
Versatile Mage

He woke up in a familiar world that had vastly changed. His familiar school had become a mystical school that teaches magic, encouraging everyone to become a mighty magician. Outside the city, many wandering magical beasts and monsters attacked and preyed on humans. His world of advanced science changed into one that praised magic. Despite this, his ambition in life, and his social status remained the same; one of the dregs of the society with a struggling father and a disabled step sister that couldn’t walk. However, Mo Fan found that when most people could only practice a single major element of magic, he was a Versatile Mage!

Chaos (Fish's Sky) · Fantasy
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3166 Chs

Self-Harming Within an Illusion

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Translated by XephiZ

Edited by Aelryinth

Golden motes slowly appeared, and Bartholomew's eyes widened. He could not shift his gaze away from Apas' eyes, as if he was lost in her beauty.

Bartholomew stared at her for a long time. He felt a chill running down his spine, yet he completely ignored it. His mind was occupied with the thoughts of violating the glamorous young woman. Still, he forced himself to turn his head around. 

Bartholomew noticed a deadly ice rose blossoming as soon as he looked away. Its sharp petals were only a few meters away. If he had not reacted sooner, the ice rose would have left him with plenty of holes!

Bartholomew quickly cast Rampart. The sturdy barrier stopped the deadly rose from coming any closer.

Bartholomew applied another layer of defense on himself as a safety precaution, in case his mind wandered off again.