from behind gave chills in my spine. The voice who has been long waiting for revenge, it is the last thing I want to hear right now. The voice of Xenon Wingate. He looked in front of me and pressed his face forward. His eyes gazed on the deep scratch on my cheek. "What happened to your handsome face, Mike?"

I tried to turn away just to hide that wound, but my neck movements are restrained. Xenon just kept on staring at it with an irritating smug face of him.

"Your dragonoid bitch did this to me," I muttered.

"Is that so? I guess sons of bitches like you are destined to be betrayed by bitches." Xenon laughed. Then he walked around my seat and muttered "Forge." From behind, I can hear a loud sound similar to a large scissor snapping.

When Xenon went back to my front, he already has this kind of shears on his hand. He's moving it menacingly like a barber who has the intention of cutting his customer's ear. Never mind that, I don't think Xenon is here just to cut my ear. He's here to torture me.

"You know, I understand you, Mike." Xenon continued to revolve around me. "You killed me to get Marisse's heart. You made me fetch Cheng Du's dossier so that you can create that Psychic Amplifier yourself. It was our dream to dominate the world, together. You all wanted the world for yours to rule only. You even wanted my girlfriend to be your wife, you selfish bastard. Believe me, I understand. It's like those children's stories about a thief with a noble job to rob just for the greater good of the people. You have to rob Paul to feed Peter. There's no other way."

The time Xenon has finally made back to my front, he showed me his shears and snapped it, giving me a terror enough for me to die.

"But what happens if Paul gets his revenge?" Xenon smiled like the devil. His mystic eyes glowed as he gave me the experience of hell in this world. He immediately forced my ring finger to stretch out and put it to the mouth of the shears. "That is why I am here, to make you pay!"

"Aaaaaaaahhhhh!!!" I cried as I endured the pain of having my finger cut by the sharp shears. I don't want to look at my own mutilated finger, so I closed my eyes. I'm getting dizzy. This is the first time I have sustained such wounds, and it's enough for me to pass out.

"Don't sleep on me, my best friend!" Xenon slapped my face. "This is nothing compared to what you have done to Alfred and Carlo! This is just an ant-bite for what you did to Kevin and Rius!"

"Aaaaaaaahhhhh!!!" I hollered out loud as I felt three of my fingers getting mutilated. This psychopath has actually cut my right pointing finger, my left pinky, and my left thumb. Blood endlessly flowed to the side of the royal chair I'm sitting. "Fuck! Fuck you! I'm going to kill you, Xenon!"

"Fuhahahahaha!!!" Xenon laughed like the devil. He started to collect the fingers that fell down on the floor and put it on a clean basin. Suddenly, the psychopath went back in front and stabbed the shears on the chair, a few centimeters away from my crotch. "Tell me, Mike. How many times have you touched Serena?"

"Heh..." I laughed as I tried to catch my breath. "...I never did. Your lizard bitch is too elusive. She's too pure for my hand to touch. This wound on my face, she gave me this."

"Oh, good then." Xenon tried to make an innocent smile. "How about Marisse? How many times did you fuck her before she broke up with me?"

"How could I know?" I gritted my teeth. "Maybe hundreds of times. She even said that I'm way better than you in bed. Hahaha!"

With a poker face, Xenon removed my belt and unzipped my pants. He pulled my boxer and his rough dirty hand grabbed my manhood. With his shears, he…he...

"Gyaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!! Fuck! Fuck!" I cried out loud as I closed my eyes again. "You… will never… get away… with this…. Xenoooon!!!"

"Fuhahahahaha!!!" Xenon's face is a demon. He's a literal demon with no sense of conscience whatsoever. He showed me my mutilated private part and wiggled it in front of my face. "Your weiner says goodbye~"

I tried to gasp for air, but it's not doing me any good. I have lost a lot of blood, and my brain is no longer getting sufficient oxygen it needs. I breathed so hard. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. My vision is getting blurry.

I passed out.

