
Venus Daughter

In a realm where secrets linger in the shadows, and justice dances on the edge of perception, a name emerges, one rarely spoken—Venus. Accused of a grave crime, he vanished, leaving his reputation shattered. But what if he's innocent? The whispers grow louder, questioning his silence, but the truth hides in the most unexpected places. Aranya, a stranger in a world she struggles to comprehend, is thrust into a web of mysteries she never bargained for. A realm steeped in secrets, where bonds can be a lifeline or a trap. As she navigates this enigmatic landscape, her love life becomes entangled in the drama, and the revelation of shocking truths will shatter perceptions. Prepare to embark on a mesmerizing journey through a world where the past is never truly buried, and every corner holds the promise of revelation. Uncover the truth in this gripping tale, where the bonds of trust and the weight of hidden truths will shape the lives of its characters

peacegeorge · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter Two

The surroundings had this eerie blend of medieval charm and an ancient allure. As Elara led me through this unfamiliar place, I couldn't help but feel like I'd stepped back in time. The clash between the old-world aesthetics and the newness of it all left me awestruck, but I didn't want to bombard Elara with questions. After all, she'd mentioned I was going to meet the mysterious man downstairs, and I was eager to return home soon.

The further we ventured, the more this place felt like an entirely different world. The furnishing and decor carried that unmistakable medieval vibe, yet they gleamed with the fresh glow of novelty. My curiosity burned like a wildfire, but I restrained myself from prying further, keeping in mind my upcoming rendezvous with the enigmatic man and the prospect of returning home.

Finally, Elara and I arrived at an imposing door. Two men, dressed like characters from a medieval fantasy, stood sentinel, and their courteous bows didn't go unnoticed. They promptly swung the massive door open as we approached, revealing a spacious dining room. My feet seemed to halt of their own accord as I took in the mesmerizing tableau.

The people inside were adorned in attire that seemed plucked from history books, and the juxtaposition of old and new left me momentarily speechless. Elara approached a man who looked to be in his late forties, said something to him, and he, the same man who had escorted me, walked toward me.

"Welcome, let's have lunch," he said, extending his hand with a friendly smile. Still dazed, I managed a hesitant smile. "It feels like I've been transported three hundred years back in time; I'm not quite sure what's happening."

He continued to smile and offered his hand, which I took, and he led me to a chair beside him. I greeted the elderly man and the lady seated beside me with a friendly nod.

As the man proceeded to serve portions of the meals spread across the table, I couldn't contain my curiosity any longer. "What happened?" I blurted out. "Why did you bring me here?"

For a brief moment, he paused, but then he continued eating, seemingly ignoring my questions. My frustration mounted, and I pressed on, "What's your name at least?"

With measured calmness, he replied, "Dairon," before returning to his meal. I was growing more and more frustrated. "Are you really going to ignore me? At least, I should know what happened to me and why I'm here," I demanded.

The others at the table stopped eating, their attention now focused on me. "Aranya," the woman spoke softly, and I felt a twinge of unease. "How do you know my name?" I asked, my voice quivering.

Their responses left me more bewildered than ever, and a sense of dread washed over me. My questions were deflected, and as I mulled over my own foolishness in this situation, my mind raced through various scenarios.

"I'm going home," I asserted, determined to leave this bewildering place. The door opened before me, and someone interjected, "You're far from home. You can't get back right now; you're in a different place. This is where immortals reside."

The person who spoke entered, hands tucked nonchalantly behind his back, and I struggled to grapple with the shocking revelation. "I'm in a place where immortals stay," echoed incessantly in my mind. This couldn't be real, and my mind resisted accepting the truth.

My frustration boiled over, and I directed my pent-up questions at Dairon. "This must be some kind of joke, right? Just know it isn't funny," I asserted, my voice quivering.

"That wasn't the answer I was looking for. Why am I here?" I implored. The room held an air of tension, and the man who had just entered seemed oblivious to my plight, preoccupied with his own meal.

It was the woman who spoke up, sighing deeply as she set her fork down. The man observed me while the newcomer appeared uninterested in my inquiries. "I'm waiting," I stated in an annoyed tone, arms folded.

The woman guided me back to my seat and also took her place at the table. "I'm in a place where immortals stay," continued to replay in my thoughts. It was surreal, and I couldn't shake the feeling that this was some sort of elaborate prank.

"Eat first, and then I'll tell you what you want to know," the woman advised, offering a warm smile. Reluctantly, I picked up my fork, unable to shake the unease. After all, these people were strangers, and I couldn't help but wonder if I should be concerned about being poisoned.

The elderly man watched me with an intent gaze as he continued to savor his meal. The man who had just entered seemed lost in his own thoughts, paying no heed to the situation. The woman was clearly the most concerned and seemed the most willing to provide answers.

Summoning my courage, I took a bite of the meal, though the taste did little to dispel my doubts. A tender touch on my shoulder from the lady offered a measure of comfort, and I wiped my mouth with a napkin.

"I suppose you want to know where you are?" the woman inquired, and I nodded, my voice shaky. Anxiety had a firm grip on me, and I wondered about the answers I would receive. "Aranya, that's a lovely name. Do you know what it means?" the woman asked, her smile soft and empathetic.

I admitted my ignorance about the name's meaning, my thoughts drifting to my parents. I felt a surge of sadness as I thought about them, having never had the chance to ask them about it.

The woman continued, "I know the meaning, but before that, let me tell you about this place." My curiosity piqued, I pondered the revelations that lay ahead.

"Does it have anything to do with what he said?" I inquired, my voice quivering. Tension hung in the air, and my heart raced as I contemplated the answers I was about to receive.

"That's what I want to tell you. What he said is true. You're in Valmore, a place different from Earth. This place belongs to immortals. This is our home, and humans can't live here. They can't survive here for even a few seconds," the woman revealed.

My world teetered on the edge of disbelief as I looked at Dairon, tears forming in my eyes before cascading down my cheeks. He nodded, confirming the unsettling truth, and I struggled to come to terms with the dizzying notion that I might not be human.

Having lived most of my life on Earth, this revelation was a seismic shift in my understanding of reality. I felt overwhelmed, my thoughts spinning, and the room started to blur and fade into darkness as my world crumbled.