
Versatile Mage: Grey Home

Sun Chang, a former inmate, finds himself thrust into an extraordinary situation. Transported to Bo City, Sun must navigate through this new reality unlike anything he's ever known. With determination as his guide, he is determined to carve his own path in the city's undercurrents. (Adapted from the storyline of "Versatile Mage" by the original author.)

703Sunny · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chatper 8: Stormside Villa


Sun Chang paused by the window, looking outside. The sky had gradually darkened, with thick clouds gathering ominously. It looked like it could rain at anytime, with the winds picking up, pushing the trees in the distance, making them sway violently.


A thunderbolt split the sky, a blinding flash followed by a deafening roar.

At first, just a few drops, were followed by a torrential downpour. The rain tapped against the glass window. The entire world looked as if it was flooding.

In the living room, the furniture was old but well-kept. A large, worn sofa dominated the center, an ornate rug covered the wooden floor, and the fireplace was flanked by two armchairs. Sun Chang stood in front of the bookshelves, which contained a bunch of dusty books. Everyone in the house, had gathered in the room.

A young man spoke first: "My name is Zhao Yin. I'm Zhao Mei's brother."

Sun Chang nodded before introducing himself. "I'm Sun Wu, an investigator here to look into the death of Ms. Mei."

Zhao Yin raised an eyebrow in surprise.

Sun Chang continued, "First, I'd like to ask how your family came to acquire this mansion."

Zhao Yin cleared his throat, his expression thoughtful. "We are from the Zhao clan, as you know, one of the largest and most financially capable families in China."

He paused, his face darkening. "My sister and I weren't as talented at magic, so the family elders decided to send us here to develop the family influence, hoping that we could extend the family business."

He glanced around the room before continuing. "We acquired this house at a remarkably low price due to its history," he explained. "The previous owner was a high-tier mage who was caught performing experiments merging the genes of beasts with humans. This scandal made it difficult to sell the villa."

Hearing Zhao Yin's words, several people's reactions were different.

Sun Chang nodded, as the information aligned with what he had seen on the internet.

The butter raised an eyebrow, but she was still having a dull reaction.

Zhao Yin's youngest siblings, Zhao Ming and Zhao Mei, were twins. While Zhao Ming remained absorbed in his phone, showing little interest in the conversation, Zhao LI sat beside him, neverously fidgeting with her fingers.

Meanwhile, Sofia, one of the maids, looked confused. Her brow furrowed as she tried to grasp the implications of Zhao Yin's statement, clearly unaware of the magical significance of the place.

Zhao Yin cast a brief glance out the window. "Despite its troubling past, we saw potential in this place. It is secluded, and thanks to the enhancements left by the mage, it holds a vast reservoir of magical energy."

Sun Chang nodded. 

"You mentioned your sister Zhao Mei wasn't as talented in magic," Sun Chang began, his tone careful. "Yet, she was sent here with you. Can you tell me more about her role in your family's plans and her activities here?"

Zhao Yin's expression grew somber, his eyes drifting to the floor. "Mei... she was always trying to prove herself. Even though she lacked natural talent, she was determined to make a significant contribution to the family. She spent hours in the library, studying ancient texts and practicing spells. She believed she could find a way to unlock greater power."

Sun Chang leaned in slightly, his eyes keen with interest. "Is that why she took up adventuring? To look for artifacts and other means to enhance her abilities."

Zhao Yin nodded slowly.

"Yes, exactly. Mei believed that ancient artifacts held the key to unlocking the power she lacked naturally. She hoped to find something that could give her an edge, something that would prove her worth to the family."

He paused, glancing towards the old bookshelves filled with dusty tomes. "She was relentless in her pursuit. Every time she returned from an expedition, she would lock herself in the library for days, poring over her findings. I think she saw it as her last chance to prove herself, to show that she could be just as valuable as any other member of the Zhao clan."

"Did she ever mention finding anything unusual or particularly powerful?"

Zhao Yin shook his head.

Sun Chang sighed, rubbing his temples. "Okay. Is it fine if I check around the house?"

Zhao Yin nodded. "Of course. If it helps uncover the truth, you're welcome to search wherever you need."


Sun Chang began his tour of the mansion. He started in the library, where he carefully inspected the desk where Zhao Mei spent countless hours, finding notes filled with strange symbols. 

Leaving the library, Sun Chang wandered down a terrifyingly lit hallway with faded portraits of the mansion's former occupants. 

As he turned a corner near the grand staircase, a soft voice behind him made him pause.

"Are you Zhao Mei's teammate?"

Sun Chang turned around to see a young woman standing there. She looked at him expectantly, waiting for his response.

"Yes, and you are?"

The young woman hesitated for a moment before answering. "I'm Alice. I'm one of the servants here. I just wanted to hear more about your investigation."

Sun Chang gave a small nod, "Well, at this time there isn't much evidence, but we believe Zhao Mei's death might be related to an artifact she brought back from a mission. We're still piecing things together and trying to understand what happened."

After this, the servant remained silent for a while, her brow furrowing in thought. Then she asked, "What about your teammates? Why didn't they come with you?"

Sun Chang paused, "They passed away a while ago," he said quietly.

Alice looked at him. "I'm sorry to hear that, but why didn't you—"


Before she could finish her sentence, a piercing scream echoed through the mansion.

Without another word, Sun Chang rushed up the stairs.