When I woke up, it was already night time. I have this burning sensation on my dismembered parts. When I looked at my hands, I saw that there were burns on my wound, indicating that Xenon must have sealed the blood flow with fire. I can also feel the burning sensation on my crotch. The place has been thoroughly cleaned, and there's no trace of blood.

I'm alone. I don't sense that psycho. This is my chance. I have to escape from this place. I made a steady grip on the chair as I tried to struggle and slip through the handcuffs, but I failed. Even if I'm missing a lot of fingers, my hand couldn't slip through the cuffs. My feet are still chained to the chair. There is no hope.

"Dinner's ready!" A chill went down to my spine once again as I heard his voice.

Xenon has made his appearance once again, and now he's wearing an apron. He has this bottle of booze on his left hand, and his cheeks are red, indicating that he has been drinking for the past hours. On his right hand, however, is a tray that contains food.

When Xenon delivered the tray on my lap, I was terrified. The dinner he cooked for me is not even food. It's my mutilated fingers, fashioned into some kind of freaky soup!

"Eat well, fucker! Today's special is Eldritch's Finger Soup!"

Xenon laughed as he shoved a spoonful of my flesh straight to my mouth. I tried to puke it out, but Xenon would just punch my face if I did. I tried to resist, but after fifteen minutes, he has completely tamed me to eat my own cooked fingers. In the end, my hunger has made me do this disgusting thing.

"Tomorrow's breakfast would be hotdog and eggs." Xenon made a smug.

"Xenon… please…" I weakly muttered. "Kill me already…"

"Don't worry, we will arrive at that." Xenon said as he patted my back. He went to the control station in front of my seat and presented the map of our voyage in this airship. "But first, we will have to go to the place where your fucking betrayal started."

The map of the airship's trip has been rigged. It originally has an autopilot program that is routed back to Elysia's Capital, but now it is programmed to go to a snowy desert that has been forgotten for years. This very airship is now on its course to Alterra's Vanilla City, or what's left of it. Actually, there's nothing left of the city now as it is just a crater full of rubble.

"The left thrusters have been damaged, and our fuel is only enough for one trip. We also have to go around the Alterra's checkpoints so that nobody could find us. This will take about five days of the voyage."

Xenon pressed his face forward and whispered with a chillingly scary voice.

"We will have five days alone, together, in this airship, Mike. Let's have fun in our stay here."

"...Fuck you! Fuck you, Xenon!"

"Hey… What if we play a game?" Xenon withdrew his face and showed a set of keys on his hand. He started to uncuff me, one by one, until I'm completely free. Even with this opportunity, I couldn't bring myself up to attack him and escape. I'm weak, and the shock in my body gave me a strong fever. Resisting this psychotic bastard will just piss him off, and that's the last thing I wanted to do.

"...What game?" I muttered.

"Let's play hide-and-seek, just like old times. But there will be a modification in the rules. I'll be the 'it', and you'll be the one to hide. If I find you, I'm going to crush your toe."

"You fucktard…" I tried hard to make a smile. "I will escape this place before you can ever find me."

"Fine then. Do what you want. Run free!" Xenon laughed. "I'll give you one hundred seconds to decide where you can hide! And it starts… now! One!"

With his signal, I immediately rushed out of my seat and ran away. I know the schematics of this place. I know all the routes and all the things this airship has to offer. All I need is to go to the escape pod and escape this psychotic bastard.

"Huff...puff…" After five minutes of running in mazes, I finally found myself in a terminal. With my fingerprint and irises, I bypassed the systems and finally made it through the place where I aimed to be.

However, there was a problem that I should have foreseen. It should be obvious since Xenon is giving me the freedom to run around this ship. I should have realized that he's smart and meticulous, just like me.

"Impossible…" I fell on my knees as hope abandoned my heart. "All the escape pods… are gone…"

Suddenly, a grim voice echoes in the darkness.

"Time's up, you castrated bastard! I'm going to find you~"