
Versatile Mage: Shadow of Dimension

This is a world where magic is respected and demons roam everywhere! Demons occupy human territory wantonly. Magic has become the last resort of mankind. The emperor who lives on the roof of the world and the masters of the life forbidden areas of all parties are wary of each other! The summoning plane attached to the magic plane devours the resources of the main plane bit by bit! The emperor who unified the dark plane is dissatisfied and is eyeing the magic plane covetously! Weak humans have become lambs to be slaughtered! In this desperate world, where we should be united, the high-ranking people cut off all hope! The angels who represent the sacred and master the origin of magic regard human hope as a disaster! In this desperate world, there will always be someone who stands up to change! But... the boy who masters magic cannot change the world, and the boy who becomes a demon has no intention of changing the world. The glory of magic cannot open up the future of mankind! The power of the devil loses its heart in repeated wear and tear! Boys with different ideas will eventually go on different paths... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -This is not my original fanfic. -This is actually a Chinese fanfic. -Raw link :https://www.69shuba.pro/book/52225.htm - The original author is: Bai Yi Ben Yi

Ashborn69 · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Chapter 21: Perfect Command

 "Fire Breath - Burning Bones!" Mo Fan's voice came from behind.

  Then, a ball of fire whizzed through the air and hit the huge trunk of the Phantom Wolf with incredible accuracy.

  The fireball was silent for a while, and then it seemed like a group of crazy growing red vines, burning from the body of the Phantom Wolf!

  The flames were very fierce, and the Phantom Wolf raised its head and roared in pain.

  At this time, Xu Zhaoting, Zhou Min, Mu Bai, and the top students in the back had completed their magic.

  "Glorious - Purification!"

  "Ice Vine - Freeze!"

  "Fire Breath - Burn!"

  "Thunder Seal!"

  Seven or eight different students completed their magic at the same time, and these magics produced different effects and flew towards the Phantom Wolf.

  Among them, the effect of Thunder Seal was the most significant. The muscles of the Phantom Wolf were paralyzed and some of them could not even stand.

  In addition, the Phantom Wolf was previously hit by Mo Fan's Fire Breath - Burning Bones, and it was now enduring great pain.


  Just when everyone thought that the Phantom Wolf would fall, it roared several times in a row.

  Several flying sand and rocks were raised at the same time, flying towards everyone.

  "Run!" Someone shouted.

  But how could they avoid these flying sand and rocks with their speed?

  Just when everyone was caught off guard, Zhang Chenran shouted, "Don't run, hide behind me!"

  Perhaps it was because of the performance of Zhang Chenran suppressing the ghost wolf beast before, or because of the fear in their hearts.

  This time, everyone did not hesitate and hid behind him.

  Zhang Chenran raised his right hand to block in front of him, and successfully connected seven stars before the terrifying flying sand and rocks hit him.

  "Mind control—retreat!" Zhang Chenran said silently in his heart.

  This time it was not the void claw that suppressed the ghost wolf beast before, but a space breath spreading forward with him as the center.

  The space spread seemed to lock the flying sand and rocks in front, and then bounced them back!

  Under this terrible flying sand and rocks, no one was injured!


  On the stone platform, Instructor Bai Yang frowned.

  He could sense through telepathy that his ghost wolf beast was in great pain.

  Chief Instructor Zhankong, several instructors in the back, and the team leader Tang Yue and Xue Musheng were all stunned.

  "I thought they would be defeated by the Phantom Wolf Beast in one encounter, but I didn't expect them to be able to do this." Instructor Luo Yunbo said in disbelief. "

  The space student named Zhang Chenran didn't have any outstanding performance before. He took the lead after the monster appeared, and was calm and steady. He didn't feel any fear when he saw the Phantom Wolf Beast. Even

  some old hunters may not be able to organize everyone to counterattack under the panic of the two teams like him. His approach is perfect!" Instructor Pan Lijun came back to his senses and analyzed calmly. "

  This student not only has outstanding cultivation, but also has a state of mind that can be compared with those old hunters! The student who released the fire-burning bone is also good. He can cultivate to the second level of the elementary level at this age."

