

'Looks like luck is smiling on me' I said as I walked towards a store "Excuse me please do you buy phones from people" I asked "Yes but they have to be new" the man said then I brought out the phone with me I already deleted all the irrelevant things and I removed the sim 'At least they know how to keep their phones good' I thought "They are good but I don't have that much right now but let's see maybe 4.5millon will be enough I don't have much and they are all expensive so that is the amount I can offer" the man said then I smiled "It's more than enough" I gave him one of the kidnappers bank account then I checked the phone with me I did not sell the boss phone because I knew that was where my so called family sent the money after I was was sure it entered I went to somewhere and withdraw the money from all their account I went to different places so that no one would suspect me I started searching for a house then I found a small but beautiful apartment and luckily for me the person was just leaving "Excuse me"I said stopping the person "Please I the house for sale" i asked "Yes"the lady answered "Please how much is it" I asked.

"500,000 dollars" the woman said and I smiled 'looks like I have so much luck with me' I thought.

"Please can you bring the papers now I don't have anything to stay so can we start with the payment" I said and the woman smile I paid the woman and after reading the papers I signed it we did everything needed and finally the house belongs to me I got in "it looks so nice at least the only thing I need to worry about is food and clothes" I said and checked the Time their was still time before the Stores start closing I hurried and went to the nearest cloth store I bought some clothes before going to some other stores to buy some food stuff 'I still need to buy a new phone' I thought to myself and went to the buy it, by the time I got home I was so tired as soon as I lay down on the couch I felt my self losing consciousness.

The next day

"Ouch"I felt my head splitting into two I quickly ran to the bathroom and washed my face at least it reduced the headache I went into the kitchen and made tea for myself.

"I am so damn tired"I said while turning on the TV

" We are now with the famous multi-billionaire Henry Arthur" the reporter said.

"Mr.Arthur I heard you're building a new company"

"Yes" the man called Henry Arthur replied.

"Mr. Arthur I heard you're dating Miss Anastasia we want you to confirm this for your fans so that we will all know who the next Mrs. Arthur is" the reporter said.

"I don't like involving my personal matter with business matters and I believe this meeting is for business matters and not personal matters"He replied coldly.

"Damn he sure is cold" I said

"Of course, so moving on what plans do you have for this new company because as far as we all know you are already so popular and into most businesses" the reporter asked