
Vermillion The Exterminator

"Kill the prince before he destroys the world, you only have 18 years," the Goddess ordered. Cleon is a special reincarnation who is reborn with his memories and abilities in his previous life. He gets a task from the Goddess to kill the prince who will cause the destruction of the world. A magic from the demon lord turned the world into chaos, people disappeared without a trace and scattered in a very strange place. Cleon's adventure begins, with the provision of his ability to survive various obstacles on his journey. Create his own army to carry out his duties.

Vermillion_ID · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Ava's Special Punch

Cleon grabbed a glass of potion given by Ava, without hesitation Cleon immediately drank the potion. He narrowed his eyes slightly to suppress the bitter taste of the herbs that Ava's potion was based on. But Cleon seemed to be enjoying it so much, he finished it quickly. Ava just smiled seeing Cleon's reaction at that time, she already looked very fresh, different from last night.

"Where's Grandpa?" Cleon asked.

"He's gone, maybe Grandpa will come home this afternoon. He advised that you have recovered to practice physically on your own first."

"Where did it go?"

"I don't know, Grandpa never said where he was going. Here I have made breakfast, it's better to eat first before doing activities."

"Okay," said Cleon while feeling that his stomach was really hungry.

Cleon very voraciously ate the breakfast provided by Ava, after that he went out of the house to get some fresh air. His gaze returned to the top of the hill. Cleon remembered yesterday's events, the first experience that was very impressive but also risking his life.

Cleon clenched his own fists and felt that he was still so weak, with his current body he still couldn't get it all out to its full potential. Cleon prepared to start training like before, he took out two barrels that were used to fetch water. Cleon excitedly ran down to the river and started fetching water to fill the big barrel.

Half a day quickly passed, Cleon stopped to rest. His body was now wet with sweat, he sat under a tree staring at the beautiful scenery before his eyes. Cleon took a deep breath while closing his eyes slightly, suddenly Ava came over to him and sat next to Cleon. The two of them were silent for a moment while looking at the same scene.

"Why do you want to be strong?" Ava asked opening a conversation between the two of them.

"Emmm.. I don't know, but it might be useful for me."

"Have you ever been to town?" Ava asked again.

"City?" Cleon asked while a little confused because he had only been in the village so far.

"Yes, the city, you don't know yet?"

"No that's not it, I've never been outside this village before. Where is the city anyway?"

"It's quite far from here, I've never been there myself. I only found out from Grandpa. But somehow I really want to go to the city, maybe a place much grander than this village."

Cleon was a little pensive hearing Ava's words, Cleon remembered when in his previous life he lived in a city filled with cunning and power-hungry people. Many of them only care about themselves as well as money, the city he hates so much. But because Ava's words made him curious about the city in this world.

"Okay then let's just go there, how about?" asked Cleon with an excited face.

"There's no way grandpa would give me permission."

"Who knows, haven't tried it yet."

"It's better now to practice, I will accompany you to practice until Grandpa comes home, how about it?" Ava asked as she got up and put on her stance.

"Sure," said Cleon, standing up and smiling broadly. "Wait a minute, what kind of training do you mean?"

"Training, but not using magic."

"You're serious? I can take you down easily."

"Try it if you can."

Ava tightened her stance, while Cleon was seen preparing in front of Ava. Ava gave a code for Cleon to come forward and attack, without a second thought Cleon rushed forward and attacked Ava. Cleon's attack didn't look as strong, he still didn't know what kind of response Ava would give when she received an attack from him.

Cleon's punch flew freely towards Ava, very quickly Ava dodged easily and parried the blow from Cleon.

"Take all your energy, if it's just like that you will lose easily," said Ava with a mocking smile.

Hearing Ava's words made Cleon quite excited, this time Cleon attacked with different strength and speed. But Ava easily dodged, this time not only dodge, Ava also caught Cleon's arm and slammed him hard to the ground.


Cleon was quite surprised by the power possessed by Ava, he had misjudged it from the start, it turned out that Ava was physically stronger than he thought. Cleon stood back up and prepared, his face looked more serious. Ava smiled a little, it seemed she was enjoying it.

Cleon stepped forward again and unleashed his attack, a rapid succession of blows with both hands. This time Ava looks a little backward, but all of her attacks can be avoided easily by Ava. Ava's body is very good at moving, all movements from Cleon are very easy for Ava to read. After dodging enough of Cleon's attacks, this time Ava tried to counterattack. Ava very easily gave one punch right at Cleon's body, Cleon's body was immediately blown quite far.


Cleon's body fell, he reflexively held his stomach which was hit by Ava. But it felt a little different, he felt a deep pain as if the blow went straight into his internal organs. When the attack almost reached Cleon's reflex to use his defensive magic but it turned out to have a very large effect, it took him quite by surprise.

Cleon tried to get up, but his body was weak and his legs started to tremble. Seeing this Ava immediately approached him and helped him up.

"I think I overdid it," said Ava.

"No, it's just that I'm too weak. Only this time I was able to fall with just one hit," said Cleon while enduring the pain.

"You're pretty good at defending against that attack, for a normal person to be knocked unconscious right away."

"Crazy, you intend to kill me huh?"

"No, the proof is that you are still alive. Hahahaha.."

Cleon and Ava sat back down, Cleon closed his eyes and concentrated on recovering his stomach using his healing magic. But he was quite surprised because the wound in his stomach could not fully heal. Ava who saw Cleon panicked slightly smiled.

"What happen? Is my magic mana still not enough for a wound like this?" asked Cleon in surprise.

"No, the attacks I gave were indeed quite different from ordinary blows. So apart from immobilizing the enemy, the effects of the attack won't recover quickly even if you use high-level healing magic."

"How could that be? So how do you recover quickly?"

"Don't worry, your stomach will recover it just takes a little longer."

"I didn't expect you to be that great, damn I'm still too weak."

"Hahaaa.. you're the one who relies too much on magic power, if you get hit by a direct physical attack, the consequences will be fatal. For that you need a lot of practice."

"It's not wrong that I decided to train here."

"The next training will be much tougher, just watch Grandpa won't hesitate with you."

"Yoshaa!! I'm getting excited!"