
VERNER: The Devil Hunter

After watching his mother get killed and entire village destroyed by the devil king Malachar, Verner a young spirited boy joins the Guardian society and becomes a devil hunter, with one goal in his mind, to find the devil king and get revenge for the death of his mother.

Chisom_Vincent · Action
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14 Chs

The Devils' dance

Pine grove valley, 3 nights ago.

The half moon in the night sky was shining brighly over the little village. Most families had already locked their doors and shut themselves off for the night as they heard rumors of a devil in the mountains. Their only source of confidence was that a sentinel hunter lived in willow valley which was a few kilometers away, probably why only a few devils dared to come close to the village, but that wasn't enough.

Tito, a man was riding on his bicycle through the forest path with his 9 year old daughter seated at his front, he elongated the bike saddle so both of them could sit properly, they were coming back home after a good day at the market and the sun had set just an hour ago.

"Dad I'm scared..." the girl said.

"It's ok Nina...nothing will happen, we're just a little late, we'll be home any minute from now" he comforted his daughter. He was terrified too, the nights these days were so quiet because everyone got into their homes as soon as the sun set before the devils began to dance. Tito found the lonely quiet night very frightening, he pushed the bike pedals harder to he could move faster, then suddenly, his bicycle wheel hit a rock and it tumbled over, him and his daughter yelled in pain as they hit the floor.

"Dammit" he cursed, Nina was almost crying at this point. "I'm never coming home this late again, I can't even see the road" he raised his bicycle up and searched it for any broken parts before he could continue his journey, it was still in good shape, "Ok Nina hop on..."

"Dad did you hear that?..."

"Hear what?"

"There's someone laughing in the bushes" Nina said, pointing into the darkness, Tito was terrified "I can't hear anything, it's not real, it's just your imagination, you're scared that's all, hop on let's go". As he lifted his bicycle for her to sit, he started to her laughter from the bushes as well, he turned and stared into the darkness, couldn't see a thing, his heart was racing extremely fast, he pulled out a light gemstone and pointed it in the direction of the sound, clutching his terrified daughter in his other arm.

"Show yourself devil!!!" he screamed, Nina was already crying. The light gemstone produced a bright blue light and was known to repel devils. The laughter wasn't heard anymore, he waited a few minutes to be sure before he decided to continue his journey

"It's ok Nina, don't cry ok, it's gone, we can go now". Nina continued to cry, Tito tried to lift her up and put her on his bicycle, but he began to hear the laughter again, this time it was right behind him.

He was frozen in fear and sweating tremendously, Nina began to scream, he turned around and saw a creature with pale yellow skin, a huge mouth that lined vertically on it's face and a two bulging eyes on each side of it's head. It had pale green hair and it's legs were very thick and dark purple, both of it's arms ended in huge black blades instead of hands and fingers.

"HEIHEIHEIHEI!!!", it did it's awkward crooked laughter as Nina continued to scream ever harder. Tito tried to grab the gemstone again from his jacket but his arm was sliced off faster than he could blink. The devil drove a blade into his guts and used it to lift him up, blood gushed out of his belly and mouth, the devil just kept laughing.

"Ni...na...run!!!!" he coughed before the devil split him in half, his body and guts spilling over the floor. Nina screamed again and ran away as fast she could. The devil bent down and began to eat his flesh, it was too hungry to chase after the little girl. Nina kept on crying and screaming as she ran back to the village. She started to see some street lights on, she was almost home;


She cried out, her voiced almost thinned out as her throat became sore from all the screaming. "HEL...!"


Nina stood still, her voice dead, a long worm like object had just drilled through her head from behind, blood flowed down all over her face, she died immediately. A tall pink and white devil with feminine build emerged from the bushes. She had about ten very long worm like objects attached to her back and dangling around. One of them was in Nina's head

"A little girl, my favorite, their meat is always so tender". The worm tentacle pulled Nina's body closer to the devil, the the other tentacles pierced into her lifeless body and began to drain it. "So tasty" The devil got pinker as her tentacles sucked on her prey until all that was left was skin and bones. The devil licked her lips, she had short white hair, black eyes with red iris and her skin got a lot pinker as she finished her meal.


She turned back to see who called her name, it was the yellow devil that had just consumed Tito, she noticed the blood on his blades and face. "Gustor, you look like you got a fill yourself"

"You too" he replied

"I don't remember the last time I ate, it's so hard to do anything with devil hunters around", she scoffed then retracted her tentacles until dey all fit into her back. Her fleshy butt became a lot more obvious after that.

"Vel was killed yesterday, some devil hunter called Brogan was tracking him for a while" Gustor raised his head and looked at the moon "I wonder if they're on our tail".

"Vel is dead..., that leaves just the two of us in this valley, we'll wait a few days, if nobody comes for us then we'll raid the village, eat to our fill, and disappear" Gustor nodded in agreement.

"When you're ready, you know where to find me"

Litira looked at him with a very evil smile on her face. "Get rid of any leftovers and scents, you don't want them tracking us too"

"Sure", Gustor turned and leaped back into the dark forest. Litira looked towards the village, small patches of light were on in different streets. "Very soon..." she said, still smiling maliciously.