
Versatile Mage: Grey Home

Sun Chang, a former inmate, finds himself thrust into an extraordinary situation. Transported to Bo City, Sun must navigate through this new reality unlike anything he's ever known. With determination as his guide, he is determined to carve his own path in the city's undercurrents. (Adapted from the storyline of "Versatile Mage" by the original author.)

703Sunny · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 1: Prisoner

In cell number S-115

Sun Chang crafted a meal that could pass for "Chinese food" from an odd assortment of ingredients: pork rinds, dehydrated rice, a dash of hot sauce, and an unconventional mix of instant tea. It was a concoction born out of boredom, yet, to Sun Chang's surprise, somehow it became the best thing he had tasted in years.

You would think that a galactic prison, known for being one of the biggest in the universe, would have food that was at least at the level of school food.

Sun Chang sighed as he swung his legs over the edge of the bed, the smooth metallic surface cooling against his skin. At least the living conditions here were better than his cramped space at home.

The walls of the cell shimmered faintly, and the embedded panels created an ambient glow trying to mimic natural daylight. In one corner, there was a sleek unit that housed a multifunctional console controlling everything from temperature to entertainment, all managed through simple voice recognition.

Nearby, a small space hid a tiny shower unit with advanced filters, saving water while also self-cleaning the bathroom.

And as for the bed, though narrow, it surprised Sun Chang with its comfortable adaptive memory foam surface that molded to his body, offering optimal rest. The best part was the holographic projector, which provided different things to watch, such as his favorite, The Glory.

While on his bed, he began thinking about his life on earth. If he were still there, he would probably be packing packages. His family had moved to America for a better opportunity, but he ended up wasting that opportunity by becoming a deliveryman. Being in prison might be one of the best things that happened to him. 

To fill his days, he resorted to push-ups daily. Every morning began with this simple exercise routine.

"1, 2, 3, 4" he counted, feeling the strain soothe his mind.

Afterwards, it was the familiar sequence of taking a shower, getting a meal from the nutrient dispenser, if he got lucky, getting small things from the guard, which is what he used to make today's meal, and more exercise to pass the time. Occasionally, he would indulge in watching holographic projections. Between these routines, he would patiently endure the investigators relentless questioning.

Unsure of how much time had slipped by, Sun Chang was startled by the echoing footsteps in the corridor. Over time, he had become adept at distinguishing the investigators' distinctive steps, but these were different—sharp and resonant, like high heels on a polished floor.

Sun Chang's mind raced as he heard the distinctive sound of high hell approaching. Could it be a woman? The thought flickered briefly before he dismissed it. In his time here, he had only encountered male investigators. The idea of a woman in this prison seemed implausible.

As the footsteps grew louder, echoing down the corridor, a few nearby inmates called out eagerly, "How about joining me in here?"

Another inmate was making growling noises.

Their hopeful shouts were met with silence. The woman strode past, ignoring their catcalls as if they were nothing more than background noise. The inmates' initial excitement turned to frustration and resentment as they realized she wasn't taking them seriously.

The heavy metal door creaked open, and two individuals stepped into the room, one after the other.

Sun Chang barely looked up, accustomed to this routine. They would escort him to the interrogation room and begin their relentless questioning.

"Hey, it doesn't matter how many times you ask; my answer won't change. I am Sun Chang, 19 years old, Earthling, ID SP-0040503. I work as a delivery worker and live in an apartment in New York. There is no immediate family. I'm not the 'Harbinger' you're looking for," Sun Chang said without any expression, his eyes fixed on the screen as he continued to watch 'Business Proposal'.

"This is the Harbinger that you captured."

Sun Chang was stunned by the unfamiliar voice coming from the door.

The woman standing before him was in her mid-twenties, with sleek black hair cascading to her shoulders. At around 5'7", she carried herself with a calm demeanor. From the way the investigator acted around her, she must be someone of high importance.

She stared at Sun Chang, making him feel uncomfortable under her intense gaze. After a moment, she turned to the investigator, her voice steady and commanding as she repeated the same question: "Is this the Harbinger that you captured?"

The investigator shifted nervously. "Yes, ma'am. The Harbinger is a madman who has killed countless people across the galaxy. We've been hunting him for years, and we believe we've finally caught him."

The woman raised an eyebrow, glancing back at Sun Chang. "Are you serious? This man here doesn't even have the slightest scent of blood on him." She looked at the investigator with a hint of annoyance. Do they think she is dumb?

The investigator cleared his throat before speaking. "Ma'am, his DNA matches samples taken from the crime scenes. We've cross-verified it multiple times. There's no mistake." His voice wavered slightly, betraying his unease under her scrutinizing gaze.

The woman's eyebrows shot up in surprise at the investigator's words. She walked up to Sun Chang, scrutinizing him closely. Without warning, she delivered a swift punch to his stomach. Sun Chang doubled over, collapsing to the floor and hurling into the corner.

Shaking her head, she said, "This can't be the Harbinger. He's too weak." the black-haired woman turning, preparing to leave.

Sun Chang's face contorted in anger. "Why would you just suddenly hit someone? I already told you, I'm not the one you're looking for," he cursed, his voice trembling with both pain and fury.

When reaching the entrance, she turned back and said, "I was helping you; if I didn't prove that you are not the harbinger and you pose no threat they would have, you would have to spend the rest of your life here." 

Sun Chang was stunned by her righteous tone. She is definitely a lunatic. He slowly stood up. "Then, now that you've proven that I'm innocent, what will you do with me?"

The black-haired woman turned her attention to the investigator as he said in an unpleasant tone, "Of course we are sending you back."

Sun Chang looked out at him in doubt. "Is there no compensation?"

"Pardon me?"

"You took me from my home for years; not only that, you treated me inhumanly, giving me paste-like food to eat every day. I lost three years of my life because of you, so how do you plan on competing with me?" The black-haired woman nodded. "You are right, it is our mistake. We will provide a Lunar coin for every day you spend here, with each one being worth millions on earth."

Sun Chang shook his head. "Although money is nice, I lost three years of my life. I think a life potion would be more appropriate."

The black-haired woman raised her brow, surprised by how bold this boy was. The invesitagor by her side was yelling. "A single potion is enough to grab you a potion on your planet."

The black-haired woman looked at the investigator, silencing him, "Ok, well, give you a 5-year life potion; the chief investigator will see to it.

The investigator face distorts in anger. "Yes ma'am"

The black-haired lady nodded before leaving with the investigator.


As they approached the ship, the investigator couldn't hold back his skepticism. "Are we really giving him a life potion?"

"Of course," the black-haired woman replied smoothly.

The black-haired lady smiled, then gracefully stepped into the ship. The investigator watched as the ship's door closed, and within moments, it lifted off.

With a sigh, the investigator turned and re-entered the prison, the heavy metal door clanging shut behind him.


The investigator returned to his office on the 3rd floor and sat on his massive-sized swivel chair before revealing a treacherous smile.

Taking out a potion from his draw, he smiled and said, "Boy, you're the one who asked for it."