
Versatile: Alternate World

"In the unforgiving corridors of time, I was brought to the brink, my life teetering on the precipice of destruction. But fate has granted me a remarkable opportunity – a return to the past, a chance to rewrite my destiny. Brace yourself, for when our paths cross once more, the world will bear witness to an unrecognizable future!" Enter the realm of Alternate World, a virtual playground where mere mortals are elevated to the status of gods. The moment this game touched the lives of players, our world, our very existence, was irrevocably altered. People discovered newfound abilities, and playing the game became a way of life, a livelihood. Among those players was Manato Tsukasa, an unwitting protagonist whose life was thrust into turmoil on the eve of his wedding. In the shadowy depths of night, enemies emerged, determined to snuff out his existence. He stood on the precipice of death, only to be granted an unexpected lifeline, a return ticket to the past. With the past before him like an unwritten book, Manato seized this extraordinary chance with relentless determination. Armed with the knowledge of his past mistakes, he embarked on a journey to exact revenge upon the architect of his misery. The game that had once been his escape from reality now served as his crucible, transforming not only the gaming industry but also the very fabric of our world. Yet, little did Manato suspect that Alternate World held secrets far more profound than any player had ever imagined. The game's mysteries ran deep, and the truth, obscured beneath layers of illusion, remained tantalizingly elusive. As he delved deeper into the game's enigmatic depths, Manato would soon discover that the lines between reality and virtuality were destined to blur, forever changing the course of his life and the world itself.

Kyosei · Games
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1042 Chs

Journey with the Mansion as your Mount

Almira took a bit of time to find an empty field to land the mansion and put it on a complete stop temporarily to ensure that the legs works well and will not break down after the initial walk. But the field is currently populated with monsters, and so Almira ordered me.

"Manato, it seems our current landing area is full of monsters. How about cleaning it up while I find a good place to fully land our mansion?"

"Alright. On it."

I left the basement and went back up to the surface. I asked anyone who wanted to join in for the cleanup below the ground and Labo decided to accompany me.

Since the monsters are low levels, they are weak and not at all dangerous. So after a bit of killing the monsters, they are gone in a flash. And as we finished cleaning up the monsters in the vicinity, the mansion came to a full stop, and soon descended to the ground and retracted the metal legs, and landed to the ground, integrating itself into the field.