
Venture to Breathe

So you think it's heaven or hell afterlife? +++ Zaddie was tired of her life. She's a fighter, yes. But everyone have their limit and she just reached it. She was so tired she wanted to rest forever-well, that's what she thought. Until after she welcome death. She woke up in a new World called Ludovia. A world you can only enter through death. She thought she'll finally rest but she couldn't help to discover and be amazed by her new surrounding. And as she stays there, She was oblivious that she became closer to Danger; And like the goal of Ludovia, Zaddie set her minset to a mission; that no matter what happened, she'll have a better life after. But throughout her adventure, she never thought that she will ever question hope, love and honesty.

YatiJadeCollins · Fantasy
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4 Chs

A glimpse

"Oh, poor, Zaddie. You shouldn't have experienced that!" She kust told the man how she died and this was his reaction.

She hated it. The pity on his eyes. She doesn't want people looking at her like that even though she's vulnerable. She'd better take bullying that being pitied.

"Don't pity on me." She tried to sigh but there's no air circulating in her lungs. She instantly placed her hand above her chest. It's  moving; it's beating. 

"Weird, isn't it?" She looked at him. "We have heartbeat but no breath." He caught her hand but she flinched and moved it away. He smiled reassuringly at her and tried to hold her again but this time, she didn't resist. He brought her hands to his cheeks and guide her to touched him. "And we're warm... Still warm."

Suddenly, a bell rang.

Then a man in white tux stood at the center.

"Welcome to afterlife, Wayfarers!"