
Versatile: Alternate World

"In the unforgiving corridors of time, I was brought to the brink, my life teetering on the precipice of destruction. But fate has granted me a remarkable opportunity – a return to the past, a chance to rewrite my destiny. Brace yourself, for when our paths cross once more, the world will bear witness to an unrecognizable future!" Enter the realm of Alternate World, a virtual playground where mere mortals are elevated to the status of gods. The moment this game touched the lives of players, our world, our very existence, was irrevocably altered. People discovered newfound abilities, and playing the game became a way of life, a livelihood. Among those players was Manato Tsukasa, an unwitting protagonist whose life was thrust into turmoil on the eve of his wedding. In the shadowy depths of night, enemies emerged, determined to snuff out his existence. He stood on the precipice of death, only to be granted an unexpected lifeline, a return ticket to the past. With the past before him like an unwritten book, Manato seized this extraordinary chance with relentless determination. Armed with the knowledge of his past mistakes, he embarked on a journey to exact revenge upon the architect of his misery. The game that had once been his escape from reality now served as his crucible, transforming not only the gaming industry but also the very fabric of our world. Yet, little did Manato suspect that Alternate World held secrets far more profound than any player had ever imagined. The game's mysteries ran deep, and the truth, obscured beneath layers of illusion, remained tantalizingly elusive. As he delved deeper into the game's enigmatic depths, Manato would soon discover that the lines between reality and virtuality were destined to blur, forever changing the course of his life and the world itself.

Kyosei · Games
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1042 Chs

Manifestation of Ability (Mini Chapter)

There is no way I would be wrong. I am not this buff earlier. I know how my body looks and how it feels. I also know that the Reality Verse has the same concept of allowing yourself to train in the game but I am quite sure that you don't get this buffed up in just one day. So how come my body is like this already?

Since there are some changes in my body that I didn't realize, I went to the bathroom and check my body in the mirror. Taking off the shirt, the first thing my hands inspected is my abdomen. Before, it was just one simple abdomen without any sort of muscle I can brag on others. Now, six-pack abs appeared and formed my formless abdomen. I touched my abs for confirmation if this was real and to my surprise, it was indeed real and it feels similar to how an ab was developed in the gym by conducting exercises.

Although I am working out, I just recently started and there is no way my abdomen would be this developed especially since this body of mine still can't handle too much strain compared to my body in the past timeline. My biceps are also considerably bulkier and more toned compared to my lanky-looking arm before.

I didn't experience this kind of thing in the past timeline and even if I play in the game and do rough things inside, it also takes some time before your body will be this toned.

'Is this perhaps the effect of the Reality Verse Nexus?'

The cabin Reality Verse does not really impact much in your body and it took so much time before I managed to see differences in my body. However, the pace of my development when I used the Nexus version is quite different.

That's when I get some sort of idea. If my progression is faster compared to the past timeline, does that mean I can now manifest my first ability that is not similar to the speed abilities?

Channeling my mana in my arms, I also find out that it is much more fluid compared to yesterday. It was like normal water flowing freely in and out of your body. Confirming the fluidity of my mana flow, I visioned my mana to transform its form and incorporate the ability it has.


I opened my eyes and my smile grew wide when electricity is now flowing out of my hands. I silently raised my hands in the air and started dancing after the first manifestation of my ability. To think my plan of training my whole body for a year will be cut a lot, this only gives me the chance to master different abilities and develop more skills that will become a handy tool for my future.


Somewhere in an unknown room, Tojiro stares at the monitor of the computer that was displaying the status of Manato's body and whatever things are currently undergoing on it.

Tojiro's AI program appeared on the monitor and with a jolly movement, hovered on the screen, covering whatever status Manato has.

"It seems the guy you are risking everything with has finally developed his ability! Isn't this a great change and a great difference compared to all of the records you have done in your different timelines?"

"I don't want to overthink too much about it. It is just too early to assume this will be a successful attempt but I have high expectations of him."

"You seemed to be confident that everything will change now, Tojiro," Tojiro's AI said as he noticed the confident look on him.

"One small change can actually impact greatly on everything, in stories and folktales, naturally even this change will also happen in real life. He has yet to know about this. He is my only shot of succeeding."