
life came for a visit

Oliver saw the light at the end of the tunnel. It was shinnig straight to his face. It was really strong light. Almost blinding light. He saw white huge hands coming closer to his face. Thoughts were running through his head. What is going on? What is going on? His mind didn't leave him calm. He started slowly panicking and his curiousity was eating him alive. What is going on? He kept asking himself. And then he saw it. In a moment he saw the face with a white mask touching his body, holding him. He was all covered in blood and the world arround him was blurry. This is what happens after you die? He started asking himself. And then he just fell asleep. Past few moments he didn't remember anything. Every single moment was mixed up with another.

Oliver slowly opened his eyes. He looked arround himself and saw a white room. Where am i? He was confused. Without him wanting, he started crying. It felt like he completely lost himself. He never cried, only when he was little baby. But now he is dead. Why is he crying? What he saw next made him believe that angels existed. His mother. He never believed he could ever see her again. And she was beautiful. She looked so young. Her long blonde hair were falling down on her shoulders and she was smiling. He almost forgot what her smile looked like. Mum. He wanted to whisper, but his mouth couldn't speak. Now it felt like she was holding him. He could feel her love. It was pure love. Like mother loved her son, her son loved her back. Those moments felt like heaven. But what happened next changed absolutely everything. Oliver noticed something. He saw a door. A wooden door. As he started looking all over the place he realised he was in a room. He noticed big opened window and pictures hanging on the wall. He even noticed the bed and table with two chairs. It seemed like he would be in a hospital room. He was confused. And then the door started slowly opening. A tall man with a red beard and round glasses came in.

„So, how is it going, Mrs Morris?" said and looked at Oliver's mother. But Oliver could not hear he answer. The only thing he could hear were his own thoughts. What is going on? Where am I? Is this what death looks like? Can somebody tell me what is going on? He wanted to say the last sentence out loud but he couldn't. And then in the middle of all this calm chaos he fell asleep.

Oliver slowly opened his eyes. The sun was shinning through the window into the room and was gently touching his cheaks. Oliver realised that he was lying on his back. He wanted to stand up and look arround, but again he couldn't. It felt like his body just wouldn't listen to him. At least he tried to put his hands up. That worked. But what he saw shocked him. Those were little baby hands. He could barely see his nails. Before he could start to panick the door opened and his mother came in.„Oh hello Ollie, how are you today my little boy?" she seemed so happy yet so tired. As she came closer she put her hands all over his body and gently put him on her chest. When she was holding him, Oliver remembered Jimmy's words: One of my friends told me, that when you die, whole your life repeats itself. I don't know how about you, but if it's true, i want to live a life that is worth living it again and again. Oliver thought he was about to die. I mean really. He was shocked and he was panicking. The first thought that came to his head was that as soon as he can he will commit a suicide. But that wouldn't lead to anything. But still, i mean when you realise that there is a chance, and that chance is pretty big, that you will live your life all over again, what would you do?