

## MATURE CONTENT! ## It's not some regular mafia story you will read. The plot is little different from others. Two almost lost soul will find love in each other through war, hatred, betrayal, bullying and many more while saving themselves and their close ones from enemies. On a fine morning, Charlie Zaffino, the most popular kid of his university, got interested in a weird nerd girl. A boy was bullying that nerd. But what got Charlies attention was the nerds calmness even in that bullying situation. The girl was not like random nerds who are afraid. There was something in her aura that was attracting Charlie. Of course he didn't save the girl because he himself is a bully too. " You are not what you are showing little nerdy. Now you have got my attention. I'll find what are you hiding behind that calmness," Charlie thought. " Only Undocile can save our heirs." " But why will Venom help us? We are not in aligns." " We have to beg for help to the Emperor or Venom otherwise our heirs will be killed." "Venom, I beg you. Please leave me this time. I'll obey your every word in future. Don't kill me." Venom started laughing sarcastically. Then said in a octave lower voice, " Once a betrayer is always a betrayer dear. There is no place for a betrayer in UNDOCILE." saying that she shot the man standing in front of her.

Soulmate2023 · Urban
Not enough ratings
258 Chs

PART 125

" Thought of giving you a little shower Barbie girl." He said smirking. Aurora crossed her hands over her chest as her skin was showing.

Another boy took her plate and smashed that on the floor. Aurora stood up and ran out of the area and came to the store room she was provided.

But she realized the situation of the room. She again changed her dress, wore a mask and cleaned the room to make it livable. She was really hungry but she thought of waiting for dinner. She was tired and thought of taking nap. But as soon as she was going to sleep someone knocked on the door.

Aurora opened the door and found a guard looking at her boringly. He handed her a paper.

" It's your daily schedule and go to the library. It's your study session. Remember the schedule properly and go for your session Miss. by yourself. No one will come to call you." saying that he went away.

Aurora sighed. She looked at the schedule and found out that it was their weapon study session. She was glad cause she was good in this area. She kept the schedule and went outside towards the library.

The study session went well. But Aurora made the boys furious. As Aurora is quite bright as a student she learnt everything fast and the master was quite impressed with it but he didn't show it to her. But the boys understood it. They were having a hard time understanding those things. They couldn't even differentiate between normal guns but Aurora was doing it without any struggle and that made them angry. They decided to teach her a lesson at dinner.

Aurora was happy that she had went through the first day. But she didn't know what those boys were going to do to her. Aurora went to the dining area. She took her plate. She was really hungry. She quietly sat in one corner without disturbing anyone. But the boys had another plan. As soon as Aurora was about to take her first bite a boy came and pusher her plate off the table. Another one gripped Auroras hair and made her look at him. Aurora groaned in pain.

" Little bitch trying to show your smartness huh?" He spatted.

" Leave me please." Aurora said with struggle.

That boy banged Auroras head on the table. Aurora teared up in pain.

" Leave you? After you have made us look like a fool there? Listen bitch we are tolerating you. Don't get on our nerves. Or we will kill you silently with huge pain and hide your body in such place that your dad even won't be able to find you." The boy said pushing more on Aurora. Aurora silently tolerated everything. The boy let her go.

Aurora sat up slowly crying.

" Pathetic bitch! Only knows how to cry." Another one scoffed.

Aurora looked at her food on the floor. She knew they won't give her food twice.

She was really hungry. She stood up and looked at the boy.

" What wrong did I do? I have come here to take the training just like all of you. Why are you this bitter to me?" Aurora asked while crying.

That boy didn't feel an ounce of guiltiness rather what he did was inhuman. He slapped Aurora hard. Aurora fell down on the floor.

" Look the difference between you and us. We won't even budge if a bull hit us but you just fell down by a mere slap. Do you think you deserve that heir position? We are fighting days after days just for that throne and you think you can have it just like that and we will let you do that?. No way!" He shouted.

Another boy crouched down and grasped Auroras hair and pulled her to stand up. Aurora closed her eyes in pain and tried to remove that boys hand but failed.

" Listen weakling, Don't show off your smartness again or else we will surely kill you. Don't try to get in our way. We know how to swipe away dirts like you. Dare to do well in tasks and you are doomed." saying that he again pushed her but this time Aurora controlled herself not to fell down. They scoffed and went to eat their food. Aurora took a glance at her food and sighed. She went back to the room while crying.

" What I'm going to do? If I don't do well, how will I face dad and master? But if I do well they will torture me even more. God, what should I do?" She mumbled to herself. She drank water and went to sleep. She didn't have a bite of food the whole day. She was dying in hunger but she knew she had to cope up with hunger if she wanted to survive here. She had to be strong for her dad. He had put all of his faith in her and she must prove herself. Thinking all these she fell asleep.

It was 4 am, early in the morning. It was their exercise time. All of them went to the exercise area. Aurora was feeling lightheaded as she didn't eat anything previous day. All of them were exercising but Aurora was failing miserably. Everyone noticed that and smirked.

" What is this? Why are you not concentrated?" The master shouted at Aurora. Aurora flinched hearing that.

" I'm sorry master." saying that she again tried to concentrate on the exercise.

But she was having a hard time coping with the intense exercise. Soon she lost her sense and fell down.

" Look master how weak this girl is! She has come to take training and can't even survive a day." A boy scoffed but none of them came to help her. The master called one of his guards and ordered him to take Aurora to the medical room.

The boys kept doing their exercise.

" Your plan of not letting her eat was good. Master will surely throw her away realizing how weak she is!" A boy said to another and they all chuckled. The master was far away from them but he heard everything. He didn't tell them anything but proceeded towards the medical room.