  Chief Instructor Zhankong's face was full of praise, and he continued:

  "These two people can be given S! The student who released magic can also be given a high score!"

  "Bai Yang, can the Phantom Wolf Beast continue to fight?" Instructor Luo Yunbo asked.

  "Don't worry, my ghost wolf beast is not that fragile!"

  Bai Yang turned his back to the crowd and smiled strangely as he spoke.

  ... ...

  The gravel and dust blocked everyone's view.

  After the dust cleared, Zhang Chenran was the first to react and asked hurriedly:

  "Where is the demon?"

  "It seems to have jumped into the spring pool!" said a student in the back.     "We can't kill a demon at this level. We can't deal with a wolf demon at all. My space magic is running out." Zhang Chenran looked grim.

  "So fast?" Squad leader Zhou Min's face changed when he heard it.

  Zhang Chenran had been fighting against the demon's attacks by himself before.

  If his magic ran out, wouldn't everyone just have to wait for death?

  Zhou Min said unwillingly, "Maybe we can fight again."

  Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Zhang Chenran:

  "I said this wolf demon is not something we can deal with!"

  He had dealt with wolf demons several times.

  Every time he released magic to deal with this kind of wolf demon, he had to sacrifice more space magic, and he didn't dare to be careless.

  Now there is only one-third of magic left, and this one-third of magic can only be released once more.

  If the magic is not enough, it will be as fragile as thin paper in front of the ghost wolf beast.

  If he didn't want to expose the second system, he wouldn't be so embarrassed.

  But even if he had to expose it, he wouldn't be in front of so many people.

  Besides, the sunlight is everywhere here, which is not suitable for shadow battles.

  Zhang Chenran took a deep breath, looked at the dark cave, and looked at the people behind him:

  "After we led the demon away, you tried your best to contact the instructor. This assessment is completely beyond our ability to deal with."

  Without waiting for everyone to answer, Zhang Chenran looked at Zhang Xiaohou and asked solemnly:

  "Monkey, after completing the wind magic, take us to the cave. Only there can we solve it. You only have one chance! Can you do it?"

  Zhang Xiaohou was stunned at first, and the face that usually showed some shyness answered very seriously at this time:

  "Brother Chen, I can!"

  "After the demon is controlled, you can give it a big move." Zhang Chenran looked at Mo Fan.

  "I don't know why, I only believe in you now!" Mo Fan grinned, and now he felt unprecedented excitement.

  As soon as the voice fell, the demon that jumped into the spring pool slowly climbed out.

  For some reason, this demon now looks completely different, and its green pupils suddenly turn red!

  Of course, this crazy skill is effective on the battlefield.

  But now it has to face a group of students from the magic high school!

  The red pupils are filled with terrible fierceness, and the extremely angry ghost wolf beast stares at everyone fiercely.

  I have killed one-eyed demon wolves stronger than you, what do you think you are? Zhang Chenran stared directly at the red pupils.


  The ghost wolf beast sounded the horn of attack and rushed towards the top class headed by Zhang Chenran.

  Zhang Chenran raised his right hand again to the attacking ghost wolf beast.


  This time Zhang Chenran sacrificed all the magic power of space stardust. The

  running ghost wolf beast seemed to want to break through this space with brute force and retreat, but unfortunately it was just a little short.

  The ghost wolf beast backfired, and the huge body was scattered dozens of meters away.

  After rolling several times in a row, the huge body stopped.

  "Fire - Burning Bones!"

  After the Phantom Wolf stopped, Mo Fan immediately used his second-level magic.

  "Monkey!" Mo Fan shouted.

  At this time, a wind trail became the track for Zhang Xiaohou to run.

  Without any hesitation.

  Zhang Xiaohou pulled Mo Fan, who had successfully attracted the hatred of the Phantom Wolf, and Zhang Chenran ran into the dark cave.