
Vesryn Pulse Remastered

In a time long past, the human race emerged triumphant over the dragons, sealing their majestic beings into mortal bodies known as dragonoids. Unfortunately, this victory led to the subjugation of the dragonoids by their human counterparts, who harnessed their powers as military weapons through the ominous Vesryn Pulse. Amidst this bleak reality, a glimmer of hope emerged in the form of Arcadia, a daring guerilla group led by the charismatic Estoff Wraith, striving to liberate the dragonoids and put an end to humanity's cruel exploitation. Within this tumultuous backdrop, the intertwining destinies of two individuals would shape the course of events. Amphere Harrison, accompanied by his loyal dragonoid partner, Airelina Frembell, found himself thrust into the Dragon Knight Academy. Unwillingly thrust into the resistance against the oppressive government, Amphere must harness his newfound dragonoid abilities and emerge victorious in the treacherous Dragon Knights Tournament, all in hopes of earning the favor of the princess. This, they believe, will serve as a crucial first step towards granting the dragonoids the freedom they so desperately deserve. Vesryn Pulse weaves a gripping tale of action and intrigue, centering around a young man unwittingly caught in the clutches of a brutal war. Possessing incredible skills and abilities, he becomes a catalyst for uncovering the dark secrets shrouding the government, Arcadia, and the enigmatic Vesryn Pulse. However, in his relentless pursuit of truth, he will soon discover that the price of enlightenment is far greater than he ever could have fathomed.

ArchlordZero · Fantasy
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109 Chs

Chapter 26: Ghost of the Past

Amphere Harrison

Despite the late hour, the midnight sky bathed the entire area in a radiant glow of moonlight, providing a remarkably clear view.

I couldn't help but feel that the Black Phantom costume suited me far better than Alder. Not only was it surprisingly lightweight, but it also exuded a fashionably formal allure. The supple leather shoes cradled my feet with their cushioned interior, imparting a sensation akin to wearing a pair of comfortable running shoes.

However, no matter how comfortable the attire, I couldn't linger as a spy, observing the skilled Chevalier Unit Dragon Knight for five arduous hours. Hours had passed as I maintained a discreet distance, yet yielded no valuable information. Thus, during the fifth hour, a flicker of curiosity compelled me to surreptitiously peer into his office, hoping to glean some insight into his studies.

It wasn't long before Rudolf detected my presence. His eyes locked onto me through the window, and with the agility of a ninja, I swiftly darted through the mini-forest nestled behind their office. Knowing that Rudolf had zero tolerance for a mysterious figure concealed behind a mask, he leaped out of the window, propelling himself with the grace of an Olympian. In one fluid motion, he retrieved his broadsword from its resting place on his back, conjuring a dazzling crescent slash that cleaved through the air and sliced through several trees. Instinctively, I ducked, narrowly evading the invisible shockwave, and continued my sprint, adrenaline fueling my escape.

Refusing to yield, Rudolf pressed on relentlessly. He extended his palms, conjuring mesmerizing floating mini-black holes that materialized on each hand before hurtling toward me. One after another, the ethereal projectiles surged forth, their whirling sounds resonating through the air. Through sheer instinct, I managed to evade the first five without even glancing back. Yet, three ominous orbs persisted, challenging my resolve. It was then, fueled by a surge of determination, that I made the decision to unleash the power of the golden photon saber strapped to my waist. With a swift motion, I drew forth my glamorous new sword, its radiant blade shimmering with energy, and wielded it skillfully to deflect each incoming black hole.

Realizing that evading him indefinitely was a futile endeavor, I resolved to confront my relentless pursuer. The time for flight had passed; now, it was time to stand my ground and face my formidable predator head-on.

Rudolf stood before me, his jaw dropping in disbelief. "Y-You..." he stammered, his voice filled with astonishment. "Who are you!?"

Unfazed, I raised my head, a hint of a smirk playing on my lips. "I am the Black Phantom," I declared, my voice resounding with a commanding presence that reverberated throughout the area. Grateful for the cybernetic choker adorning my neck, which disguised my voice, even my closest confidant would fail to recognize it.

A dismissive chuckle escaped Rudolf's lips as he prepared himself, assuming a centered stance. "You're nothing but a counterfeit," he sneered, his confidence evident. "The true Black Phantom would never wield such a sword."

Silently acknowledging Rudolf's misconception worked in my favor. If he believed me to be a mere impostor, it would afford me the element of surprise. Swiftly, I leaped onto the nearest branch, attempting to escape once more. But to my astonishment, Rudolf intercepted me with blinding speed, defying all expectations. How had he become so incredibly fast?

"I won't allow you to elude me!" Rudolf bellowed, his voice brimming with determination, as he ruthlessly swung his sword toward me.

Thankfully, my reflexes kicked in just in time, enabling me to parry his sword with my golden saber. However, the sheer force behind his strike sent my body hurtling towards the ground, leaving behind a small crater upon impact. Fortunately, my shockproof costume shielded me from harm, ensuring that I emerged unscathed.

Rudolf persisted with his incessant questioning, his tone increasingly grating on my nerves. "Are you..." he pressed on, his voice tinged with annoyance. "Are you the new pawn of Duke Dragunov?"

Ah, so Rudolf possessed knowledge of the connection between the Black Phantom and Duke Dragunov. It seemed that Duke Dragunov's suspicions were not unfounded after all.

