
Versatile Mage: Shadow of Dimension

This is a world where magic is respected and demons roam everywhere! Demons occupy human territory wantonly. Magic has become the last resort of mankind. The emperor who lives on the roof of the world and the masters of the life forbidden areas of all parties are wary of each other! The summoning plane attached to the magic plane devours the resources of the main plane bit by bit! The emperor who unified the dark plane is dissatisfied and is eyeing the magic plane covetously! Weak humans have become lambs to be slaughtered! In this desperate world, where we should be united, the high-ranking people cut off all hope! The angels who represent the sacred and master the origin of magic regard human hope as a disaster! In this desperate world, there will always be someone who stands up to change! But... the boy who masters magic cannot change the world, and the boy who becomes a demon has no intention of changing the world. The glory of magic cannot open up the future of mankind! The power of the devil loses its heart in repeated wear and tear! Boys with different ideas will eventually go on different paths... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -This is not my original fanfic. -This is actually a Chinese fanfic. -Raw link :https://www.69shuba.pro/book/52225.htm - The original author is: Bai Yi Ben Yi

Ashborn69 · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Chapter 27: Breakthrough to Intermediate Level

 The battle ended, and the Hongmen Feast also ended.

  Then Mo Fan was taken to the Silver Trade Building to receive the baptism of the Holy Spring.

  Because the Holy Spring is a very limited resource, it is specially provided to students who are about to enter the magic school.

  Only one student in Bo City can enjoy it every year.

  This student is not only from the magic school, but also from the magic family and the children of the noble family.

  These forces will compete for this quota every year.

  Because the starting point enjoyed by the children of the noble family is completely not the treatment that the magic school can have. The

  magic school has not obtained this quota for many years.


  The bustling streets are bustling.

  There are a lot of people today, because every day is the weekend, and the students who live in the school will go home.

  But the students in the third year of high school are not so relaxed.

  In order to prepare for the exam and explain the matters of the college entrance examination, they have to go to school to make up for the lessons on weekends.

  On the way home.

  "Brother Chen, what are you looking at?" Zhang Xiaohou saw Zhang Chenran looking up at the sky and couldn't help asking.

  "Monkey, do you feel that the sky is a little dark?" Zhang Chenran asked him in a strange tone.

  "Dark?" Zhang Xiaohou glanced at the sky and explained:

  "Brother Chen, you know the weather in the south. It has been raining for the past few days. It's normal for the sky to be dark."

  "It's normal for the sky to be dark, but the air is a little..."

  Zhang Chenran stopped talking halfway. He couldn't describe the weird feeling.

  Dark matter has been reporting the surrounding situation to him since he stepped out of the school gate.

  He felt that the air around him was a little dull, and the feeling was very uncomfortable, making him a little breathless.

  There should be no reason for him to think like this.

  This shadow system is good, but it is too sensitive. It will report the trivial things around it to itself.

  So that it can detect the slightest crisis nearby.

  But it is the first time that it has been reporting such information to him like this.

  "Brother Chen, it should be that you are too stressed to take the entrance exam for the magic school and you are overthinking it.

  But you don't have to worry. You and Brother Fan are both geniuses who have reached the admission standards of the magic school. You should be happy."

  Zhang Xiaohou's words brought him back to reality.

  "I hope I'm overthinking."

  Zhang Chenran sighed secretly, hoping that the information that the dark matter fed back to him would be quiet.

  "By the way, Monkey, what are your plans after the magic college entrance examination?"

  "Me? Think about it again. If I can have the same results as you and Brother Fan, I won't have to consider it."



  Hunter Union.

  After completing the commission tonight, Zhang Chenran came to the Hunter Hall to check the points and re-evaluate the hunter level.

  "Mr. Cheng Ran, your hunter points have reached the advanced hunter level. Here is your advanced hunter certificate!"

  After the evaluation, the front desk staff handed him the certificate.

  When handing over the certificate, the staff couldn't help but glance at him more.

  This shadow mage has been in the Hunter Union for three years, but he has never revealed his true face.

  Every time he appears, he is alone, wearing a black hooded windbreaker and a mask.

  It is worth mentioning that the efficiency of this shadow mage's commission is really high.

  It took less than three years to reach the advanced hunter level.     Of course, it is not ruled out that he is a team player.

  After being evaluated by a senior hunter, Zhang Chenran called Xue Musheng and asked for leave the next day or the day after tomorrow.

  If it were another student, Xue Musheng, the class teacher, might have to criticize him severely.

  But Zhang Chenran had already met the admission standards of the school, and Xue Musheng did not say much and approved his leave.

  As for the reason, Xue Musheng was too lazy to ask.

  It was late at night when he returned home.

  Zhang Chenran sat cross-legged on the bed.

  After adjusting his state to the best, his consciousness entered the dark spiritual world in his mind.

  For more than a year, he has been hunting monsters and cultivating at the same time. The space system and the shadow system have been cultivated to the initial level three.

  The shadow system has even been cultivated to the peak of the initial level, and now it is impossible to improve half a step.

  Now what he has to do is to break through the shadow system to the intermediate level!

  He has tried to break through the intermediate level countless times before, and each time ended in failure.

  The gap between the initial level and the intermediate level is completely incomparable to the previous two breakthroughs.

  It requires a huge amount of energy to help itself break through the barrier and turn stardust into nebula!

  Perhaps it was because of the lack of mental power before that he could not break through by himself.

  But now, his space system has also broken through to the initial level three for some time.

  With the improvement of space system cultivation, mental power is also increasing.

  The shadow system has been precipitated for a long time, and his mental power has also improved a lot. With the help of the dark amplification obtained in the night.

  This time, he wants to break through in one fell swoop!

  The old house was pitch black, without any light interference.

  The dark elements around seemed to be pulled, and they all gathered in the direction where Zhang Chenran was.

  The darkness lingered around him, as if providing him with energy to fill the vacant magic energy.

  "Almost! Almost!"

  The roar in his heart echoed in the dark spiritual world.

  Zhang Chenran concentrated his mental thoughts, trying to break through the barrier and let the shadow stardust reach a wider universe.

  There was a faint light curtain wrapped outside the dark stardust, and the energy received by the shadow stardust was getting more and more.

  They wanted to break out of the cocoon, break the barrier that trapped them, and impact a wider nebula!

  Every time he impacted the shadow nebula, Zhang Chenran suffered a huge energy backlash.

  These backlashes are like sharp blades piercing through the brain, and the demons tear the head apart!

  It is thousands of times stronger than the exhaustion that consumes all the mental power, just like the destruction and torture brought by nightmares.

  It wants to shake your will and make you give up breaking through the nebula. In this process, Zhang Chenran dare not relax at all.

  If there is a trace of retreat in your mind, then the previous efforts will dissipate in an instant, and everything will have to start from scratch!

  Such pain is simply not something that ordinary people can endure.

  Even a magician with strong mental power will inevitably have the idea of ​​retreating after suffering such a thing.

  Fortunately, Zhang Chenran has the experience of previous breakthroughs, and he has long been accustomed to these pains.

  And the darkness surrounding him is also providing him with energy and supplies at all times.

  Under repeated impacts.

  Gradually, cracks appeared in the barrier light curtain.

  The cracks continued to expand until they were completely broken!

  The shadow stardust expanded several times in an instant, and the darkness expanded to the new world and soon filled it up.

  Shadow Nebula!


  Zhang Chenran was sweating and panting, with a smile on his face.

  Just as Zhang Chenran relaxed and lay down to rest,

  a series of unusual turbulence broke the tranquility of the forest.