
Vengeful Regressor: The Hero Must Die

What would you do if you gained the opportunity to exert revenge on your worst enemy? What would you do if you had a second chance to correct the mistakes of your past? Luke had gained such an opportunity and with that chance given to him, he swore to complished a singular purpose: "The Hero must die by my hands." That was his oath. —–– Disclaimer: Cover is not mine and belongs solely to the artist

Ezel_ · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Awakening (3)

Chapter 12 – Awakening (3)

I had met Lauren in the past under different circumstances but this time around, I met her even earlier than I did then. Perhaps, this was due to the fact that I was altering my current present bit by bit.

Picking up the subtle changes in the events of my life now that differed from the former one, I realised something.

I realised that at this stage, these changes were almost unnoticeable unless I paid close attention and then, the only person responsible for causing them was me.

It was more like an action and reaction kind of thing.

In my past life, I had not made this move of going to the gym. I had joined the gym but that was much later.

This time around, I entered the gym earlier and definitely a change was going to happen as the events of my present would proceed along the path my actions created.

I would meet people that I never met at this point in my previous life and it was simply because I had deviated from the already established script of that previous life.

Hmm. I noted it. It was subtle but not to be taken for granted.

If it was nuanced right now, there was no law saying that they would not be massive and impactful in the future. After all, I was going to alter an event and end that had already happened.

As I looked at the beautiful Lauren in front of me, these were the thoughts that bombarded my mind until I felt an unnatural calm inside my spirit.

My heart quietened and I acted less awkward as I had pretended to be.

I glanced a bit to my right to see her hand touch my arm as she addressed me.

"...you seem like you are lost or something."

No way!

No way that was not her ability!

I'm sure it was.

I was not so naive to not realise what was going on here. However, I played it cool.

I had to.

If I overreacted, Lauren might suspect something about it or begin to make certain assumptions that would deter me, maybe now or in the future. She was a smart arse and I couldn't take that risk with her.

Certainly, it would be unexpected for a recruit, like myself, to have guessed and deciphered that her skill was in play, especially given how smoothly she executed it.

I chuckled inwardly. 'Impressive! No wonder she's considered to be one of the three prodigies of the Second Years.'

I was indeed impressed with her.

Had I not known what her skill was, there was no way I would have guessed that I had fallen under her control already.

Now, I had to find a way to break free because the more it lingered, the deeper one would fall into it until there was no return.

All these thoughts and analyses happened in seconds of course.

Just as she had finished speaking, I jerked backwards, my sudden backward motion instantly severing the connection between us as I was released from contact with her.

I gazed into her eyes, forcing my countenance to express shock, timidity and mild fear of her person.

"He-Hello!" I shouted in an exaggerated greeting, my voice drawing even more attention to the both of us as I bowed slightly in deference to her.

With the amount of attention that was focused on us, even Lauren Austraborn would tread carefully and not use her ability anyhow.

After I had greeted her, I lifted my face and scratched the back of my head awkwardly, my eyes darting around the hall to avoid her gaze.

"Yes. Kinda," I replied with a chuckle. "I'm new here. I'm looking for the First Year section."

"Ah! You are a First Year?" Lauren let out, her face bubbling with excitement like she was happy to see me or something.

I nodded my head in agreement.

She smiled at me and then pointed a finger upward. "It's upstairs," she said. "Shouldn't be difficult to find. But…"

Before I knew it, she had come so close to me that we had skin-to-skin contact and her hand covered her mouth as she whispered.

"...don't go above one floor. For your own good. That floor is strictly for the Instructors. You get that?"

Of course, I knew what everyone was wary of. It was good that she warned me about it but I already knew that. Nonetheless, I had not made up my mind if I was willing to take the risk or not since it was a fifty-fifty gamble.

Either I paid heavily for trespassing or I am pardoned for my ignorance and let off just this one time.

As Lauren spoke to me, one could feel the serious concern in her voice and from that, it was obvious that what existed above the First Year Hall was menacing.

That was the Hall for the Instructors in the gym. Of course, it would be menacing.

If a mere stare from two Instructors could cause a fellow recruit to go unconscious and seizure, how much more finding one's self in the presence of many others like this?


I involuntarily shivered at the thought.

Lauren, who assumed herself to be my source of such crucial information, smiled and clicked her tongue in a concerning manner.

"But don't sweat it. If you steer clear of them, you will be fine."

"Thank you, Miss—?"

As I feigned clueless towards her name, I noticed the change in her expression. Whether it was a shock or mild annoyance, I couldn't tell which one exactly. However, I had done that to make a statement.

Lauren was used to getting attention within the Cube wherever she was. It was like she was a celebrity and everyone knew her. So to this kind of person, who happens to be a top student as well, a mere recruit not knowing her name was striking.

I needed her to remember me for the time when we would attempt a Dungeon Raid.

Lauren furrowed her brows slightly. As much as she tried to play it cool, I knew it was a tad concerning that I didn't know who she was.

"You don't know who I am?" she asked, trying to clear the air and confirm if I truly didn't.

I scratched my cheek and smiled. "I'm sorry if I don't, Miss. It's our first time meeting each other, isn't it?"

"Even from the posters?" she persisted, striking different poses that were similar to the ones she took in the posters that were glued to different walls within the Training Facility.

"I don't really look at those. Too flashy. Moreover, I think of them as clout chasing."

As I said this, I watched Lauren's face pale and turn sickly as she lowered her head slightly. She finally gave up and introduced herself to me.

"I'm Lauren Austraborn. Class President of the Second Year Class," she said with her hand extended to shake me.

'Tch. Not the hand,' I snorted inwardly.

Ignoring the handshake, I immediately bowed to avoid making contact with her.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Laura!"

Lauren's vessel nearly popped open at this point and the muscles of her face severely twitched as she tried to hold in her anger.

"It's Lauren," she corrected me, slight annoyance laced into her voice.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Lauren," I repeated. "I have to go now. Thank you."

"What is your name?"


She shot me an unsatisfied stare.


"Lucas. Lucas Enstar," I answered again, feeling a reaching sensation in my guts as I called out the full thing.

"I will keep it in my mind."

'Of course, you will,' I thought to myself.

Leaving her behind, I rushed up the flight of stairs that led to the Hall of First Years.

'That kid,' Lauren thought. A short laughter escaped her lips a moment later.

Lauren didn't realise but she had taken three steps forward, in the direction that Luke had walked as if she wanted to go after him.

She didn't know it. Her body was instinctively reacting to the recruit who had managed to pique her interest in some way.