"General Kyle Leviticus is behind the killing of my foster…no, my son. "

As I slowly rose to my feet, my gaze fixed upon the motionless figure of the Chevalier Knight perched rigidly on the branch above. The luminous rays of the full moon cascaded onto my shiny mask, casting an ethereal glow upon my face.

"It appears that you possess knowledge regarding the demise of the original Phantom," I stated with unwavering conviction.

"Original or not..." Rudolf's voice resonated with a simmering intensity as he clenched his fist, revealing his reluctance to disclose any information. "I shall not allow any Black Phantom to depart from this place alive!"

Ah, yes, the Black Phantom—a notorious criminal, a murderer. If I were to be captured here, my fate would be sealed.

Suddenly, Rudolf's entire body became engulfed in a swirling, dark flame-like aura. Sinister black particles coalesced around his arms and feet, forming menacing Chaos Claws. From his back, wisps of black smoke-like figures billowed forth, adding an eerie aura to his menacing presence. "Chaos Claws," he muttered to himself, as if invoking an ancient power.

It became apparent that Rudolf had harnessed a newfound power, a dark augmentation bestowed upon him by his dragonoids' heritage. The dragonoid's witchcraft balls and the diabolic aura now served as his formidable arsenal. Regret washed over me, realizing the grave mistake I had made by agreeing to the Duke's proposal.

In a blinding display of speed, Rudolf launched a vicious strike, his right claw slashing towards me. Reacting swiftly, I evaded the attack with a well-timed sidestep, swiftly entangling his arm with my bulletproof cloak. However, the cloak proved no match for his newfound power, dissolving into nothingness within moments. Yet, Rudolf pressed on relentlessly. His left claw, now clenched tightly, surged forward in a brutal uppercut aimed at my stomach.

Fortunately, I had an additional layer of protection that Rudolf had overlooked—the Tournament Shield Plates. The shield plate's energy was depleted, reaching 0%, as it valiantly absorbed the brunt of the blow. The shield plate flickered out, sparing me from certain devastation. The power behind Rudolf's Chaos Claw was undeniably terrifying. If struck again, my survival would be a fleeting hope.

With a surge of urgency, I swiftly dashed backward, creating a substantial distance between myself and my former best friend. The realization struck me forcefully—this man was truly intent on ending my life.

In the midst of the chaotic confrontation, a brilliant streak of golden light shot past my right shoulder, narrowly missing me. By some stroke of fortune, I managed to evade the magical attack. It appeared that my reservoir of luck was being tapped into with each passing moment, and its reserves were running dangerously low. That distinctive magical streak... I had seen it before.

"Seems like you've lured in quite the catch, Rudolf," Reina's voice rang out from just behind me, though there was a considerable gap between us. She brandished her short sword, its point directed squarely at me. "The time has come for the Black Phantom's true identity to be unveiled."

Reina was not alone. Kyrie and Eva stood alongside her, their weapons poised, while magical projectiles shimmered in the air, ready to be unleashed. The four of them encircled me, closing in like a trap. My chances of survival against two Chevalier Dragon Knights, armed with both weapons and their formidable Dragons, seemed bleak—negative fifty percent at best.

I possessed a distress button capable of summoning Airi instantly, but the mere thought of exposing her would be a lost cause. Airi's life would be in imminent danger if I were to reveal her true identity. I would never allow such harm to befall her, even if it meant enduring the consequences of being captured, subjected to a deadly and humiliating punishment in front of the empire's court.

"W-What in the world..." Rudolf's voice trailed off in disbelief.

A radiant circle of light materialized beneath my feet, illuminating the surroundings with its ethereal glow. Walls of light emerged, enveloping my entire body, before a brilliant flash consumed everything.

When the blinding light subsided, I found myself no longer within the confines of the Chevalier Unit's compound. Instead, I stood in the middle of a silent dark street, several meters away from the Dragon Knight Academy. It became evident that I had been forcefully teleported to this new location. And for that, I was immensely grateful.

But who was responsible for my sudden rescue? Who had intervened to save me from the clutches of the Chevalier Unit?

Before me stood a familiar young adult, adorned in leather armor. His lengthy black hair and piercing crimson eyes reminded me that miracles were not only possible but also astonishingly real within this world.

"You... Richard?" I exclaimed in disbelief.

Standing before me was Richard Astherson, the dragonoid who had tragically lost his life at the hands of Kyle Leviticus nearly four years ago. His appearance had changed slightly since I last saw him, sporting a blue tattoo on his forehead resembling the omega sign, with luminous orbs of light hovering above each of his shoulders.

"It seems you've grown considerably stronger, Amphere," he said, a gentle smile playing upon his lips.

My heart swelled with a mixture of emotions as I prepared to approach him, but he raised his hand, signaling for me to stop.

"I must depart now. Please continue to protect Airelina. Take care," Richard uttered, his voice filled with a sense of serenity.

A circle of light formed beneath Richard, akin to the one that had whisked me away from danger earlier. As his figure became encompassed by the cylindrical barrier of light, a dazzling radiance engulfed the area once more.

In an instant, he vanished, leaving me standing there, filled with both awe and questions. Richard's unexpected appearance and subsequent disappearance left me pondering the enigmatic nature of his return and the purpose behind his brief encounter.