
Chapter 10: Short Story: Dense as Metal, Jian


In the world of Gated, a land filled with portals that unleashed terrifying beasts upon the populace, life was a constant struggle. And no one knew this better than the young cultivator, Jian.

Jian was a man with a singular goal in mind: to become the greatest cultivator in all of Gated. He had started from humble beginnings, training day and night to hone his skills and rise through the ranks. And as he had grown stronger, he had also gained the attention of a number of powerful women, each vying for his attention and affection.

But Jian had never been one to be swayed by beauty alone. He knew that he had to remain focused on his goals if he was going to achieve his dreams. And so, he continued to train, pushing himself to new heights every day.

As he traveled from gate to gate, battling the beasts that emerged from them, Jian met a number of other powerful cultivators, each with their own unique strengths and weaknesses. And with each encounter, Jian grew stronger, learning new techniques and refining his own abilities.

But the path to becoming a god was not an easy one, and Jian faced many challenges along the way. He battled powerful demons, navigated treacherous alliances, and even faced betrayal from those he had once trusted.

But through it all, Jian remained steadfast in his determination to become the greatest cultivator in all of Gated. And with the help of his trusted companions and his own unwavering willpower, he persevered, ascending through the levels and emerging as one of the most powerful cultivators in the land.

As he looked out upon the world he had conquered, surrounded by his many beautiful companions, Jian knew that he had achieved his dreams. He was a god among mortals, a man who had risen above the struggles of the world and forged his own destiny.

And through it all, he had remained true to himself, never losing sight of the path that had led him to greatness. For Jian knew that the journey was just as important as the destination, and that the true beauty of life lay in the struggles and triumphs along the way.
