
The Darkened Pathway

The world changed again and they were now in a strange place.

From Hamlinzok's bright and joyful world to a now entirely plain world, engulfed in darkness with a hint bit of green visible in its atmosphere. Gone were the lush landscapes and colorful skies, replaced instead by a desolate plain shrouded in darkness.

The singularity behind them whispered softly, its faint light casting long shadows that danced across the empty expanse. It seemed to pulsate with a mysterious energy, its presence giving some sort of comfort in this strange environment. 

Xyel was glowing dimly, providing some sort of light in this dark world. Arial was clutching Xyel's leg, as if afraid to let go.

The Solispectra also radiated a soft light, its gentle purple glow illuminating the path ahead.

"What is this strange place?" asked Michael.

Xyel sighed, "He's done it again."

"Done what?" asked Michael.

"Making his world strange, like the one you're currently seeing," he replied.

Michael looked ahead in the green-tinted darkness, trying to make up what was beyond this. 

He looked at Horizon, who was a bit further into the darkness, gazing into it, as if thinking deeply.

Horizon stood tall amidst the darkness, his figure bathed in the eerie green glow that suffused the air.

He was a bit taller than Michael. His features were sharp and angular, framed by a shock of blonde unruly hair that seemed to defy gravity itself. His eyes, a vibrant shade of ruby red, sparkled with mischief and mirth, hinting at the boundless energy that lay beneath his carefree exterior. 

He wore a long, flowing coat that seemed to be made of the night itself, its fabric swirling and shifting like shadows cast by an unseen moon. The coat was adorned with intricate patterns that glimmered faintly in the dim light. Both of his hands had 3 fingers that were adorning rings, each of its unique shape. 

Michael couldn't fathom the idea of Horizon possessing such immense power; his unserious demeanor seemed at odds with the gravity of the situation. 

"Hmm…" Horizon smiled, "Michael, where would you prefer to be in this entire domain?" 

"Where there is light." He answered.

"Why?" Horizon pressed, his tone tinged with curiosity.

"You can not see," Michael explained. "Threats are lurking, unseen and unpredictable. Anything could happen."

Horizon looked over, his expression playful but somewhat sincere,

"We chase after light, unaware that it's in the darkness where we discover our hidden strengths and deepest truths."

This caught Michael off-guard. He turned to Xyel for answers. However, Xyel just looked fed up with Horizon.

"Don't mind him, he spits some concerning knowledge every now and then." He assured.

Suddenly, Michael noticed something coming at him with immense speed.

Horizon's reaction was swift as he intercepted the arrow hurtling towards Michael with remarkable agility. He held it for a moment, examining it. Then with a playful grin, he effortlessly shattered it, the pieces cascading to the ground as he dropped them, his smile unwavering.

"Michael," began Horizon, " I have some words you have to try and say; Turn On, Activate, Awaken."

"What are you saying?" Asked Michael with doubt.

"Trust me."

Michael took a deep breath, doubtful of what Horizon was trying to do. 

"Turn On."

Nothing Happened.

Michael looked at Horizon interrogatively but he nodded him to go on.


Nothing Happened.


Once again, nothing happened.

Xyel shook his head in disappointment. "We told him."

Horizon agreed, "It was wo-"

" Engage. Decimate. "

Suddenly, there was a dramatic surge of power, manifesting as a vibrant purple wave of energy that swept through the space around him.

 Xyel swiftly shielded Arial from the force of the wave, while Horizon stood unperturbed, his confidence unwavering.

As the energy subsided, Michael's perception shifted, granting him the ability to see clearly in the darkness. Yet, there was more—a mysterious text now appeared in the corner of his vision.

"How'd you know what to say?" Asked Horizon.

"Someone told me."

"Forget that, what's different, Michael?" asked Xyel curiously as he approached, his wings retracting now that the danger had passed.

"Texts," Michael replied, his voice tinged with wonder.

"What do they say?" Horizon interjected.

"Requirements met. Ruler's Eye Engaged Successfully.

Health and Vitals: 100%. 

Stamina: 100%. 

Intellectual Quotient (IQ): Exceptional.

Durability: Good. 

Exhaustion: 0%

Experience: Good. 

Strength: Work Needed. 

Speed: Work Needed. 

Abilities: Spectral Sight: Currently In Use. Rest, not yet discovered.

Emotional Disposition: ??? " 

Michael announced, his voice carrying a note of astonishment as he relayed the information to his companions. But as he spoke, more data flooded his senses, expanding his understanding of their surroundings.

"Temperature is 22°C, humidity at 65%, and the atmospheric composition shows high levels of nitrogen and oxygen." 

He looked around.

"I can feel the artifact's presence more strongly now," he added.

"Ruler's Eye, huh?" Spoke Xyel, confused, " So that's its actual name. This thing is pretty insane."

Michael turned around to face them and was bombarded with more information about the people he was looking at. 

" I can see your data too."

"Name: Xyel. 

Health and Vitals: 100%.

Strength: Good. 

Emotional Disposition: Concern.

Weakness: Not Yet Analyzed.

Remark: Ally."

He looked at Arial.

"Name: Arial. 

Health and Vitals: 100%.

Strength: Terrible. 

Emotional Disposition: Curious. 

Weakness: Frail, Underaged, No Experience.

Unknown Power Source Detected

Remark: Incapable of fighting, You can not harm the being."

Lastly, he looked over at Horizon.

"Name: Horizon. 

Health and Vitals: ???. 

Strength: ???. 

Emotional Disposition: ???. 

Weakness: ???. 

Remark: Make Your Ally."

Xyel looked aghast. " So much information. Arial has an unknown power source?"

"Probably the Core's piece," replied Horizon. "Although, I do like my remark. Too bad it can't analyze me." He smiled.

"Hide," said Michael, hoping it would hide their information.

Sure enough, the expected happened.

"What now?" he questioned.

"Now," Horizon backed up, " there's a test."